51 research outputs found

    Control of a single-particle localization in open quantum systems

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    We investigate the possibility to control localization properties of the asymptotic state of an open quantum system with a tunable synthetic dissipation. The control mechanism relies on the matching between properties of dissipative operators, acting on neighboring sites and specified by a single control parameter, and the spatial phase structure of eigenstates of the system Hamiltonian. As a result, the latter coincide (or near coincide) with the dark states of the operators. In a disorder-free Hamiltonian with a flat band, one can either obtain a localized asymptotic state or populate whole flat and/or dispersive bands, depending on the value of the control parameter. In a disordered Anderson system, the asymptotic state can be localized anywhere in the spectrum of the Hamiltonian. The dissipative control is robust with respect to an additional local dephasing.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Localization in open quantum systems

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    In an isolated single-particle quantum system a spatial disorder can induce Anderson localization. Being a result of interference, this phenomenon is expected to be fragile in the face of dissipation. Here we show that dissipation can drive a disordered system into a steady state with tunable localization properties. This can be achieved with a set of identical dissipative operators, each one acting non-trivially only on a pair of neighboring sites. Operators are parametrized by a uniform phase, which controls selection of Anderson modes contributing to the state. On the microscopic level, quantum trajectories of a system in a localized steady regime exhibit intermittent dynamics consisting of long-time sticking events near selected modes interrupted by jumps between them.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Formation of the oxide coating on the titanium surface by multipulse femtosecond laser irradiation

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    The effect of the femtosecond laser irradiation on the formation of oxide layers on the surface of a commercially pure titanium VT1-0 was studied. The methods of X-ray analysis, scanning electron and transmission electron microscopies were used to study the structural and phase state of oxide layers. As a result of the femtosecond laser irradiation, the porous multi-phase nanocrystalline oxide coating with a thickness of 50 µm is formed on the titanium surfac

    The formation of oxide layers on a titanium surface by irradiation with femtosecond laser pulses

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    By subjecting technical grade titanium to irradiation with femtosecond laser pulses with highenergy density, we create a microporous nanocrystalline oxide layer with a thickness of ∼50 μm on its surface. The structure and phase composition of the modified surface layers are studied using X-ray diffraction and high-resolution scanning and transmission electron microscopie

    Socio-Ecological Inequality in the Context of the Problem of Waste Disposal

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    The problem of waste disposal is one of the most acute for modern cities. The increasing population density, the widespread use of plastics and similar materials, as well as the formation of consumer culture have led to the fact that garbage is becoming one of the sources of environmental pollution and the spread of diseases. In the article, based on the methods of secondary data analysis and comparative analysis, the features of socio-ecological inequality in the context of waste disposal are considered. The problems of environmental pollution are analyzed as one of the sources of social conflicts, including in modern Russian society. In addition, the authors pay attention to changes in the garbage legislation, coming into force in 2019, and the social consequences of these innovations. The article analyzes the possibilities and limitations of sorting garbage by citizens, discusses ways to solve the problem.Проблема утилизации отходов является одной из наиболее острых для современных городов. Возрастающая плотность населения, повсеместное использование пластика и подобных материалов, а также формирование потребительской культуры привели к тому, что мусор становится одним из источников загрязнения окружающей среды и распространения заболеваний. В статье на основе методов вторичного анализа данных и сравнительного анализа рассматриваются особенности социально-экологического неравенства в контексте утилизации отходов. Проблемы загрязнения окружающей среды анализируются как один из источников социальных конфликтов, в том числе в современном российском обществе. Кроме того, авторы уделяют внимание изменениям в мусорном законодательстве, вступающим в силу в 2019 году, и социальным последствиям этих нововведений. В статье анализируются возможности и ограничения сортировки мусора гражданами, рассматриваются способы решения проблемы.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ, проект «Новые формы социального неравенства и особенности их проявления в современной России», № 18-011-01106


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    The article is devoted to the International scientific conference in interdisciplinary poverty research held at the University of Salzburg. The focus theme of the Conference was the study of the relationship between the problem of poverty and religion.Материал посвящен международной научной конференции по междисциплинарным исследованиям бедности, состоявшейся в Университете Зальцбурга. Главной темой конференции стало изучение взаимосвязи проблемы бедности и религии


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    The article analyses two reports of the international organizations dedicated to the problem of social inequality in a global scale. It distinguishes the main issues and the main conclusions of the reports formulated by experts; it also considers the factors of social inequality and its basic forms. The article presents main features of social inequality in Russia on the basis of these reports. It analyses peculiarities of Russian inequality and the data on Russian citizens inclusion into the global elite and into the global middle class. В статье анализируются два доклада международных организаций, в которых рассматриваются проблемы социального неравенства в глобальном масштабе. В статье выделены ключевые положения докладов, приведены основные выводы, сформулированные экспертами, рассмотрены факторы социального неравенства и его основные формы. На основе указанных докладов в статье представлены основные характеристики социального неравенства в России, рассмотрена специфика неравенства и данные о включенности россиян в глобальную элиту и средний класс.

    Influence of the Mo₁₀Ni₃C₃B phase on the hardness and fracture toughness of Mo-Ni-C-B cermet: experimental and theoretical study

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    We obtained the decreasing of hardness and comparable values of the fracture toughness of Mo₂NiB₂‑Ni cermets due to the formation of Mo₁₀Ni₃C3B phase. To understand the effect of the Mo₁₀Ni₃C₃B phase on the mechanical properties of the cermet, first-principles calculations were applied to investigate the elastic, electronic, and thermodynamic properties of this phas

    Isostatic Hot Pressed W–Cu Composites with Nanosized Grain Boundaries: Microstructure, Structure and Radiation Shielding Efficiency against Gamma Rays

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    Abstract: The W–Cu composites with nanosized grain boundaries and high effective density were fabricated using a new fast isostatic hot pressing method. A significantly faster method was proposed for the formation of W–Cu composites in comparison to the traditional ones. The influence of both the high temperature and pressure conditions on the microstructure, structure, chemical composition, and density values were observed. It has been shown that W–Cu samples have a polycrystalline well-packed microstructure. The copper performs the function of a matrix that surrounds the tungsten grains. The W–Cu composites have mixed bcc-W (sp. gr. Im 3 m) and fcc-Cu (sp. gr. Fm 3 m) phases. The W crystallite sizes vary from 107 to 175 nm depending on the sintering conditions. The optimal sintering regimes of the W–Cu composites with the highest density value of 16.37 g/cm3 were determined. Tungsten–copper composites with thicknesses of 0.06–0.27 cm have been fabricated for the radiation protection efficiency investigation against gamma rays. It has been shown that W–Cu samples have a high shielding efficiency from gamma radiation in the 0.276–1.25 MeV range of energies, which makes them excellent candidates as materials for radiation protection. © 2022 by the authorsLicensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: 075-15-2020-926Funding: M.V.S. acknowledges financial support from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation within the framework of state support for the creation and development of World-Class Research Centers “Digital Biodesign and Personalized Healthcare” No. 075-15-2020-926

    Семеноводство сортов томата, предназначенных для многоярусных гидропонных конструкций: первые шаги

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    Relevance. Vegetable seed production is a key step in using of new varieties/hybrids in agriculture. The main problem of vegetable seed production is the negative effect of environment to the seed productivity of plants and seeds quality. Usually, vegetable seeds produce in greenhouses in Russia, but special greenhouses are necessary for the obtaining of qualitative seeds. Possibilities different types of greenhouses for seed production of new special tomato varieties for multi circle hydroponics have been studied at this paper.Materials and methods. Materials of study: plants, fruits and seeds of two new tomato varieties Natasha and Timosha. Influence type of plants cultivation on the yield, plant productivity, the middle mass of the fruit and seeds quality have been studied at the two factorial experiment, which has been carried out with help of random repetitions method with 4 repeats. Seed quality has been evaluated by GOST 32 592-2013. Experimental data have been calculated with dispersion analysis by B.A. Dospekhov (1985).Results. It has been established, that the environment of “Rishel” greenhouse (France firm “Rishel”) with polycarbonate cover is optimal for the seed production of new tomato varieties Natasha and Timosha for multi circle hydroponics. The productivity and the yield of seed’s plants were significantly higher in “Rishel” greenhouse, than in the usual greenhouse. The middle mass of one fruit at the plant was significantly higher too. The quality of seeds was in accordance to GOST 32 592-2013 for qualitative tomato seeds (2014).Актуальность. Семеноводство овощных культур – ключевой этап внедрения новых сортов/гибридов в производство, основная проблема которого – негативное влияние внешней среды на семенную продуктивность растений и качество семян. Для получения качественных семян овощных культур используют защищённый грунт, но не любое культивационное сооружение подходит для этих целей. В статье анализируются возможности культивационных сооружений разного типа для семеноводства новых сортов томата, предназначенных для многоярусных гидропонных конструкций.Материалы и методы. Материалом исследований служили новые сорта томата Наташа и Тимоша. Влияние условий культивирования растений на урожайность, продуктивность, среднюю массу плода и всхожесть семян разных сортов томата оценили в двухфакторном эксперименте, проведённом методом рендомизированных повторений, в 4-х кратной повторности. Лабораторную всхожесть семян определяли по ГОСТ 32 592-2013. Данные экспериментов обрабатывали с помощью двухфакторного дисперсионного анализа по Б.А. Доспехову (1985).Результаты исследований. Установлено, что условия теплицы французской фирмы «Ришель» с поликарбонатным типом покрытия являются оптимальными для ведения семеноводства новых сортов томата Наташа и Тимоша, предназначенных для многоярусных гидропонных конструкций. Продуктивность и урожайность семенных растений, выращенных в теплице «Ришель», была существенно выше, чем у семенных растений, выращенных в плёночной теплице. Значимо выше была и средняя масса плода. Всхожесть семян, выращенных в теплице «Ришель», существенно выше и соответствует ГОСТ 32592-2013 для сортовых семян томата (2014)