15 research outputs found

    The limit of mass determination with an AFM cantilever-based system

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    This study was performed in the framework of the Program for Basic Research of State Academies of Sciences for 2013-2020. Shumov I.D. is a recipient of Russian Federation President scholarship for young scientists for 2016-2018 (project identificator SP-4280.2016.4)

    Magnetron sputtering deposition of ultra-thin tungsten coatings onto amorphous graphite for enhancement of horseradish peroxidase adsorption

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    The present study was performed in the framework of the Program for Basic Research of State Academies of Sciences for 2013-2020

    Коррекция микробиоценоза, физиологических процессов организма поросят при интенсивной технологии выращивания

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    The authors presented the results of a study of the feed additive’s effect on the gastrointestinal tract’s microflora, hematological, biochemical, and production indicators of piglets of the technological group 0-1 month of the Large White breed, Landrace, and Duroc. For the experiment, the authors formed two groups of animals - experimental and control. Piglets of the experimental group were fed with Bimulak Pre feed additive from the 2nd to the 15th day of life. Animals of the experimental group were on the usual diet and did not receive the feed additive. As a result of studies, a positive effect of feed additive Bimulak Pre on enterobiocenosis of the gastrointestinal tract of piglets, hematological and biochemical parameters of blood, and production performance. After the application, the feed additive helps increase the amount of beneficial microflora (bifidobacteria and lactobacilli) while reducing lactose-negative variants of Escherichia coli, staphylococci, and yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida in the intestine. Using the analysis of hematological and biochemical parameters, the authors found that the number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin slightly increased in the experimental group of piglets. In addition, the total number of incremental cytes decreases, the total protein content increases, and the glucose level decrease compared to the check. The use of the additive with the essential diet leads to a reduction in the mortality of piglets, increased preservation of young stock, and an increase in average daily live weight gain and average weight at weaning.Представлены результаты исследования влияния кормовой добавки на микрофлору желудочно-кишечного тракта, гематологические, биохимические и производственные показатели поросят технологической группы 0–1 месяц крупной белой породы, ландрас и дюрок. Для проведения эксперимента были сформированы две группы животных – опытная и контрольная. Поросятам опытной группы в рацион вводили кормовую добавку Бимулак Пре со 2-го по 15-й день жизни. Животные опытной группы находились на обычном рационе и кормовую добавку не получали. В результате проведенных исследований установлено положительное влияние кормовой добавки Бимулак Пре на энтеробиоценоз желудочно-кишечного тракта поросят, гематологические и биохимические показатели крови, а также производственные показатели. Кормовая добавка, после курса применения, способствует увеличению количества полезной микрофлоры (бифидо- и лактобактерий) при одновременном уменьшении лактозонегативных вариантов кишечной палочки, стафилококков и дрожжеподобных грибов рода Candida в кишечнике. Анализ гематологических и биохимических показателей показал, что в опытной группе поросят незначительно увеличивается количество эритроцитов и гемоглобина, снижается количество лейкоцитов, возрастает содержание общего белка и уменьшается уровень глюкозы по сравнению с контролем. Применение добавки вместе с основным рационом приводит к снижению падежа поросят, повышению сохранности поголовья молодняка, увеличению среднесуточного прироста живой массы и средней массы при отъеме

    Combination of atomic force microscopy and mass spectrometry for the target protein in the serum samples of children with autism spectrum disorders

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    Показана возможность детекции целевых белков, ассоциированных с развитием аутистических расстройств у детей, с помощью комбинированного метода АСМ/МС. Метод основан на комбинации аффинного обогащения белков из биообразцов, их АСМ-визуализации и МС-анализе с количественной детекцией целевых белков.Possibility of detection of target proteins associated with development of autistic disorders in children with use of combined AFM/MS method is demonstrated. The proposed method is based on the combination of affine enrichment of proteins from biological samples, visualization of these proteins by AFM and MS analysis with quantitative detection of target proteins.Работа выполнена при поддержке гранта РНФ 14-25-00132. Шумов И.Д. является получателем стипендии Президента РФ молодым ученым и аспирантам, осуществляющим перспективные научные исследования и разработки по приоритетным направлениям модернизации российской экономики на 2016-2018 годы (СП-4280.2016.4)

    Mass Spectrometric Identification of Proteins Enhanced by the Atomic Force Microscopy Immobilization Surface

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    An approach to highly-sensitive mass spectrometry detection of proteins after surface-enhanced concentrating has been elaborated. The approach is based on a combination of mass spectrometry and atomic force microscopy to detect target proteins. (1) Background: For this purpose, a technique for preliminary preparation of molecular relief surfaces formed as a result of a chemical or biospecific concentration of proteins from solution was developed and tested on several types of chip surfaces. (2) Methods: mass spectrometric identification of proteins using trailing detectors: ion trap, time of flight, orbital trap, and triple quadrupole. We used the electrospray type of ionization and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization. (3) Results: It is shown that when using locally functionalized atomically smooth surfaces, the sensitivity of the mass spectrometric method increases by two orders of magnitude as compared with measurements in solution. Conclusions: It has been demonstrated that the effective concentration of target proteins on specially prepared surfaces increases the concentration sensitivity of mass spectrometric detectors—time-of-flight, ion trap, triple quadrupole, and orbital ion trap in the concentration range from up to 10−15 M

    Virus Diseases of Vegetable and Melon Crops in the South of the Russian Far East

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    Aim. The development of an inventory of phytoviruses affecting vegetable and melon crops in the South of the Russian Far East.Discussion. On the basis of many years of original research, carried out on a regular basis by the Laboratory of Virology (Federal Scientific Centre of East Asia Biodiversity, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences) since 1962 as well as available data in the literature, information about the symptoms of diseases, circulation, reserve plants and vectors are presented for the alfalfa mosaic virus (Bromoviridae, Alfamovirus); tomato aspermy virus and cucumber mosaic virus (Bromoviridae, Cucumovirus); cauliflower mosaic virus (Caulimoviridae, Caulimovirus); garlic mosaic virus (Potyviridae, Carlavirus); tobacco etch virus, allium yellow dwarf virus, bean yellow mosaic virus, watermelon mosaic virus 2, turnip mosaic virus and bean common mosaic virus (Potyviridae, Potyvirus); radish mosaic virus (Picornavirales, Secoviridae, Comovirus); tobacco ringspot virus (Picornavirales, Secoviridae, Nepo-virus); cucumber green mottle mosaic virus, tobacco mosaic virus and tomato mosaic virus (Virgaviridae, Tobamovirus).Conclusion. The information presented forms the basis for the development of a set of diagnostic test systems for phytovirus diseases of vegetable and melon crops; a necessary element of activities directed to the improvement of food productivity and security of the Russian Federation in the Far East

    A novel preliminary metabolomic panel for IHD diagnostics and pathogenesis

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    Abstract Cardiovascular disease (CVD) represents one of the main causes of mortality worldwide and nearly a half of it is related to ischemic heart disease (IHD). The article represents a comprehensive study on the diagnostics of IHD through the targeted metabolomic profiling and machine learning techniques. A total of 112 subjects were enrolled in the study, consisting of 76 IHD patients and 36 non-CVD subjects. Metabolomic profiling was conducted, involving the quantitative analysis of 87 endogenous metabolites in plasma. A novel regression method of age-adjustment correction of metabolomics data was developed. We identified 36 significantly changed metabolites which included increased cystathionine and dimethylglycine and the decreased ADMA and arginine. Tryptophan catabolism pathways showed significant alterations with increased levels of serotonin, intermediates of the kynurenine pathway and decreased intermediates of indole pathway. Amino acid profiles indicated elevated branched-chain amino acids and increased amino acid ratios. Short-chain acylcarnitines were reduced, while long-chain acylcarnitines were elevated. Based on these metabolites data, machine learning algorithms: logistic regression, support vector machine, decision trees, random forest, and gradient boosting, were used for IHD diagnostic models. Random forest demonstrated the highest accuracy with an AUC of 0.98. The metabolites Norepinephrine; Xanthurenic acid; Anthranilic acid; Serotonin; C6-DC; C14-OH; C16; C16-OH; GSG; Phenylalanine and Methionine were found to be significant and may serve as a novel preliminary panel for IHD diagnostics. Further studies are needed to confirm these findings