407 research outputs found

    Polymorphism of RAPD and ISSR markers in grain amaranth species

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    Different molecular genetic markers are effectively used in agricultural genetic selection programs. Genetic markers can be used in commercial breeds certification performance, fast and reliable genotype identification, genetic maps creation, genetics, phylogeny and plant systematic studies, which can accelerate selection, provide effective study and culture genofond maintenance. Amaranth, in this regard, has not been studied well, there is not enough data to effectively perform amaranth marker selection or for the certification of new and existing varieties; there are inaccuracies in the systematization of the crop. Important are the questions about the origin of grain amaranth species and the processes of their evolutionary formation. Amaranth is a pseudo-cereal with a millennia-long history, it has been actively cultivated in many countries around the world in recent decades. A high level of alterability and the formation of a huge number of spontaneous hybrids in natural populations of amaranth significantly complicate the identification of individual genotypes and entire taxonomic units of Amaranthus L. Due to the lack of research and depending on the environmental conditions, the morphological markers of amaranth are not able to provide sufficient genomic information to the breeder; thus it is necessary to search for reliable genetic markers that allow the genetic diversity of the Amaranthus L. species to be studied and effectively maintained. This research includes grain amaranth species DNA polymorphism analysis. Using RAPD and ISSR technologies, 203 loci have been identified, of which 173 appear to be polymorphic, 30 monomorphic (found in all genotypes analyzed) and 13 unique (found only in one genotype). Unique and monomorphic DNA loci can be used as specific genetic markers, in particular, for the certification of breeds, which is especially important for the identification of plant material and plant genetic variability monitoring. A high level of DNA polymorphism was revealed (about 85 %), a genetic relationship between grain amaranth species established, their monophyletic origin theory verified. A. mantegazzianus Passer. was proved to be an A. caudatus L. subspecies

    Reading Backwards: An Advance Retrospective on Russian Literature

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    The 'authors' in the list above are better described as 'contributors'.This is the final published version, also available from Open Book Publishers via the DOI in this record.This edited volume employs the paradoxical notion of ‘anticipatory plagiarism’—developed in the 1960s by the ‘Oulipo’ group of French writers and thinkers—as a mode for reading Russian literature. Reversing established critical approaches to the canon and literary influence, its contributors ask us to consider how reading against linear chronologies can elicit fascinating new patterns and perspectives. Reading Backwards: An Advance Retrospective on Russian Literature re-assesses three major nineteenth-century authors—Gogol, Dostoevsky and Tolstoy—either in terms of previous writers and artists who plagiarized them (such as Raphael, Homer, or Hall Caine), or of their own depredations against later writers (from J.M. Coetzee to Liudmila Petrushevskaia). Far from suggesting that past authors literally stole from their descendants, these engaging essays, contributed by both early-career and senior scholars of Russian and comparative literature, encourage us to identify the contingent and familiar within classic texts. By moving beyond rigid notions of cultural heritage and literary canons, they demonstrate that inspiration is cyclical, influence can flow in multiple directions, and no idea is ever truly original. This book will be of great value to literary scholars and students working in Russian Studies. The introductory discussion of the origins and context of ‘plagiarism by anticipation’, alongside varied applications of the concept, will also be of interest to those working in the wider fields of comparative literature, reception studies, and translation studies

    Паравертебральная блокада при лечении пациентов с закрытой травмой груди

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    The study was conducted in the Thoracoabdominal Department of the N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine to explore the role of paravertebral block in the treatment of blunt chest trauma. The study included 715 patients with isolated chest trauma hospitalized between January 1, 2020 and August 2021. 55 patients received analgesic therapy in the form of paravertebral block. The comparison group included 660 patients who did not undergo paravertebral block, in their case pain relief was provided by systemic administration of analgesics. The compared groups did not differ significantly in sex and age composition. There were also no differences in the frequency of chronic diseases and interpleural complications. There were no significant complications during the block. The comparison revealed a significant decrease in the incidence of pleurisy and a shorter length of stay in hospital. Paravertebral block is an effective and safe method of pain management for patients with blunt chest trauma. The use of this technique reduces the incidence of post-traumatic pleurisy and duration of hospitalization.Исследование проведено в торакоабдоминальном отделении НИИ СП им. Н.В. Склифосовского с целью изучения значения паравертебральной блокады. Было включено 715 пациентов с изолированной травмой груди, госпитализированных в экстренном порядке в период с 1 января 2020 по август 2021 года; 55 пациентов в ходе лечения получили обезболивающую терапию в виде паравертебральной блокады. В группу сравнения включили 660 пациентов, которым не выполняли проводниковую блокаду, обезболивание обеспечивали системным введением анальгетиков. Сравниваемые группы значимо не отличались по половому и возрастному составу. Отличий в частоте хронических заболеваний и интраплевральных осложнений также не было. Значимых осложнений при выполнении блокады не отмечалось. При сравнении выявлено достоверное уменьшение частоты плеврита и более короткое время нахождения в стационаре. Паравертебральная блокада является эффективным и безопасным методом обезболивания пациентов с закрытой травмой груди. Использование этой методики снижает частоту развития посттравматического плеврита и ускоряет выписку больных

    Влияние степени пигментации элементов угла передней камеры на гипотензивную эффективность Трилактана у пациентов с первичной открытоугольной глаукомой

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    PURPOSE: To analyze the influence of the anterior chamber angle pigmentation on the hypotensive effect of 0.005% of Russian latanoprost (Trilactan, “Solopharm”) in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG).METHODS: The study was based on clinical and functional data of 120 patients (150 eyes) aged 42 to 87 years with primary open-angle glaucoma. The early stage of glaucoma was diagnosed in 102 (68%) eyes, moderate — in 36 (24%) eyes, advanced stage — in 12 (8%). Patients were divided into three groups: patients with treatment-naïve glaucoma; patients with a previously diagnosed POAG who received hypotensive therapy (β-blockers, or inhibitors of carbonic anhydrase); patients who received monotherapy with prostaglandin analogues for less than 2 months. Trilactan was administered once a day (at 8 pm). The hypotensive effect was evaluated after 1, 4 and 8 weeks. The observation period lasted 8 weeks.RESULTS: The intraocular pressure reduced by 30% from the baseline level of tonometric intraocular pressure (IOP). On the 4th week of observation the hypotensive effect reached 32%, as an additional drug up to 20%. There was no statistically significant dependence between hypotensive effect and the anterior chamber angle pigmentation grade.CONCLUSION: Trilactan showed hypotensive effect both in monotherapy and in combination with other antihypertensive drugs, comparable to the original drug. The effect of prostaglandin analogues on the condition of the trabecular meshwork, and an improvement of trabecular outflow seem promising for further studies.ЦЕЛЬ. Анализ влияния степени пигментации структур угла передней камеры (УПК) (трабекулярной сети в частности) на гипотензивную эффективность 0,005% российского латанопроста (Трилактан, «Solopharm») у пациентов с первичной открытоугольной глаукомой (ПОУГ).МЕТОДЫ. Клиническое исследование базировалось на оценке клинико-функционального состояния 120 пациентов (150 глаз) в возрасте от 42 до 87 лет с ПОУГ. Начальная стадия глаукомы была диагностирована на 102 (68%) глазах, развитая — на 36 (24%) глазах, далеко зашедшая — на 12 (8%). Пациенты были разделены на три группы: пациенты с впервые выявленной глаукомой, ранее терапию не получавшие; пациенты с ранее уcтановленным диагнозом ПОУГ, получавшие гипотензивную терапию ß-блокаторами либо ингибиторами карбоангидразы (ИКА), но при недостаточном гипотензивном эффекте; пациенты с ранее установленным диагнозом ПОУГ, получавшие монотерапию препаратами АПГ не более 2-х месяцев. Препарат Трилактан назначался 1 раз в сутки на ночь (в 20 часов). Гипотензивный эффект оценивали через 1, 4 и 8 недель. Срок наблюдения составил 8 недель.РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. На фоне 8-недельной монотерапии Трилактаном было отмечено снижение офтальмотонуса с 1-й недели инстилляции до 30% от исходного уровня тонометрического внутриглазного давления (ВГД), в качестве дополнительного препарата — до 20%. Статистически значимой зависимости степени снижения офтальмотонуса от выраженности пигментации структур УПК 0-3 степеней выявлено не было. Однако при выраженной пигментации (4 балла) УПК гипотензивный эффект, выражавшийся в снижении среднего уровня ВГД, был больше, однако разница не оказалась статистически достоверной (p>0,05). Исходный уровень ВГД в данной группе был также более низким.ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ. Исследуемый препарат Трилактан показал хороший гипотензивный эффект, сопоставимый с оригинальным препаратом, как в монотерапии, так и в комбинации с другими гипотензивными препаратами. Статистически значимой зависимости степени снижения офтальмотонуса от выраженности пигментации структур УПК выявлено не было. Влияние аналогов простагландинов на состояние трабекулярной сети и улучшение трабекулярного оттока представляется перспективным для дальнейших исследований

    A Helix Replacement Mechanism Directs Metavinculin Functions

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    Cells require distinct adhesion complexes to form contacts with their neighbors or the extracellular matrix, and vinculin links these complexes to the actin cytoskeleton. Metavinculin, an isoform of vinculin that harbors a unique 68-residue insert in its tail domain, has distinct actin bundling and oligomerization properties and plays essential roles in muscle development and homeostasis. Moreover, patients with sporadic or familial mutations in the metavinculin-specific insert invariably develop fatal cardiomyopathies. Here we report the high resolution crystal structure of the metavinculin tail domain, as well as the crystal structures of full-length human native metavinculin (1,134 residues) and of the full-length cardiomyopathy-associated ΔLeu954 metavinculin deletion mutant. These structures reveal that an α-helix (H1′) and extended coil of the metavinculin insert replace α-helix H1 and its preceding extended coil found in the N-terminal region of the vinculin tail domain to form a new five-helix bundle tail domain. Further, biochemical analyses demonstrate that this helix replacement directs the distinct actin bundling and oligomerization properties of metavinculin. Finally, the cardiomyopathy associated ΔLeu954 and Arg975Trp metavinculin mutants reside on the replaced extended coil and the H1′ α-helix, respectively. Thus, a helix replacement mechanism directs metavinculin's unique functions