632 research outputs found

    The Ursinus Weekly, June 9, 1924

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    Sermon and oratorio Sunday • Alumni banquet held Saturday evening • Baseball team loses to F.& M. • Commencement ends activities • President\u27s guests listened to Glee Club concert • Junior oratorical contest held Friday evening • Tablets unveiled in Memorial Library building • Ursinus Woman\u27s Club celebrates tenth year • Alumni athletic club has banner meeting • Rationality and relativity: Excerpts from commencement address • Who\u27s who for 1924 • Derr Hall pays tribute to grads • Class Day exercises • Football schedulehttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2355/thumbnail.jp

    A preliminary phylogeographic study of Flavopunctelia and Punctelia inferred from rDNA ITS-sequences

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    A preliminary phylogeny of the genera Flavopunctelia and Punctelia is presented. Genus and species delimitations have been investigated using ITS rDNA-sequencing of populations from different continents. Current genus delimitations of Flavopunctelia, Punctelia and Parmelia are confirmed and the species status of recently resurrected Punctelia ulophylla is confirmed. The status of three cryptic species, Flavopunctelia soredica, Punctelia perreticulata and P. stictica is discussed. Flavopunctelia borrerioides and Punctelia perreticulata are reported from China for the first time.Esitatakse perekondade Flavopunctelia ja Punctelia esialgne fülogeneesi rekonstruktsioon. Perekondade ja liikide eraldamist on uuritud erinevatelt kontinentidelt pärinevate populatsioonide ITS rDNA sekventside alusel. Senine perekondade Flavopunctelia, Punctelia ja Parmelia piiritlemine on leidnud kinnitust, samuti liigi Punctelia ulophylla staatus. Arutletakse kolme krüptilise liigi, Flavopunctelia soredica, Punctelia perreticulata ja P. stictica staatuse üle. Teatatakse liikide Flavopunctelia borrerioides ja Punctelia perreticulata esmasleidudest HiinasFil: Thell, Arne. Lund University; SueciaFil: Herber, B.. Universitat Hamburg; AlemaniaFil: Aptroot, A.. Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures; Países BajosFil: Adler, Monica Teresa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Micología y Botánica. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Micología y Botánica; ArgentinaFil: Feuerer, T.. Universitat Hamburg; AlemaniaFil: Kärnefelt, Ingvar. Lund University; Sueci

    The Ursinus Weekly, September 22, 1924

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    Dr. Dunham speaks at college opening • Y.M. and Y.W.C.A. reception first social event • Members of faculty advanced in position • Glee Club members are very optimistic • Debating Club to be formed Tuesday evening • Red & black team wins first game • Sophomore team work wins tug-of-war • New members of Ursinus faculty • Football candidates getting into shape • Six ways to get to the Penn game • New men\u27s dormitory • New students • Junior varsity has very good schedule • First student council dance Saturday evening • Student council electionhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2286/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, April 7, 1924

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    Ursinus represented at regional INA conference • Joint YM-YW meeting hears Rev. Bawden • Weatherman interferes with the baseball games • Campus one of the beauties of Ursinus • Glee clubs preparing for numerous concerts • Y.M.C.A. plans made for next year, committees appointed • Former student in semi-centennial celebration • Modern American poets discussed at English Club meeting • Rousch improving • Musical recital at Shreinerhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2347/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, December 1, 1924

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    Interscholastic debating delegates meet • Varsity football and hockey activities brought to a close for 1924 season • Board of Directors hold fall meeting • Council dance was a great success • Devereux Company to give two performances • Dr. J. M. S. Isenberg chapel speaker • Senior girls entertained by Dean White • Additions made to Bernard-Shaw collection • Student council party • Hiking rule • Debating tryouts held on Wednesday • Big YM & YW conferencehttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2296/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, February 9, 1925

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    Elliot Speer conducts week of prayer • President Omwake addresses York alumni at luncheon • New concepts of science by noted lecturer • Ohio-Ursinus alumni organize in Dayton • Muhlenberg is walloped in fast contest • Debaters to meet Juniata here and at Waynesboro • Men\u27s Glee Club please in initial performance • Girls\u27 sextette splits with Albright and Temple • Ancient Greeks depicted in college dining hall • Harman \u2726 and Reimert \u2727 elected class presidents • J-V\u27s fall before Allentown Prep. in tough battle • Women\u27s Debating Club holds initial meetinghttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2306/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, September 29, 1924

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    Debating society is organized • Varsity gives Penn a tough battle • Musical organizations well under way • Our future opponents • Men\u27s & women\u27s Athletic Association elect • Evans, Hunsicker and Yaukey stand out in 34-0 defeat • Student council holds first dance • Ursinus represented at Franklin Institute banquet • Mrs. E. Allen entertains in honor of Mrs. P. Mertz • Girls\u27 Athletic Association • YMCA meeting • Dr. Omwake addresses Brotherhood of St. Paul • WDAR broadcasts football dope • Lawn fete held by Woman\u27s Clubhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2287/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, October 13, 1924

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    Groups assemble for first meeting of school year: Classicists met at Shreiner; English-historical group; Chemical-biological group; Mathematical group; Modern language group; Economics & Business administration; Historical-political group • Audience pleased by male quartet • Varsity and Delaware battle to a standstill • Girls enjoy hike • Our future opponents • Debating Club argues Ku Klux Klan question • All-college dinner at Erie • Education as an asset to success • Prize offered for yell • H. W. Walker addresses YMCA meetinghttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2289/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, January 12, 1925

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    Lena Carl elected to captain 1925 hockey team by 1924 varsity • Dean E. B. White wins American Historical Association prize • Varsity yields before last-half rally of Swarthmore • Junior varsity is given hard jolt by Perkiomen School • Preceptresses tender Christmas party in college dining hall • Ursinus team defeats Temple representatives in interesting debate • 1925 Ruby to make its appearance on campus this week • Interclass basketball league schedule is announced by managers • Rev. Curvin, Roxboro, addresses YM-YW • Montgomery County Club holds Christmas hop • Christmas chapel service impressive • Editorial comment: The new intercollegiate sporthttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2298/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, October 27, 1924

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    Hallowe\u27en week program most elaborate in years • Coolidge wins straw vote • P.M.C. trounces varsity with an aerial attack • Haverford points for Ursinus game • Maples, Glenwood & Annex victorious • Jess Pugh, humorist to entertain Thursday • Nails Clark succumbs to football injuries • Many working way through college • Pugilistic endeavor features big smoker • Y.W. meeting • Vesper services • Red and black orchestra makes initial appearancehttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2291/thumbnail.jp
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