43 research outputs found

    Extension rates (mean ± SEM) of <i>Hypholoma fasciculare</i>, <i>Phanerochaete velutina</i> and <i>Resinicium bicolor</i> during three-way mycelial interactions at ambient (16 °C; unshaded bars) and elevated (20 °C; shaded bars) temperature, in the ungrazed control (C), and <i>Folsomia candida</i> (Fc), <i>Protophorura armata</i> (Pa) and <i>Oniscus asellus</i> (Oa) grazing treatments.

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    <p>Different bold uppercase letters indicate significant (P<0.05) differences between grazing treatments across both temperatures. Different non-bold lowercase and uppercase letters indicate significant (P<0.05) differences between grazing treatments at ambient and elevated temperature, respectively. * indicates significant (P<0.05) differences between ambient and elevated temperature, for a given grazing treatment. Y axes differ between graphs.</p

    Change in territory occupancy (mean number of territories lost or gained ± SEM) on soil and in <i>Fagus sylvatica</i> wood blocks during three-way mycelial interactions between <i>Hypholoma fasciculare</i> (dark shading), <i>Phanerochaete velutina</i> (light shading) and <i>Resinicium bicolor</i> (unshaded), at ambient (16 °C) and elevated (20 °C) temperature.

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    <p>Each individual fungus could only lose one territory (that which it originally occupied), but had the potential to gain up to two if it replaced both competitors. Size of shaded areas, rather than total heights of the bars, indicate the magnitude of change. Significant (P<0.05) differences in interaction outcomes between grazing treatments are indicated by different letters. * indicates where the interaction outcome at elevated temperature differs significantly (P<0.05) from ambient temperature for the same grazing treatment.</p

    The effect of food supplementation on chick wing length.

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    <p>Variation in wing length (mean ±95% confidence limits) in relation to age for fed and control chicks in 2009 and 2010.</p

    Correlation matrix of reproductive parameters investigated in this study.

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    <p>Values are Pearson's correlation coefficients between pairs of reproductive parameters per territory per year, with male identity used to represent territory.</p><p>HD  =  hatching date of first clutch, Clutch size  =  number of eggs in first clutch, Egg size  =  mean egg volume per first clutch, Hatched eggs  =  number of eggs in first clutch that hatched, Chick wing  =  mean maximum wing chord of chicks per nest, First fledglings  =  Number of young that fledged from first nesting attempts, Attempts  =  number of breeding attempts per male per season, Fledglings per season  =  number of young fledged per male per season.</p><p>Correlation matrix of reproductive parameters investigated in this study.</p

    Model-averaged parameter estimates (estimates of fixed effects included in models with ΔAICc<i><sub>i</sub></i> ≤2 with contributions to average weighted by <i>w</i>AICc<i><sub>i</sub></i> of model), unconditional standard errors and 95% confidence intervals.

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    <p>Interactions are indicated by x.</p><p>Hatching date (1 =  1<sup>st</sup> May) and date found (date nest discovered; 1 =  1<sup>st</sup> May) were standardized before being input in models as fixed factors.</p><p>Model-averaged parameter estimates (estimates of fixed effects included in models with ΔAICc<i><sub>i</sub></i> ≤2 with contributions to average weighted by <i>w</i>AICc<i><sub>i</sub></i> of model), unconditional standard errors and 95% confidence intervals.</p

    Description of the fixed effects and model types used to analyse each reproductive parameter.

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    <p>Fixed effects (in order of appearance in table). trt  =  treatment (fed or control), HD  =  standardized hatching date of earliest brood for that individual or pair, yr  =  year, maleage  =  male age (young (yearling) or old (2+)), chicks  =  number of nestlings alive at time of measurement, chickage  =  age of chicks (7 or 8 days old), found  =  standardized date nest found. Male ID/Female ID  =  individual identity of male/female. GLMM  =  Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood, GLM  =  General linear model, LME  =  Linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood.</p><p>Description of the fixed effects and model types used to analyse each reproductive parameter.</p