4,582 research outputs found

    Quasi-uniformity of Minimal Weighted Energy Points on Compact Metric Spaces

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    For a closed subset KK of a compact metric space AA possessing an α\alpha-regular measure μ\mu with μ(K)>0\mu(K)>0, we prove that whenever s>αs>\alpha, any sequence of weighted minimal Riesz ss-energy configurations ωN={xi,N(s)}i=1N\omega_N=\{x_{i,N}^{(s)}\}_{i=1}^N on KK (for `nice' weights) is quasi-uniform in the sense that the ratios of its mesh norm to separation distance remain bounded as NN grows large. Furthermore, if KK is an α\alpha-rectifiable compact subset of Euclidean space (α\alpha an integer) with positive and finite α\alpha-dimensional Hausdorff measure, it is possible to generate such a quasi-uniform sequence of configurations that also has (as N→∞N\to \infty) a prescribed positive continuous limit distribution with respect to α\alpha-dimensional Hausdorff measure. As a consequence of our energy related results for the unweighted case, we deduce that if AA is a compact C1C^1 manifold without boundary, then there exists a sequence of NN-point best-packing configurations on AA whose mesh-separation ratios have limit superior (as N→∞N\to \infty) at most 2

    Religion and Philosophy in Ancient India.

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    The Thing Called Civilization.

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    Romanticism and Government.

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    Yang Ming.

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    Aspiration as an Artificial Attitude.

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    Civilization and the Universe.

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    The Universe as Metalogical and Non-Human.

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    Mysticism and Magic.

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    Prophets and Profiteering.

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