1,719 research outputs found

    The Data Life Aquatic

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       This paper assesses data consumers’ perspectives on the interoperable and re-usable aspects of the FAIR Data Principles. Taking a domain-specific informatics approach, ten oceanographers were asked to think of a recent search for data and describe their process of discovery, evaluation, and use. The interview schedule, derived from the FAIR Data Principles, included questions about the interoperability and re-usability of data. Through this critical incident technique, findings on data interoperability and re-usability give data curators valuable insights into how real-world users access, evaluate, and use data. Results from this study show that oceanographers utilize tools that make re-use simple, with interoperability seamless within the systems used. The processes employed by oceanographers present a good baseline for other domains adopting the FAIR Data Principles.&nbsp

    Molecular Characterization of Multidrug Resistant Salmonella Isolates From a Single Finisher Building for Determination of Horizontal Transmission of Resistance Genes

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    Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium Phage Type DT104 contains a region where five major antibiotic genes are located, which has been named Salmonella Genomic Island 1 (SGI1) (Boyd, et al, 2002) and bound by Class I integrons which have been shown to aid in transferring genes horizontally. Antibiotic resistance profiles, Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE) and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) were used to determine if these genes are present in the serovars

    Evaluation of a Virus-like Replicon Particle Vaccine Expressing Proteins of Swine Influenza Virus in Pigs With and Without Maternally Derived Antibodies

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    A major hurdle to swine influenza vaccination of young piglets is maternal antibody interference. This interference is transient as it disappears when pigs reach about 3 months of age. We vaccinated piglets without and with interfering maternal antibody using a recombinant vector vaccine. In the absence of interfering maternal antibody, the vaccine was effective in inducing a strong immune response and greatly reduced the amount of virus. However, this same recombinant vaccine was not effective when interfering maternal antibodies were present. We are currently trying a higher dose of vaccine and different genes from SIV in hopes we can overcome this maternal antibody. Preliminary data from these new studies are promising

    Virulence Determination for Rapid Extraintestinal Dissemination (Acute Infection) of Common Salmonella Serotypes in Swine

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    Salmonella enterica (Typhimurium and Choleraesuis) have been shown to rapidly disseminate extraintestinally (RED) within 3 hours of intranasal inoculation in pigs (1,2,5,6). Evaluation of RED serotypes may be an important indicator of Salmonella virulence. Experimentally, pigs were challenged with important lymph node, fecal, and vaccine isolates of Salmonella and evaluated for RED. These isolates include S. Heidelberg, S. Infantis, S. Derby, S. Worthington, S. 4, 12 imonophasic, S. untypable HL 10416, S. Typhimurium, S. Typhimurium variant Copenhagen, S. Bredeney, S. Muenchen, S. Brandenburg, S. Choleraesuis SC-38, S. Choleraesuis SC-54, and S. Choleraesuis strain Argus. Three hours after intranasal inoculation, the pigs were euthanized, necropsied, and the following tissues were collected for qualitative isolation: tonsil, thymus, blood, mandibular lymph node, lung, spleen, liver, ileocecal lymph node, colon contents, and cecum contents. Fewer tissues were positive for vaccine strains compared with wild type or parent strains

    An evaluation of the contribution of pharmacy sales data for purposes of public health

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    The contribution of over-the-counter (OTC) medicines sales data from pharmacies for public health (PH) has previously attracted interest in the UK. In this study, data for several OTC medicines were utilised to explore their contribution to (a) understand the impact of medicine reclassification or increased regulation on supply and (b) the surveillance of infectious diseases in the community in Wales. Following the reclassification of ophthalmic chloramphenicol (June 2005) an increase in primary care supply (OTC + prescription) of 54% (47,026 units) in eye drops and 29% (15,657 units) in eye ointment were observed (2004 to 2010). Despite this increase the items of eye drops prescribed were similar 12 months before and five years after the reclassification. The impact of regulatory changes concerning the non-prescription sale of opioid-containing analgesics was studied. In the 12 months following September 2009 legislative changes there was a significant fall in sales of codeine- and dihydrocodeinecontaining solid oral dosage forms (p<0.05). Similarly, following the pack size restriction of non-prescription pseudoephedrine and ephedrine products (April 2008), significant (p<0.05) year-on-year reductions in the total weight of pseudoephedrine sold were observed. Sales of non-prescription ophthalmic chloramphenicol were monitored on a small area basis in two areas with known outbreaks of infective conjunctivitis. In both areas sales data did not demonstrate the required sensitivity. When monitoring seasonal influenza, significant positive correlations were observed between cough/cold/flu medicines sales and indicators of influenza activity in Wales. In alignment with the professional standards for PH practice for pharmacy produced by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, the work undertaken demonstrated a number of potential uses of medicines sales data for PH. Routine data collection, particularly if captured at time/point of sale, would further enhance its usefulness in detecting and tracking PH incidents

    Study of Magnetic Properties of A_2B^'NbO_6 (A=Ba,Sr, (BaSr): and B^'=Fe and Mn) double perovskites

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    We have studied the magnetic properties of Ba_2FeNbO_6 and Ba_2MnNbO_6. it is seen that Ba_2FeNbO_6 is an antiferromagnet with a weak ferromagnetic behaviour at 5K while Ba_2MnNbO_6 shows two magnetic transitions one at 45 K and the other at 12K. Electron spin resonance (ESR) measurements at room temperature show that the Mn compound does not show any Jahn-Teller distortion. It is also seen that the Neel temperature of the A_2FeNbO_6 (A=Ba,Sr, BaSr) compounds do not vary significantly. However variations in the average A-site ionic radius influence the formation of short range correlations that persist above T_N.Comment: 10 oages, 5 figures, MMM, to appear in J.Appl.Phy

    Molecular Characterization of Recent and Archived Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae Isolates

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    Cases of erysipelas have increased considerably in 2001–2002. Diagnosis of erysipelas is typically confirmed by culture and in a limited number of cases the isolates are serotyped. Reagents for serotyping are limited and are available only at National Veterinary Service Laboratory (NVSL). In this study, we utilize pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) to differentiate genotypes and compare archived and recent isolates. Seventy-three erysipelas field isolates (58 recent, 15 historical) and four live vaccine strains were genetically characterized. Fortysix isolates were found to belong to genotype 1A(I), three were genotype 1A(III), each one was genotype 1A(IV), 1A(V), 1A(VI), and two isolates were designated as 1A(VII). Nine different genotypes were identified among the serotype 1b isolates [1B(I-IX)]. Within serotype 2, three genotypes were identified: 2A, 2B, and 2C. The four vaccine strains tested in this study belong to the genotype group 1A(II), closely related to genotype 1A. The vaccine strains and the most common field isolates genotype 1A(I) shared 78.6% identity based on PFGE pattern

    Public Willingness to Pay for Continuous and Probabilistic Hazard Information

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    Investments in new weather forecasting technologies and communication products can be costly and serve the ultimate purpose of protecting life and property. The Forecasting a Continuum of Environmental Threats (FACETs) paradigm attempts to improve technology and communication through the provision of probabilistic hazard information (PHI). The research and technology necessary to produce this information requires a substantial resource investment, but the societal value of the information may outweigh the costs. This study provides an initial estimate of this value by exploring public willingness to pay (WTP) for an app that provides continuously updated, geographically situated PHI that could be utilized during a tornado event. Findings indicate that the mean WTP, in a one-time payment, for this precise hazard information product is 7.53perperson.AggregatedtotheUSpopulation,theestimatedvalueisbetween7.53 per person. Aggregated to the US population, the estimated value is between 901 million and $1.56 billion. These findings indicate that federal agencies and private companies are likely to generate a substantial surplus by developing these products and will contribute to improving informed decision-making and protecting lives and property