15,344 research outputs found

    The Cotton, Simon-Mars and Cotton-York Tensors in Stationary Spacetimes

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    The Cotton-York and Simon-Mars tensors in stationary vacuum spacetimes are studied in the language of the congruence approach pioneered by Hawking and Ellis. Their relationships with the Papapetrou field defined by the stationary Killing congruence and with a recent characterization of the Kerr spacetime in terms of the alignment between of the principal null directions of the Weyl tensor with those of the Papapetrou field are also investigated in this more transparent language.Comment: 14 pages latex(2e) iopart style, no figure

    Non-Lipschitz points and the SBV regularity of the minimum time function

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    This paper is devoted to the study of the Hausdorff dimension of the singular set of the minimum time function TT under controllability conditions which do not imply the Lipschitz continuity of TT. We consider first the case of normal linear control systems with constant coefficients in RN\mathbb{R}^N. We characterize points around which TT is not Lipschitz as those which can be reached from the origin by an optimal trajectory (of the reversed dynamics) with vanishing minimized Hamiltonian. Linearity permits an explicit representation of such set, that we call S\mathcal{S}. Furthermore, we show that S\mathcal{S} is HN−1\mathcal{H}^{N-1}-rectifiable with positive HN−1\mathcal{H}^{N-1}-measure. Second, we consider a class of control-affine \textit{planar} nonlinear systems satisfying a second order controllability condition: we characterize the set S\mathcal{S} in a neighborhood of the origin in a similar way and prove the H1\mathcal{H}^1-rectifiability of S\mathcal{S} and that H1(S)>0\mathcal{H}^1(\mathcal{S})>0. In both cases, TT is known to have epigraph with positive reach, hence to be a locally BVBV function (see \cite{CMW,GK}). Since the Cantor part of DTDT must be concentrated in S\mathcal{S}, our analysis yields that TT is SBVSBV, i.e., the Cantor part of DTDT vanishes. Our results imply also that TT is locally of class C1,1\mathcal{C}^{1,1} outside a HN−1\mathcal{H}^{N-1}-rectifiable set. With small changes, our results are valid also in the case of multiple control input.Comment: 23 page

    Systematic errors due to linear congruential random-number generators with the Swendsen-Wang algorithm: A warning

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    We show that linear congruential pseudo-random-number generators can cause systematic errors in Monte Carlo simulations using the Swendsen-Wang algorithm, if the lattice size is a multiple of a very large power of 2 and one random number is used per bond. These systematic errors arise from correlations within a single bond-update half-sweep. The errors can be eliminated (or at least radically reduced) by updating the bonds in a random order or in an aperiodic manner. It also helps to use a generator of large modulus (e.g. 60 or more bits).Comment: Revtex4, 4 page

    Non Abelian gauge symmetries induced by the unobservability of extra-dimensions in a Kaluza-Klein approach

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    In this work we deal with the extension of the Kaluza-Klein approach to a non-Abelian gauge theory; we show how we need to consider the link between the n-dimensional model and a four-dimensional observer physics, in order to reproduce fields equations and gauge transformations in the four-dimensional picture. More precisely, in fields equations any dependence on extra-coordinates is canceled out by an integration, as consequence of the unobservability of extra-dimensions. Thus, by virtue of this extra-dimensions unobservability, we are able to recast the multidimensional Einstein equations into the four-dimensional Einstein-Yang-Mills ones, as well as all the right gauge transformations of fields are induced. The same analysis is performed for the Dirac equation describing the dynamics of the matter fields and, again, the gauge coupling with Yang-Mills fields are inferred from the multidimensional free fields theory, together with the proper spinors transformations.Comment: 5 pages, no figures, to appear in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Low-energy sector of 8-dimensional General Relativity: Electro-Weak model and neutrino mass

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    In a Kaluza-Klein space-time V4⊗S3V^{4}\otimes S^{3}, we demonstrate that the dimensional reduction of spinors provides a 4-field, whose associated SU(2) gauge connections are geometrized. However, additional and gauge-violating terms arise, but they are highly suppressed by a factor β\beta, which fixes the amount of the spinor dependence on extra-coordinates. The application of this framework to the Electro-Weak model is performed, thus giving a lower bound for β\beta from the request of the electric charge conservation. Moreover, we emphasize that also the Higgs sector can be reproduced, but neutrino masses are predicted and the fine-tuning on the Higgs parameters can be explained, too.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure, to appear on Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Towards Loop Quantum Gravity without the time gauge

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    The Hamiltonian formulation of the Holst action is reviewed and it is provided a solution of second-class constraints corresponding to a generic local Lorentz frame. Within this scheme the form of rotation constraints can be reduced to a Gauss-like one by a proper generalization of Ashtekar-Barbero-Immirzi connections. This result emphasizes that the Loop Quantum Gravity quantization procedure can be applied when the time-gauge condition does not stand.Comment: 5 pages, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    First results on the use of a EDXRF scanner for 3D imaging of paintings

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    A 3D map of chemical elements distribution from energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) analysis would be a perfect conclusion in a detailed study of any type of artifact. This map can be easily achieved by using synchrotron light as source of radiation, and microoptics both at the source and at the detector. In such a manner a micro-voxel is irradiated and detected, which can be at any depth with respect to the surface of the artifact. This method is effective but needs a high-intensity X-ray source; therefore, its use in archaeometry is limited. An alternative method is proposed in the present paper, which uses a portable EDXRF-device to measure the altered Kα/Kβ or Lα/Lβ-ratios, which allow to locate the chemical elements. Several examples are described

    On the Properties of a Bundle of Flexible Actin Filaments in an Optical Trap

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    We establish the Statistical Mechanics framework for a bundle of Nf living and uncrosslinked actin filaments in a supercritical solution of free monomers pressing against a mobile wall. The filaments are anchored normally to a fixed planar surface at one of their ends and, because of their limited flexibility, they grow almost parallel to each other. Their growing ends hit a moving obstacle, depicted as a second planar wall, parallel to the previous one and subjected to a harmonic compressive force. The force constant is denoted as trap strength while the distance between the two walls as trap length to make contact with the experimental optical trap apparatus. For an ideal solution of reactive filaments and free monomers at fixed free monomers chemical potential, we obtain the general expression for the grand potential from which we derive averages and distributions of relevant physical quantities, namely the obstacle position, the bundle polymerization force and the number of filaments in direct contact with the wall. The grafted living filaments are modeled as discrete Wormlike chains, with Factin persistence length, subject to discrete contour length variations to model single monomer (de)polymerization steps. Rigid filaments, either isolated or in bundles, all provide average values of the stalling force in agreement with Hill's predictions, independent of the average trap length. Flexible filaments instead, for values of the trap strength suitable to prevent their lateral escape, provide an average bundle force and an average trap length slightly larger than the corresponding rigid cases (few percents). Still the stalling force remains nearly independent on the average trap length, but results from the product of two strongly L dependent contributions: the fraction of touching filaments and the single filament buckling force.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figure

    Excitons in carbon nanotubes: an ab initio symmetry-based approach

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    The optical absorption spectrum of the carbon (4,2) nanotube is computed using an ab-initio many-body approach which takes into account excitonic effects. We develop a new method involving a local basis set which is symmetric with respect to the screw symmetry of the tube. Such a method has the advantages of scaling faster than plane-wave methods and allowing for a precise determination of the symmetry character of the single particle states, two-particle excitations, and selection rules. The binding energy of the lowest, optically active states is approximately 0.8 eV. The corresponding exciton wavefunctions are delocalized along the circumference of the tube and localized in the direction of the tube axis.Comment: 4 pages, 1 LaTex file + 4 eps figure
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