8 research outputs found

    Половые различия в про- и антиоксидантной системах головного мозга в отдаленном постреанимационном периоде (экспериментальное исследование)

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    Objective: to study gender differences in the pro- and antioxidant systems of the brain in the late postresuscitative period after clinical death. Materials and methods. The brain tissue was studied for the resistance of membrane structures to free radical oxidation and the level of proteins with antioxidant activity in 40 adult albino rats of both sexes in the control and after experienced 12-minute cardiac arrest 4 months of the postresuscitative period. Results. There were gender differences in the level of protective proteins and in the resistance of brain membrane structures in the control and in the late postresuscitative periods. Furthermore, not only quantitative changes in the level of protective proteins, but also their spectrum alteration, were revealed in the postresuscitative period. Conclusion. Further investigations of gender-dependent mechanisms for the occurrence of postresuscitative diseases are needed to develop specific methods for its therapy and prevention. Key words: systemic circulatory arrest; cerebral cortex; free radical oxidation; the body’s protective systems: antioxidant defense enzymes, HSP70, heme oxygenase-1, peroxiredoxin.Цель исследования — изучение половых различий в уровне про- и антиоксидантных систем мозга в отдаленном постреанимационном периоде после клинической смерти. Материал и методы. У 40 взрослых белых крыс обоего пола в контроле и после перенесённой 12-мин остановки сердца через 4 месяца постреанимационного периода в ткани мозга исследовали резистентность мембранных структур к свободнорадикальному окислению и уровень белков с антиокси-дантной активностью. Результаты. Показаны половые различия в уровне защитных белков и резистентности мембранных структур мозга в контроле и на отдаленных сроках после реанимации. Кроме того, в постреанимационный период выявлены не только количественные сдвиги в уровне защитных белков, но и изменение их спектра. Заключение. Необходимы дальнейшие исследования зависимых от пола молекулярных механизмов развития постреанимационной болезни для разработки специфических методов ее терапии и профилактики. Ключевые слова: остановка системного кровообращения, кора головного мозга, свободнорадикальное окисление, защитные системы организма — ферменты антиоксидантной защиты, HSP70, гем-оксигеназа-1, пероксиредоксин

    Gender Differences in the Pro- and Antioxidant Systems of the Brain in the Late Postresuscitative Period (an experimental study)

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    Objective: to study gender differences in the pro- and antioxidant systems of the brain in the late postresuscitative period after clinical death. Materials and methods. The brain tissue was studied for the resistance of membrane structures to free radical oxidation and the level of proteins with antioxidant activity in 40 adult albino rats of both sexes in the control and after experienced 12-minute cardiac arrest 4 months of the postresuscitative period. Results. There were gender differences in the level of protective proteins and in the resistance of brain membrane structures in the control and in the late postresuscitative periods. Furthermore, not only quantitative changes in the level of protective proteins, but also their spectrum alteration, were revealed in the postresuscitative period. Conclusion. Further investigations of gender-dependent mechanisms for the occurrence of postresuscitative diseases are needed to develop specific methods for its therapy and prevention. Key words: systemic circulatory arrest; cerebral cortex; free radical oxidation; the body’s protective systems: antioxidant defense enzymes, HSP70, heme oxygenase-1, peroxiredoxin

    Adaptation Effect of Repeated Xenon Application

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    Objective: to investigate the effect of xenon addition to oxygen mixtures.Materials and methods. The repeated use of a xenon-oxygen gas mixture containing 50% xenon, 40% oxygen, and 10% nitrogen versus an oxygen mixture containing 40% oxygen on behavioral parameters characterizing orientativeexploratory activity, stress, and anxiety in Wistar rats, as well as the level of free radical oxidation and urgent protection proteins was comparatively analyzed.Results. Repeated exposure  to  the  hyperoxic  mixture  increases  the  level  of  anxiety  in  animals  and  enhances  the  intensity  of  free  radical processes and the activity of liver antioxidant protection enzymes; incorporation of xenon into the oxygen gas mixture levels off the multiple action of hyperoxia.Conclusion. The findings are suggestive of the lower level of anxiety in animals and the  adaptation  effect  of  repeated  application  of  xenon  incorporated  into  oxygen  mixtures