12 research outputs found

    Increased levels of GMAP, VIP and nitric oxide synthase, and their mRNAs, in lumbar dorsal root ganglia of the rat following systemic resiniferatoxin treatment.

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    Using in situ hybridization, the expression of mRNA encoding galanin, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), neuropeptide Y (NPY), and nitric oxide synthase (NOS), respectively, was studied in lumbar dorsal root ganglia of rats given a single s.c. dose of 300 micrograms kg-1 resiniferatoxin (RTX), an ultrapotent capsaicin analogue. In control animals, 10% of the DRG neurones were positive for galanin mRNA, whereas no message for VIP, NPY or NOS could be detected. One week after RTX treatment, a markedly increased number (approximately 30%) of the neurones expressed galanin mRNA. Simultaneously, VIP and NOS mRNA became detectable in 6-8% of the neurones. The number of galanin-positive neurones declined after 2 weeks and returned to control levels by 8 weeks. The increase in number of VIP-, or NOS-positive neurones persisted up to 4 weeks after RTX treatment and declined thereafter. Also, there was a small increase in NPY mRNA-positive neurones. In parallel immunohistochemical experiments, similar increases were observed for galanin message-associated protein (GMAP)-, VIP- and NOS-like immunoreactivities. Our findings suggest that RTX can cause changes (messenger plasticity) in galanin, VIP and NOS expression in capsaicin-sensitive sensory neurones of the rat, similar to those described following axotomy

    Vanilloid (capsaicin) receptors in the rat: distribution in the brain, regional differences in the spinal cord, axonal transport to the periphery, and depletion by systemic vanilloid treatment.

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    Vanilloid (capsaicin) receptors were visualized by [3H]resiniferatoxin (RTX) autoradiography in the brain of newborn as well as adult (both control and colchicine-treated) rats. Specific labelling was seen in the brain stem only, in the nucleus of the solitary tract extending into the area postrema and the spinal sensory nucleus of the trigeminal nerve. Also, a strong signal was seen in the dorsal horn, dorsal root, trigeminal and nodose ganglia. Membranes obtained from the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar segments of the spinal cord showed similar affinities for RTX and likewise for capsaicin and capsazepine; maximal receptor density was similar in the cervical and thoracic segments (approximately 70 fmol/mg protein) but was twice as high in the lumbar segment. 24 h after ligation of the vagal or the sciatic nerves, a strong accumulation of specific RTX binding sites was observed mainly proximal to the ligature, implying intraaxonal receptor transport from the nodose and dorsal root ganglia, respectively, to the periphery. Systemic (s.c.) vanilloid treatment depleted specific [3H]RTX binding sites from the brain stem, the sensory (dorsal root as well as trigeminal) ganglia, and the spinal cord. RTX was approximately 200-fold more potent than capsaicin for eliminating vanilloid receptors from the spinal cord. The present results suggest a discrete expression of vanilloid receptors in the brain stem (sensory nuclei); although intrinsic vanilloid receptor-expressing neurons are though to exist in the rat brain, they remain undetected by the present [3H]RTX autoradiography methodology

    Effects of the capsaicin analogue resiniferatoxin on spinal nociceptive mechanisms in the rat: behavioral, electrophysiological and in situ hybridization studies.

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    The effect of a single subcutaneous (s.c.) injection of the ultrapotent capsaicin analogue resiniferatoxin (RTX) on responses of adult rats to noxious thermal and mechanical stimulation was examined. The effects of RTX treatment on the nociceptive flexor reflex and activity-dependent increase in spinal excitability after conditioning C-fiber stimulation (CS) were also assessed. Finally, the expression of galanin message associated peptide (GMAP) mRNA in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cells and the effects of the high affinity galanin receptor antagonist M35 on the flexor reflex in RTX-treated rats were evaluated. RTX, but not vehicle, produced marked thermal hypoalgesia on the hot plate test with partial recovery in about 50% of animals after about 2 weeks and no recovery in the remaining rats after 4 weeks. In all animals there was only a transient and moderate increase in paw withdrawal threshold to mechanical pressure. The flexor reflex in response to a C-fiber CS train was recorded 15-35 days after RTX or vehicle treatment. There was no difference between RTX and vehicle treated rats on baseline response, but RTX treatment lead to less wind-up during the CS and reduced hyperexcitability. This was particularly the case for rats which did not recover from RTX-induced hypoalgesia. The C-fiber mediated hyperexcitability was potentiated by the galanin receptor antagonist M35, more so in the non-recovered rats than in the partially recovered rats. The number of DRG cells expressing GMAP mRNA was significantly higher in non-recovered than in partially recovered rats. Thus, RTX produced marked and prolonged impairment of capsaicin-sensitive afferents and upregulation of the inhibitory neuropeptides GMAP and galanin in DRG neurons, which may underlie the prolonged effect of RTX

    Vanilloid receptor loss is independent of the messenger plasticity that follows systemic resiniferatoxin administration.

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    Resiniferatoxin (RTX) depletes vanilloid (capsaicin) receptors from lumbar dorsal root ganglia (DRG) of the rat. In addition, RTX causes changes in neuropeptide and nitric oxide synthase expression in lumbar DRG neurons, similar to those described following axotomy; this latter phenomenon is referred to as messenger plasticity. These findings suggested that vanilloid receptor loss may be part of the plasticity that follows RTX treatment. Here we show that vanilloid receptor expression, as detected by [3H]RTX autoradiography, is not changed in lumbar DRGs of axotomized rats, nor is it altered in a rat model (chronic constriction injury) of neuropathic pain. Thus, the in vivo expression of vanilloid receptors detected by specific [3H]RTX binding does not require the presence of intraaxonally transported trophic factors such as nerve growth factor. We conclude that messenger plasticity and vanilloid receptor loss are mediated by distinct mechanisms

    Effects of systemic resiniferatoxin treatment on substance P mRNA in rat dorsal root ganglia and substance P receptor mRNA in the spinal dorsal horn.

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    Capsaicin depletes the sensory neuropeptide substance P (SP) in the rat due to a combination of neuron loss and decreased synthesis in the surviving cells. Resiniferatoxin (RTX) mimics most, but not all, capsaicin actions. In the present study, the effects of RTX (300 microg/kg, s.c.) were examined on mRNA levels for SP and its receptor in the adult rat. The percentage of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neuronal profiles showing an in situ hybridization signal for preprotachykinin mRNAs encoding SP was not altered following RTX treatment (up to 8 weeks), though the signal became perceptibly weaker. In accord, 2 weeks after RTX administration a 60% decrease was observed in the steady-state levels of SP-encoding mRNAs using Northern blot analysis, leaving the ratio of beta- and gamma-preprotachykinin mRNAs unchanged. No change was, however, observed in mRNA levels encoding tachykinins NK-1 receptors in the dorsal horn, the spinal targets for SP. The present findings suggest that RTX does not kill SP-positive DRG neurons, though it suppresses the synthesis of SP. Since RTX treatment does not alter NK-1 receptor expression, this reduced SP synthesis is likely to play a central role in the analgesic actions of RTX