1,438 research outputs found

    Mapa parcial de ligação gênica em Coffea arabica L.

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    Em uma população F2 de 215 indivíduos, originária do cruzamento entre cafeeiros "Híbrido de Timor" (H445-46) e "Catuaí" (2143-235) foram analisados 102 marcadores RAPD. Com estes, foi confeccionado um mapa parcial em que 89 marcadores se posicionaram em 14 grupos de ligação. Treze marcadores não se ligaram a nenhum grupo formado. Houve distorção de segregação para 54 marcas. O mapa cobriu parte do genoma, mas novas marcas devem ser encontradas para saturação dos intervalos e formação de novos grupos

    Efeito de sistemas produtivos sobre a comunidade de insetos em eucalipto

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    A integração de espécies vegetais pode promover um aumento da biodiversidade de insetos herbívoros e favorecer a permanência de predadores nesse habitat devido à existência de alimento. Consequentemente, a ocorrência de outbreaks de populacões de fitófagos é reduzida. Diante disso, objetivou-se avaliar a flutuação populacional de insetos -praga pertencentes à Psylloidea e Thysanoptera, bem como adultos de Neuroptera como grupo de predadores, em eucalipto em sistemas integrados de produção (silvipastoril, silviagrícola e agrossilvipastoril) e em monocultivo. O ensaio está localizado em Sinop/MT (11 0 51? 38??S e 55 0 37? 01??O) em um delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições, sendo cada parcela constituída de 2 ha. Para amostragem dos insetos foram utilizadas 02 armadilhas adesivas amarelas (10 x 12 cm), instaladas equidistantes por parcela a 1,8 m do solo e elevadas conforme o crescimento da altura das copas. As coletas foram realizadas quinzenalmente, durante o período da seca (junho a setembro) e mensalmente durante o período chuvoso (outubro a dezembro) de 2013. No laboratório realizou-se a quantificação e identificação dos insetos utilizando um estéreo-microscópio e material bibliográfico. Utilizando a análise de agrupamento hierárquica em dendrograma, observ ou-se que os sistemas produtivos em que o eucalipto está integrado se agrupam e são diferentes do eucalipto em monocultivo. Apenas a população de Thysanoptera foi significativamente maior no eucalipto em monocultivo. Entretanto, em todos os tratamentos, a comunidade de herbívoros -praga não causaram danos no eucalipto. Desta forma, a presença de fitófagos em sistemas integrados pode contribuir para o Manejo Integrado de Pragas por atuar como fonte de alimentos para predadores como os crisopídeos que se manterão no agroecossistema durante a entressafra das culturas anuai

    Public perception of folate‐biofortifed genetically modifed lettuce varieties in Brazil.

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    Lettuce is one of the most widely consumed vegetables in the world, commonly eaten fresh in salads, sandwiches, wraps, and as a garnish in various dishes. Consequently, it is a very promising vehicle to deliver vitamins, such as folate (vitamin B9), to a specifc population using biofortifed varieties generated by conventional or molecular breeding. A new genetically modifed lettuce was generated with increased folate content. However, some issues related to public perception regarding this technology should still be evaluated. The aim of this study was to analyze whether consumers are willing to accept a folate-biofortifed GM lettuce that could become available to the Brazilian market. A questionnaire involving several issues regarding lettuce consumption was answered by 2,391 people from almost all Brazilian states. When informed that the folic acid biofortifed lettuce is a transgenic plant, 46.1% of respondents stated that they would eat it and 30.5% stated that it would be a possibility. This study demonstrated that if there is any explanation regarding the advantage in relation to the use of biotechnology, like enrichment with folic acid, the number of people who accept it increases

    Universality, frustration and conformal invariance in two-dimensional random Ising magnets

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    We consider long, finite-width strips of Ising spins with randomly distributed couplings. Frustration is introduced by allowing both ferro- and antiferromagnetic interactions. Free energy and spin-spin correlation functions are calculated by transfer-matrix methods. Numerical derivatives and finite-size scaling concepts allow estimates of the usual critical exponents γ/ν\gamma/\nu, α/ν\alpha/\nu and ν\nu to be obtained, whenever a second-order transition is present. Low-temperature ordering persists for suitably small concentrations of frustrated bonds, with a transition governed by pure--Ising exponents. Contrary to the unfrustrated case, subdominant terms do not fit a simple, logarithmic-enhancement form. Our analysis also suggests a vertical critical line at and below the Nishimori point. Approaching this point along either the temperature axis or the Nishimori line, one finds non-diverging specific heats. A percolation-like ratio γ/ν\gamma/\nu is found upon analysis of the uniform susceptibility at the Nishimori point. Our data are also consistent with frustration inducing a breakdown of the relationship between correlation-length amplitude and critical exponents, predicted by conformal invariance for pure systems.Comment: RevTeX code for 10 pages, 9 eps figures, to appear in Physical Review B (September 1999

    Duality in finite-dimensional spin glasses

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    We present an analysis leading to a conjecture on the exact location of the multicritical point in the phase diagram of spin glasses in finite dimensions. The conjecture, in satisfactory agreement with a number of numerical results, was previously derived using an ansatz emerging from duality and the replica method. In the present paper we carefully examine the ansatz and reduce it to a hypothesis on analyticity of a function appearing in the duality relation. Thus the problem is now clearer than before from a mathematical point of view: The ansatz, somewhat arbitrarily introduced previously, has now been shown to be closely related to the analyticity of a well-defined function.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures; A reference added; to appear in J. Stat. Phy

    Correlation functions in the two-dimensional random-field Ising model

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    Transfer-matrix methods are used to study the probability distributions of spin-spin correlation functions GG in the two-dimensional random-field Ising model, on long strips of width L=315L = 3 - 15 sites, for binary field distributions at generic distance RR, temperature TT and field intensity h0h_0. For moderately high TT, and h0h_0 of the order of magnitude used in most experiments, the distributions are singly-peaked, though rather asymmetric. For low temperatures the single-peaked shape deteriorates, crossing over towards a double-δ\delta ground-state structure. A connection is obtained between the probability distribution for correlation functions and the underlying distribution of accumulated field fluctuations. Analytical expressions are in good agreement with numerical results for R/L1R/L \gtrsim 1, low TT, h0h_0 not too small, and near G=1. From a finite-size {\it ansatz} at T=Tc(h0=0)T=T_c (h_0=0), h00h_0 \to 0, averaged correlation functions are predicted to scale with Lyh0L^y h_0, y=7/8y =7/8. From numerical data we estimate y=0.875 \pm 0.025,inexcellentagreementwiththeory.Inthesameregion,theRMSrelativewidth, in excellent agreement with theory. In the same region, the RMS relative width Woftheprobabilitydistributionsvariesforfixed of the probability distributions varies for fixed R/L=1as as W \sim h_0^{\kappa} f(L h_0^u)with with \kappa \simeq 0.45,, u \simeq 0.8; ; f(x)appearstosaturatewhen appears to saturate when x \to \infty,thusimplying, thus implying W \sim h_0^{\kappa}in in d=2$.Comment: RevTeX code for 8 pages, 7 eps figures, to appear in Physical Review E (1999