349 research outputs found

    Ecological psychology, radical enactivism and behavior: an evolutionary perspective

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    Ecological psychology and enactivism are close relatives in that they share an interest in positioning the behaving organism as an active agent and in interpreting this with reference to ecological and evolutionary ideas. But they also differ in their uses of biology and the concept of information. I review these uses, relate them to ideas in behaviorism, and conclude that a version of enactivism, championed by Daniel Hutto and colleagues, is the more viable hypothesis. I extend this radical enactivist effort into evolutionary enactivism as an exercise in parsimonious theory building that aims to avoid essentialism

    Psychology, biology and the market place: response to John Radford’s 'Psychology in its place'

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    This article is a response to John Radford's 'Psychology in its place'. The author argues that psychologists should pay attention to those in the human evolutionary behavioural sciences because academic psychology must be allowed to pursue scientific methods and follow particular interests as the market of ideas dictates in the interests of intellectual progress

    Science in the wild

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    Tom Dickins looks to an island off the north Devon coast to liberate the imaginations of his students

    Conflation and refutation: Book review of T. Uller and K. N. Laland. eds. 2019. Evolutionary causation: biological and philosophical Reflections. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. 352: pp. ISBN: 978‐0‐262‐03992‐5. $60.00/£50.00

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    Evolutionary Causation, the new edited book from Tobias Uller and Kevin Laland (Uller and Laland, 2019) should be seen as a positive contribution to those seeking an Extended Evolutionary Synthesis (EES). The ambition for an EES has emerged most vociferously over the past 15 years, but its antecedents stretch back to the key work in the 1970s of Gould, Lewontin and their colleagues. At root arguments for an EES are arguments about how the Modern Synthesis (MS) in evolutionary biology has been found wanting. Much of this discontent has been to do with theoreticians rethinking concepts of adaptation, inheritance and development (Jablonka and Lamb, 2006; Huneman and Walsh, 2017) as well as variation and macroevolution (Pigliucci and Muller, 2010). This book continues this work, but focuses on analysis of the central concept of causation within evolution

    An equitable marriage: a focal study of a barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) nest on Lundy

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    Adult attendance at a single barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) nest was observed and recorded during July 2010 from when the chicks were between six and eight days old. The visits to the nest made by the male and female adults were equal in their duration, rate-per-minute and number, and were close to chance in their sequencing. There was a marginal decline in these visits over a seven-day period. Equality of parental investment is discussed in the context of the reproductive strategies of swallows and future directions for research on the nesting swallows of Lundy are suggested

    Average clutch size for a Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) colony on Lundy

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    Kittiwake populations on Lundy have been in decline for many years. Davis & Jones (2007) give population data from 1939 to 2004. In 1939 there were 3,000 occupied nests. The next year for which there was a complete survey was 1950, when there were 1,387 occupied nests. Between 1950 and 1973 there were a further 11 complete surveys and the numbers peaked at 2,026 and dropped to 718, with some fluctuations. Since 1981 (with 933 occupied nests) there has been a steady decline (eight complete surveys), to a population of 148 occupied nests in 2004. The Seabird Register for 2008 and 2013 adds to this story, giving figures of 151 and 127 occupied nests (see Price, Slader & Booker, 2013; Figure 1)

    Changes in art: market forces or evolution? A response to Colin Martindale

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    Colin Martindale has presented the case for the end of art based on an evolutionary argument that invokes the need for representation and novelty as the key selection pressures. Art is hopelessly doomed to use up novelty and so render itself extinct. In this response I take issue with Martindale's use of evolutionary theory and then with his notion of novelty. I conclude that a better conceptual framework might be that of the market and of game theory. To begin with, however, I briefly outline evolutionary theory in order to lay the groundwork for subsequent arguments

    Data and context

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    Deacon presents a fascinating model that adds to explanations of the origins of life from physical matter. Deacon’s paper owes much to the work of Howard Pattee, who saw semiotic relations in informational terms, and Deacon binds his model to criticism of current information concepts in biology which he sees as semantically inadequate. In this commentary I first outline the broader project from Pattee, and then I present a cybernetic perspective on information. My claim is that this view of information is already present within biology and provides what Deacon seeks

    The role of information in evolutionary biology

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    The Modern Synthesis has received criticism for its purported gene-centrism. That criticism relies on a concept of the gene as a unit of instructional information. In this paper I discuss information concepts and endorse one, developed from Floridi, that sees information as a functional relationship between data and context. I use this concept to inspect developmental criticisms of the Modern Synthesis and ar- gue that the instructional gene arose as an idealization practice when evolutionary biologists made comment on development. However, a closer inspection of key claims shows that at least some associated with the Modern Synthesis were in fact adopting the data led definition I favour and made clear arguments for the role of developmental processes beyond genetic input. There was no instructional gene

    Pragmatic considerations and social benefits: an analysis of engagement with a fly-tipping reduction project

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    This paper reports on survey data collected from residents at five London estates toward the end of a pilot intervention designed to reduce fly-tipping and to increase re-use of items. The intervention focused upon developing centres, called Loops, within each estate at which broken and unwanted items could be repaired, improved, sold and bought. Various repurposing and repair skills were also imparted to residents through workshops and other activities (Phillips, 2017). Attitudes toward recycling and the future were assessed, as well as views on the amount and causes of fly-tipping. Questions about the social benefits of engaging with the project were also pursued. The only predictor of strong engagement with the Loops was a belief that people only fly-tipped when they had no choice. A second model, looking to predict whether or not residents had heard of the Loops, showed that convenience in conjunction with the view that there was a lot of fly-tipping, as well as age, were significant contributors. Both models strongly suggest that fly-tipping is thought of pragmatically, and not in the context of broader attitudes about the environment and future. Residents reported that engagement in the project did cause changes to their recycling and repurposing behaviours and that engagement also conveyed social benefits including increases in size of social networks