872 research outputs found

    Central Blood Pressure and Peripheral Reactive Vasodilation in Plant-Based and Typical Dieting African Americans

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    African American individuals (AA) face higher mortality rates from cardiovascular disease than Americans from other racial/ethnic backgrounds. The cause of this health disparity is multifactorial and is in part related to impaired vascular function as well as other variables including diet and numerous socioeconomic factors. Diets rich in whole plant foods and low in animal products may protect blood vessels through their high antioxidant capacity and low inflammatory load. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that AA adhering to a 100% plant-based (vegan) diet (PBD) would have a more favorable dietary intake of several key nutrients and more optimal blood cholesterol, which would contribute to better blood pressure and peripheral reactive vasodilation relative to AA following a typical American diet (TAD). METHODS: Seventeen AA participated in the study. Of them, 8 (5 female; age: 25±2 years; BMI: 23.4±1.4 kg/m2) were following a PBD for 2.5±0.3 years and 9 (5 female; age: 21±1 years; BMI: 25.3±2.1 kg/m2) were following a TAD. A fasting venous blood draw was performed to assess blood lipids. Participants completed a comprehensive diet questionnaire (DHQIII, NIH). Peripheral and central blood pressures were measured via the SphygmoCor system (AtCor Medical). Brachial artery flow-mediated dilation (FMD) and reactive hyperemia (RH) were assessed via well-established procedures. Briefly, 2 min baseline measurements of brachial artery diameter and blood velocity were taken via Doppler ultrasound before a forearm cuff was inflated to 220 mmHg for 5 min. Post-occlusion data were recorded for 3 min. Measurement of baseline to peak post-occlusion brachial artery diameter and blood velocity were performed by pairing a video capture system (Elgato) with edge-detection and blood velocity-tracking software (Quipu). RESULTS: PBD AA consumed more dark green vegetables and whole grains and less cholesterol than TAD AA (p\u3c.05 for all). Consumption of sodium, potassium, and vitamins C & E was not different between groups (p\u3e.05 for all). Total (TC) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL-C) blood cholesterol concentrations were lower in PBD AA relative to TAD AA (TC: 136±9 vs. 174±12 mg/dl; LDL-C: 77±6 vs. 106±11 mg/dl; respectively; p\u3c.05 for both). Resting brachial (b) and central (c) mean arterial blood pressures (MAP) were lower in PBD AA relative to TAD AA (bMAP: 85±2 vs. 91±2 mmHg; cMAP: 80±2 vs. 87±2 mmHg; respectively; p\u3c.05 for both). There were no differences between groups in FMD nor RH (p\u3e.05 for all). FMD and FMD/shear rate were 7.7±0.8% and 0.33±0.05 au in PBD AA and 6.2±0.9% and 0.27±0.03 au in TAD AA, respectively. For RH, the percentage change in blood velocity and flow were 1441±479% and 1425±466% in PBD AA and 707±495% and 671±76% in TAD AA, respectively. CONCLUSION: These preliminary data suggest that a diet rich in whole plant foods but devoid of animal products may be associated with healthier blood cholesterol and peripheral and central blood pressures in AA but that these differences may not yet be translating to differences in peripheral reactive vasodilation

    Sympathetically-Mediated Cutaneous Vasoconstriction Is Similar Between Non-Hispanic Black and White Individuals

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    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevalence is highest in non-Hispanic Black (BL) individuals compared to any other race. The mechanisms responsible remain incompletely understood and can be impacted by several environmental, psychosocial, and socioeconomic factors. A major contributing factor to elevated CVD risk/prevalence in the BL population is altered vascular function, which could be attributed to an exaggerated vasoconstrictor response to efferent sympathetic activity (i.e., sympathetic vascular transduction). Previous data from our group demonstrates heightened sympathetic vascular transduction in the peripheral vasculature of BL males. However, whether sympathetically-mediated vasoconstriction is exaggerated in the cutaneous circulation of BL individuals remains unknown. PURPOSE: This study tested the hypothesis that BL individuals exhibit exaggerated vasoconstriction to intra-dermal infusions of the α-adrenoreceptor agonist norepinephrine (NE) relative to White (WH) individuals. METHODS: In this study, young, healthy college-aged BL (n=13; 6 females) and WH (n=10; 4 females) individuals participated. Participants were instrumented with an intradermal microdialysis membrane in the dorsal forearm. Red blood cell flux was continuously assessed via laser Doppler flowmetry before (baseline) and during incrementally stronger infusions of NE (10-8 M – 10-2 M; 6 min/dose). Data were analyzed as a relative (i.e., percent) reduction in cutaneous vascular conductance (CVC: flux/MAP) compared to the pre-infusion baseline. RESULTS: NE caused a dose-dependent reduction in CVC in both groups (P\u3c0.001). There was no difference between the BL and WH individuals (P=0.37) nor was there a race x dose interaction (P=0.84). Similarly, when the data were separated by sex there was no difference between BL and WH males (P=0.56) or females (P=0.26). CONCLUSION: Vasoconstrictor responsiveness to α-adrenoreceptor activation was similar between BL and WH individuals. These data suggest that the cutaneous circulation may exhibit divergent sympathically-mediated vasoconstrictor responsiveness relative to other peripheral vascular beds in BL individuals

    Optical Propagation and Communication

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    Contains an introduction and reports on three research projects.Maryland Procurement Office Contract MDA 904-93-C4169Maryland Procurement Office Contract MDA 903-94-C6071U.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research Grant F49620-93-1-0604MIT Lincoln Laboratory Advanced Concepts Program Contract CX-16335U.S. Army Research Office Grant DAAH04-93-G-0399U.S. Army Research Office Grant DAAH04-93-G-018

    Zebrafish: A See-Through Host and a Fluorescent Toolbox to Probe Host–Pathogen Interaction

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    In many ways, the zebrafish represents a hybrid between mouse and invertebrate infection models. Powerful forwardgenetic tools that have made invertebrates justifiably famous are not only relatively accessible in the zebrafish, but have been exploited to yield new insights into human infectious diseases, including leprosy and tuberculosis [1]. Transgenic technologies have enabled detailed, non-invasive in vivo visualization of macrophages and neutrophils in pitched battle with bacteria and fungi [2,3]. Reverse genetics with morpholinos, vivo-morpholinos, and zinc-finger nucleases (but unfortunately not homologous recombination, which for the moment remains out of reach in this organism) enable examination of the roles of specific genes during infection. Flexible genetic systems such as Gal4-UAS and Cre-Lox permit tissue-specific transformation and ablation ([3]; Figure 1)

    Optical Propagation and Communication

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    Contains an introduction and reports on three research projects.Maryland Procurement Office Contract MDA 903-94-C6071Maryland Procurement Office Contract MDA 904-93-C4169U.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research Grant F49620-93-1-0604U.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research Grant F49620-96-1-0028U.S. Army Research Office Grant DAAHO4-95-1-0494U.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research Grant F49620-96-1-0126U.S. Army Research Office Grant DAAHO4-93-G-018

    Optical Propagation and Communication

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    Contains an introduction and reports on three research projects.Maryland Procurement Office Contract MDA 904-93-C4169Maryland Procurement Office Contract MDA 903-94-C6071U.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research Grant F49620-93-1-0604MIT Lincoln Laboratory Advanced Concepts Program Contract CX-16335U.S. Army Research Office Grant DAAH04-93-G-0399U.S. Army Research Office Grant DAAH04-93-G-018
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