2 research outputs found

    Infrared thermography of external ocular surface in patients with absolute glaucoma in transscleral cyclophotocoagulation: a pilot study

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    Background: Changes in the temperature of external ocular surface in patients with absolute neovascular glaucoma (including the changes after transscleral contact cyclophotocoagulation with scleral compression (TCCSC)) are still to be investigated. Purpose: To use infrared thermography (1) to investigate thermal patterns and to estimate the temperature of the external ocular surface in healthy individuals and (2) to compare these characteristics in the glaucomatous eyes versus intact fellow eyes of patients with absolute glaucoma undergoing treatment with 1064-nm TCCSC. Materials and Methods: Twenty healthy volunteers (40 eyes) and 45 patients (90 eyes) with absolute glaucoma were under observation. All 130 eyes underwent visual acuity assessment, anterior eye photography, and infrared thermography of the external corneal surface. Each patient underwent three sessions of 1 064-nm TCCSC. Results: In healthy subjects, mean external ocular surface temperature was 34.5 ± 0.7°C. For patients with absolute glaucoma, external corneal surface temperature at baseline was higher in intact fellow eyes than in glaucomatous eyes (34.3 ± 0.9°C versus 33.1 ± 0.8°С, P = 0.0008). In addition, increases in the temperature of external ocular surface were observed in the course of decrease in IOP after 1 064-nm TCCSC. Conclusion: In patients with absolute glaucoma, infrared thermography found a marked thermal pattern asymmety between glaucomatous eyes and intact fellow eyes. In addition, increases in the temperature of external ocular surface in the course of decrease in IOP after 1064-nm TCCSC may be apparently attributed to improved ocular blood flow and inflammatory response of the ciliary body to laser photocoagulation

    Influence of photodynamic properties of methylene blue on the culture of Candida albicans at influence on it of laser

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    Метою дослідження було вивчення впливу лазерного опромінення в сполученні з фотосенсибилізатором – метиленовим синім (МС) на добові культури Candida albicans. Концентрації МС дорівнювали 0, 2%, 0, 1 %, 0, 05 %. Суспензію клітин з метиленовим синім активували за допомогою діодного лазера з довжиною хвилі 630 нм впродовж 3 або 5 хвилин. Встановлено, що ріст Candida albicans при цьому пригнічується. В групі без центрифугування максимальне пригнічення росту спостерігалось через 24 години після використання 0, 1 % МС та трьох хвилинного опромінювання лазером. В групі з центрифугуванням максимум пригнічення росту мікроорганізмів спостерігався через 48 годин після використання 0, 05 % МС і такої ж експозиції лазера.The purpose of research was to define influence combined applications of laser radiation and methylene blue (MB) as photosensitizer on pathogenic culture of Candida albicans in vitro. Daily cultures were grown up in test tubes on oblique agar at 37°C. Concentration of MB was 0,2%, 0,1% and 0,05%. Activation of suspension of cells with methylene blue was by laser radiation from a long wave 630 nm during of 3 or 5 minutes. Research has shown, that growth Candida albicans suppressed at use of methylene blue as photosensitizer in a combination with laser 630 nm. After 24 hours the maximal suppression of growth of microorganisms is marked in group without centrifugation with use of 0,1% MB at duration of a laser of 3 minutes. After 48 hours the maximal suppression of growth of microorganisms is marked in group after centrifugation with use of 0,1% MB at an exposition of a laser of 3 minutes