53 research outputs found

    The Effects of Age on Red Giant Metallicities Derived from the Near-Infrared Ca II Triplet

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    We have obtained spectra with resolution 2.5 Angstroms in the region 7500-9500 Angstroms for 116 red giants in 5 Galactic globular clusters and 6 old open clusters (5 with published metallicities, and one previously unmeasured). The signal-to-noise ranges from 20 to 85. We measure the equivalent widths of the infrared Ca II triplet absorption lines in each stars and compare to cluster metallicities taken from the literature. With globular cluster abundances on the Carretta & Gratton scale, and open cluster abundances taken from the compilation of Friel and collaborators, we find a linear relation between [Fe/H] and Ca II line strength spanning the range -2 < [Fe/H] < -0.2 and ages from 2.5 - 13 Gyr. No evidence for an age effect on the metallicity calibration is observed. Using this calibration, we find the metallicity of the old open cluster Trumpler 5 to be [Fe/H] = -0.56 +/-0.11. Considering the 10 clusters of known metallicity shifted to a common distance and reddening, we find that the additional metallicity error introduced by the variation of horizontal branch/red clump magnitude with metallicity and age is of order +/-0.05 dex, which can be neglected in comparison to the intrinsic scatter in our method. The results are discussed in the context of abundance determinations for red giants in Local Group galaxies.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS; 21 pages in LaTeX MNRAS style, 6 tables, 6 figure

    The Stellar Populations of the Carina Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy: I. a New Color-Magnitude Diagram for the Giant and Horizontal Branches

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    We report on the first in a series of studies of the Carina dwarf spheroidal galaxy, a nearby satellite of our Galaxy. Our two major results are: 1) precise BI photometry (\sigma_{B-I} \simlt 0.05 for V \simlt 22) for 11,489 stars in the Carina field, and 2) the detection of two, morphologically distinct, horizontal branches, which confirms that star formation in Carina occurred in two well-separated episodes. The old horizontal branch and RR Lyrae instability strip belong to a > 10 Gyr stellar population, while the populous red-clump horizontal branch belongs to an approximately 6 Gyr stellar population. We derive a distance modulus (m−M)0=20.09±0.06(m-M)_0=20.09 \pm 0.06 for Carina from the apparent magnitudes of the old horizontal branch and the tip of the red giant branch, and discuss modifications to the previously estimated distance, total magnitude, and stellar ages. Using the color of the red giant branch, we estimate the metallicities of the younger and older populations to be [Fe/H] = -2.0 and -2.2, respectively.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, uses AAS LaTex macros, PostScript figures available through anonymous ftp, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal, DAO-tsh94-

    The Star Formation History of the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    Using WFPC2 aboard the Hubble Space Telescope, we have created deep color-magnitude diagrams in the V and I passbands for approximately 100,000 stars in a field at the center of the LMC bar and another in the disk. The main--sequence luminosity functions (LFs) from 19 mag < V < 23.5 mag, the red clump and horizontal branch morphologies, and the differential Hess diagram of the two fields all strongly imply that the disk and bar have significantly different star-formation histories (SFHs). The disk's SFH has been relatively smooth and continuous over the last 15 Gyr while the bar's SFH was dominated by star formation episodes at intermediate ages. Comparison of the LF against predictions based on Padova theoretical stellar evolution models and an assumed age-metallicity relationship allows us to identify the dominant stellar populations in the bar with episodes of star formation that occurred from 4 to 6 and 1 to 2 Gyr ago. These events accounted, respectively, for approximately 25% and 15% of its stellar mass. The disk field may share a mild enhancement in SF for the younger episode, and thus we identify the 4 to 6 Gyr episode with the formation of the LMC bar.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, Latex, also available at http://www.ps.uci.edu/physics/smeckerhane.html. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Dwarf Cepheids in the Carina Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy

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    We have discovered 20 dwarf Cepheids (DC) in the Carina dSph galaxy from the analysis of individual CCD images obtained for a deep photometric study of the system. These short-period pulsating variable stars are by far the most distant (~100 kpc) and faintest (V ~ 23.0) DCs known. The Carina DCs obey a well-defined period-luminosity relation, allowing us to readily distinguish between overtone and fundamental pulsators in nearly every case. Unlike RR Lyr stars, the pulsation mode turns out to be uncorrelated with light-curve shape, nor do the overtone pulsators tend towards shorter periods compared to the fundamental pulsators. Using the period-luminosity (PL) relations from Nemec et al. (1994 AJ, 108, 222) and McNamara (1995, AJ, 109, 1751), we derive (m-M)_0 = 20.06 +/- 0.12, for E(B-V) = 0.025 and [Fe/H] = -2.0, in good agreement with recent, independent estimates of the distance/reddening of Carina. The error reflects the uncertainties in the DC distance scale, and in the metallicity and reddening of Carina. The frequency of DCs among upper main sequence stars in Carina is approximately 3%. The ratio of dwarf Cepheids to RR Lyr stars in Carina is 0.13 +/- 0.10, though this result is highly sensitive to the star-formation history of Carina and the evolution of the Horizontal Branch. We discuss how DCs may be useful to search effectively for substructure in the Galactic halo out to Galactocentric distances of ~100 kpc.Comment: 20 pages of text, 7 figure

    A Search for Ionized Gas in the Draco and Ursa Minor Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies

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    The Wisconsin H Alpha Mapper has been used to set the first deep upper limits on the intensity of diffuse H alpha emission from warm ionized gas in the Local Group dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) Draco and Ursa Minor. Assuming a velocity dispersion of 15 km/s for the ionized gas, we set limits for the H alpha intensity of less or equal to 0.024 Rayleighs and less or equal to 0.021 Rayleighs for the Draco and Ursa Minor dSphs, respectively, averaged over our 1 degree circular beam. Adopting a simple model for the ionized interstellar medium, these limits translate to upper bounds on the mass of ionized gas of approximately less than 10% of the stellar mass, or approximately 10 times the upper limits for the mass of neutral hydrogen. Note that the Draco and Ursa Minor dSphs could contain substantial amounts of interstellar gas, equivalent to all of the gas injected by dying stars since the end of their main star forming episodes more than 8 Gyr in the past, without violating these limits on the mass of ionized gas.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, AASTeX two-column format. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa
