450 research outputs found

    Replica Symmetry Breaking and the Renormalization Group Theory of the Weakly Disordered Ferromagnet

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    We study the critical properties of the weakly disordered pp-component ferromagnet in terms of the renormalization group (RG) theory generalized to take into account the replica symmetry breaking (RSB) effects coming from the multiple local minima solutions of the mean-field equations. It is shown that for p<4p < 4 the traditional RG flows at dimensions D=4−ϔD=4-\epsilon, which are usually considered as describing the disorder-induced universal critical behavior, are unstable with respect to the RSB potentials as found in spin glasses. It is demonstrated that for a general type of the Parisi RSB structures there exists no stable fixed points, and the RG flows lead to the {\it strong coupling regime} at the finite scale R∗∌exp⁥(1/u)R_{*} \sim \exp(1/u), where uu is the small parameter describing the disorder. The physical concequences of the obtained RG solutions are discussed. In particular, we argue, that discovered RSB strong coupling phenomena indicate on the onset of a new spin glass type critical behaviour in the temperature interval τ<τ∗∌exp⁥(−1/u)\tau < \tau_{*} \sim \exp(-1/u) near TcT_{c}. Possible relevance of the considered RSB effects for the Griffith phase is also discussed.Comment: 32 pages, Late

    Effect of Random Impurities on Fluctuation-Driven First Order Transitions

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    We analyse the effect of quenched uncorrelated randomness coupling to the local energy density of a model consisting of N coupled two-dimensional Ising models. For N>2 the pure model exhibits a fluctuation-driven first order transition, characterised by runaway renormalisation group behaviour. We show that the addition of weak randomness acts to stabilise these flows, in such a way that the trajectories ultimately flow back towards the pure decoupled Ising fixed point, with the usual critical exponents alpha=0, nu=1, apart from logarithmic corrections. We also show by examples that, in higher dimensions, such transitions may either become continuous or remain first order in the presence of randomness.Comment: 13 pp., LaTe

    The One-dimensional KPZ Equation and the Airy Process

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    Our previous work on the one-dimensional KPZ equation with sharp wedge initial data is extended to the case of the joint height statistics at n spatial points for some common fixed time. Assuming a particular factorization, we compute an n-point generating function and write it in terms of a Fredholm determinant. For long times the generating function converges to a limit, which is established to be equivalent to the standard expression of the n-point distribution of the Airy process.Comment: 15 page

    Oscillation regimes of a solid-state ring laser with active beat note stabilization : from a chaotic device to a ring laser gyroscope

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    We report experimental and theoretical study of a rotating diode-pumped Nd-YAG ring laser with active beat note stabilization. Our experimental setup is described in the usual Maxwell-Bloch formalism. We analytically derive a stability condition and some frequency response characteristics for the solid-state ring laser gyroscope, illustrating the important role of mode coupling effects on the dynamics of such a device. Experimental data are presented and compared with the theory on the basis of realistic laser parameters, showing a very good agreement. Our results illustrate the duality between the very rich non linear dynamics of the diode-pumped solid-state ring laser (including chaotic behavior) and the possibility to obtain a very stable beat note, resulting in a potentially new kind of rotation sensor

    Non-perturbative phenomena in the three-dimensional random field Ising model

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    The systematic approach for the calculations of the non-perturbative contributions to the free energy in the ferromagnetic phase of the random field Ising model is developed. It is demonstrated that such contributions appear due to localized in space instanton-like excitations. It is shown that away from the critical region such instanton solutions are described by the set of the mean-field saddle-point equations for the replica vector order parameter, and these equations can be formally reduced to the only saddle-point equation of the pure system in dimensions (D-2). In the marginal case, D=3, the corresponding non-analytic contribution is computed explicitly. Nature of the phase transition in the three-dimensional random field Ising model is discussed.Comment: 12 page

    The 1+1-dimensional Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation and its universality class

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    We explain the exact solution of the 1+1 dimensional Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation with sharp wedge initial conditions. Thereby it is confirmed that the continuum model belongs to the KPZ universality class, not only as regards to scaling exponents but also as regards to the full probability distribution of the height in the long time limit.Comment: Proceedings StatPhys 2

    Multicritical Points and Crossover Mediating the Strong Violation of Universality: Wang-Landau Determinations in the Random-Bond d=2d=2 Blume-Capel model

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    The effects of bond randomness on the phase diagram and critical behavior of the square lattice ferromagnetic Blume-Capel model are discussed. The system is studied in both the pure and disordered versions by the same efficient two-stage Wang-Landau method for many values of the crystal field, restricted here in the second-order phase transition regime of the pure model. For the random-bond version several disorder strengths are considered. We present phase diagram points of both pure and random versions and for a particular disorder strength we locate the emergence of the enhancement of ferromagnetic order observed in an earlier study in the ex-first-order regime. The critical properties of the pure model are contrasted and compared to those of the random model. Accepting, for the weak random version, the assumption of the double logarithmic scenario for the specific heat we attempt to estimate the range of universality between the pure and random-bond models. The behavior of the strong disorder regime is also discussed and a rather complex and yet not fully understood behavior is observed. It is pointed out that this complexity is related to the ground-state structure of the random-bond version.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, submitted for publicatio

    On the nature of the phase transition in the three-dimensional random field Ising model

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    A brief survey of the theoretical, numerical and experimental studies of the random field Ising model during last three decades is given. Nature of the phase transition in the three-dimensional RFIM with Gaussian random fields is discussed. Using simple scaling arguments it is shown that if the strength of the random fields is not too small (bigger than a certain threshold value) the finite temperature phase transition in this system is equivalent to the low-temperature order-disorder transition which takes place at variations of the strength of the random fields. Detailed study of the zero-temperature phase transition in terms of simple probabilistic arguments and modified mean-field approach (which take into account nearest-neighbors spin-spin correlations) is given. It is shown that if all thermally activated processes are suppressed the ferromagnetic order parameter m(h) as the function of the strength hh of the random fields becomes history dependent. In particular, the behavior of the magnetization curves m(h) for increasing and for decreasing hh reveals the hysteresis loop.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figure

    Free-energy distribution of the directed polymer at high temperature

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    We study the directed polymer of length tt in a random potential with fixed endpoints in dimension 1+1 in the continuum and on the square lattice, by analytical and numerical methods. The universal regime of high temperature TT is described, upon scaling 'time' t∌T5/Îșt \sim T^5/\kappa and space x=T3/Îșx = T^3/\kappa (with Îș=T\kappa=T for the discrete model) by a continuum model with ÎŽ\delta-function disorder correlation. Using the Bethe Ansatz solution for the attractive boson problem, we obtain all positive integer moments of the partition function. The lowest cumulants of the free energy are predicted at small time and found in agreement with numerics. We then obtain the exact expression at any time for the generating function of the free energy distribution, in terms of a Fredholm determinant. At large time we find that it crosses over to the Tracy Widom distribution (TW) which describes the fixed TT infinite tt limit. The exact free energy distribution is obtained for any time and compared with very recent results on growth and exclusion models.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures large time limit corrected and convergence to Tracy Widom established, 1 figure changed

    Instantons in the Langevin dynamics: an application to spin glasses

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    We develop a general technique to calculate the probability of transitions over the barriers in spin-glasses in the framework of the dynamical theory. We use Lagrangian formulation of the instanton dynamics in which the transitions are represented by instantons. We derive the full set of the equations that determine the instantons but instead of solving them directly we prove that an instanton process can be mapped into a usual process going back in time which simplifies the problem significantly. We apply this general considerations to a simple example of the spherical Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model and we find the probability of the transition between the metastable states which is in agreement with physical expectations.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure
