34,294 research outputs found

    Modeling multi-cellular systems using sub-cellular elements

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    We introduce a model for describing the dynamics of large numbers of interacting cells. The fundamental dynamical variables in the model are sub-cellular elements, which interact with each other through phenomenological intra- and inter-cellular potentials. Advantages of the model include i) adaptive cell-shape dynamics, ii) flexible accommodation of additional intra-cellular biology, and iii) the absence of an underlying grid. We present here a detailed description of the model, and use successive mean-field approximations to connect it to more coarse-grained approaches, such as discrete cell-based algorithms and coupled partial differential equations. We also discuss efficient algorithms for encoding the model, and give an example of a simulation of an epithelial sheet. Given the biological flexibility of the model, we propose that it can be used effectively for modeling a range of multi-cellular processes, such as tumor dynamics and embryogenesis.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Predator-prey cycles from resonant amplification of demographic stochasticity

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    In this paper we present the simplest individual level model of predator-prey dynamics and show, via direct calculation, that it exhibits cycling behavior. The deterministic analogue of our model, recovered when the number of individuals is infinitely large, is the Volterra system (with density-dependent prey reproduction) which is well-known to fail to predict cycles. This difference in behavior can be traced to a resonant amplification of demographic fluctuations which disappears only when the number of individuals is strictly infinite. Our results indicate that additional biological mechanisms, such as predator satiation, may not be necessary to explain observed predator-prey cycles in real (finite) populations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum revivals and carpets in some exactly solvable systems

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    We consider the revival properties of quantum systems with an eigenspectrum E_{n} proportional to n^{2}, and compare them with the simplest member of this class - the infinite square well. In addition to having perfect revivals at integer multiples of the revival time t_{R}, these systems all enjoy perfect fractional revivals at quarterly intervals of t_{R}. A closer examination of the quantum evolution is performed for the Poeschel-Teller and Rosen-Morse potentials, and comparison is made with the infinite square well using quantum carpets.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures (1 new), minor additions, to appear in J. Phys.

    Strong coupling probe for the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation

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    We present an exact solution of the {\it deterministic} Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation under the influence of a local driving force ff. For substrate dimension d2d \le 2 we recover the well-known result that for arbitrarily small f>0f>0, the interface develops a non-zero velocity v(f)v(f). Novel behaviour is found in the strong-coupling regime for d>2d > 2, in which ff must exceed a critical force fcf_c in order to drive the interface with constant velocity. We find v(f)(ffc)α(d)v(f) \sim (f-f_c)^{\alpha (d)} for ffcf \searrow f_{c}. In particular, the exponent α(d)=2/(d2)\alpha (d) = 2/(d-2) for 2<d<42<d<4, but saturates at α(d)=1\alpha(d)=1 for d>4d>4, indicating that for this simple problem, there exists a finite upper critical dimension du=4d_u=4. For d>2d>2 the surface distortion caused by the applied force scales logarithmically with distance within a critical radius Rc(ffc)ν(d)R_{c} \sim (f-f_{c})^{-\nu(d)}, where ν(d)=α(d)/2\nu(d) = \alpha (d)/2. Connections between these results, and the critical properties of the weak/strong-coupling transition in the noisy KPZ equation are pursued.Comment: 18 pages, RevTex, to appear in J. Phys. I Franc

    The Universal Cut Function and Type II Metrics

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    In analogy with classical electromagnetic theory, where one determines the total charge and both electric and magnetic multipole moments of a source from certain surface integrals of the asymptotic (or far) fields, it has been known for many years - from the work of Hermann Bondi - that energy and momentum of gravitational sources could be determined by similar integrals of the asymptotic Weyl tensor. Recently we observed that there were certain overlooked structures, {defined at future null infinity,} that allowed one to determine (or define) further properties of both electromagnetic and gravitating sources. These structures, families of {complex} `slices' or `cuts' of Penrose's null infinity, are referred to as Universal Cut Functions, (UCF). In particular, one can define from these structures a (complex) center of mass (and center of charge) and its equations of motion - with rather surprising consequences. It appears as if these asymptotic structures contain in their imaginary part, a well defined total spin-angular momentum of the source. We apply these ideas to the type II algebraically special metrics, both twisting and twist-free.Comment: 32 page

    Proper conformal symmetries in SD Einstein spaces

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    Proper conformal symmetries in self-dual (SD) Einstein spaces are considered. It is shown, that such symmetries are admitted only by the Einstein spaces of the type [N]x[N]. Spaces of the type [N]x[-] are considered in details. Existence of the proper conformal Killing vector implies existence of the isometric, covariantly constant and null Killing vector. It is shown, that there are two classes of [N]x[-]-metrics admitting proper conformal symmetry. They can be distinguished by analysis of the associated anti-self-dual (ASD) null strings. Both classes are analyzed in details. The problem is reduced to single linear PDE. Some general and special solutions of this PDE are presented

    The spatial structure of networks

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    We study networks that connect points in geographic space, such as transportation networks and the Internet. We find that there are strong signatures in these networks of topography and use patterns, giving the networks shapes that are quite distinct from one another and from non-geographic networks. We offer an explanation of these differences in terms of the costs and benefits of transportation and communication, and give a simple model based on the Monte Carlo optimization of these costs and benefits that reproduces well the qualitative features of the networks studied.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure