831 research outputs found

    An Observatory to Study 10 (10) to 10 (17) EV Gamma Rays

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    A facility is described which incorporates many of the best features of existing gamma ray telescopes at a single site. In addition to reducing the flux sensitivity in some energy ranges, it permits the measurements of the energy spectrum over seven decades of energy

    Detection Techniques of Microsecond Gamma-Ray Bursts using Ground-Based Telescopes

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    Gamma-ray observations above 200 MeV are conventionally made by satellite-based detectors. The EGRET detector on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO) has provided good sensitivity for the detection of bursts lasting for more than 200 ms. Theoretical predictions of high-energy gamma-ray bursts produced by quantum-mechanical decay of primordial black holes (Hawking 1971) suggest the emission of bursts on shorter time scales. The final stage of a primordial black hole results in a burst of gamma-rays, peaking around 250 MeV and lasting for a tenth of a microsecond or longer depending on particle physics. In this work we show that there is an observational window using ground-based imaging Cherenkov detectors to measure gamma-ray burst emission at energies E greater than 200 MeV. This technique, with a sensitivity for bursts lasting nanoseconds to several microseconds, is based on the detection of multi-photon-initiated air showers.Comment: accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Search for gamma-rays above 400 GeV from Geminga

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    Observations of Geminga made at the Whipple Observatory using the atmospheric Cherenkov technique during the moonless periods of November 1983 to February 1984 and November 1984 till February 1985 were examined for evidence for the emission of gamma rays with energy in excess of approx 400 GeV. Evidence of either a steady flux or a flux pulsed with a period near 60 seconds were studied. In neither case was any significant effect observed, enabling the establishment 3 of sigma upper limits of 5.5 x 10 to the -11th power photons/sq cm/s and 2.0 x 10 to the -11th power photons/sq cm/s for the steady and pulsed emission respectively. The limit to the pulsed flux is approximately a factor of six below that predicted