77,982 research outputs found

    Microwave emission from polar firn

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    The microwave emission from a half-space medium, characterized by coordinate dependent scattering and absorbing centers, was calculated by numerically solving the radiative transfer equation by the method of invariant imbedding. Rayleigh scattering phase functions and scattering induced polarization of the radiation were included in the calculation. Using the scattering and extinction data of polar firn the brightness temperature was calculated for the 1.55 cm wavelength. This study was the first quantitative comparison of the results of numerical calculation using the actual measured information of crystal size with the observed data

    The solar reflectance of a snow field

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    The radiative transfer equation was solved using a modified Schuster-Schwartzschild approximation to obtain an expression for the solar reflectance of a snow field. The parameters in the reflectance formula are the single scattering albedo and the fraction of energy scattered in the backward direction. The single scattering albedo is calculated from the crystal size using a geometrical optics formula and the fraction of energy scattered in the backward direction is calculated from the Mie scattering theory. Numerical results for reflectance are obtained for visible and near infrared radiation for different snow conditions. Good agreement was found with the whole spectral range. The calculation also shows the observed effect of aging on the snow reflectance

    The albedo of snow for partially cloudy skies

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    The input parameters of the model are atmospheric precipitable water, ozone content, turbidity, cloud optical thickness, size and shape of ice crystal of snow and surface pressure. The model outputs spectral and integrated solar flux snow reflectance as a function of solar elevation and fractional cloudcover. The model is illustrated using representative parameters for the Antarctic coastal regions. The albedo for a clear sky depends inversely on the solar elevation. At high elevation the albedo depends primarily upon the grain size; at low elevation this dependence is on grain size and shape. The gradient of the albedo-elevation curve increases as the grains get larger and faceted. The albedo for a dense overcast is a few percent higher than the clear sky albedo at high elevations. A simple relation between the grain size and the overcast albedo is obtained. For a set of grain size and shape, the albedo matrices (the albedo as a function of solar elevation and fractional cloudcover) are tabulated

    On the Angular Variation of Solar Reflectance of Snow

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    Spectral and integrated solar reflectance of nonhomogeneous snowpacks were derived assuming surface reflection of direct radiation and subsurface multiple scattering. For surface reflection, a bidirectional reflectance distribution function derived for an isotropic Gaussian faceted surface was considered and for subsurface multiple scattering, an approximate solution of the radiative transfer equation was studied. Solar radiation incident on the snowpack was decomposed into direct and atmospherically scattered radiation. Spectral attenuation coefficients of ozone, carbon dioxide, water vapor, aerosol and molecular scattering were included in the calculation of incident solar radiation. Illustrative numerical results were given for a case of North American winter atmospheric conditions. The calculated dependence of spectrally integrated directional reflectance (or albedo) on solar elevation was in qualitative agreement with available observations

    Two-stream theory of spectral reflectance of snow

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    Spectral reflectance of snow under diffuse illumination is studied using the two-stream approximation of the radiative transfer equation. The scattering and absorption within the snowcover due to the randomly distributed ice grains are characterized by the single scattering albedo and anisotropic phase function. Geometric optics calculations are used to relate the scattering and absorption parameters to grain size and density of snow. Analytical expressions for the intensity within the snowpack and the asymptotic flux extinction coefficient are also obtained. Good agreement is shown between the theory and available experimental data on visible and near-infrared reflectance and asymptotic flux extinction coefficient. The theory also may be used to explain the observed effect of aging on the snow reflectance

    Collisions of antiprotons with hydrogen molecular ions

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    Time-dependent close-coupling calculations of the ionization and excitation cross section for antiproton collisions with molecular hydrogen ions are performed in an impact-energy range from 0.5 keV to 10 MeV. The Born-Oppenheimer and Franck-Condon approximations as well as the impact parameter method are applied in order to describe the target molecule and the collision process. It is shown that three perpendicular orientations of the molecular axis with respect to the trajectory are sufficient to accurately reproduce the ionization cross section calculated by [Sakimoto, Phys. Rev. A 71, 062704 (2005)] reducing the numerical effort drastically. The independent-event model is employed to approximate the cross section for double ionization and H+ production in antiproton collisions with H2.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, 4 table

    Enhanced visibility of graphene: effect of one-dimensional photonic crystal

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    We investigate theoretically the light reflectance of a graphene layer prepared on the top of one-dimensional Si/SiO2 photonic crystal (1DPC). It is shown that the visibility of the graphene layers is enhanced greatly when 1DPC is added, and the visibility can be tuned by changing the incident angle and light wavelengths. This phenomenon is caused by the absorption of the graphene layer and the enhanced reflectance of the 1DPC.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. published, ApplPhysLett_91_18190

    A statistical technique for determining rainfall over land employing Nimbus-6 ESMR measurements

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    An empirical method was employed to delineate synoptic scale rainfall over land utilizing Nimbus-6 ESMR measurements

    Effect of surface roughness on the microwave brightness temperature of soils

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    The effect of surface roughness on the brightness temperature of a moist terrain was studied through the modification of Fresnel reflection coefficient and using the radiative transfer equation. Model calculations are in good qualitative agreement with the observed dependence of the brightness temperature on the moisture content in the surface layer