320 research outputs found

    Microwave surface resistance of Nb films

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    The surface resistance, R_s, of niobium (Nb) films has been experimentally investigated as a function of thickness, preparation technique and substrate material at 8.86 GHz. Nb films were prepared by either sputtering or evaporation in the thickness range Between 0.1 μm and 3.0 μm on either copper (Cu) or sapphire substrate. R_s was determined using a cylindrical TE011mode resonant cavity with one removable end-plate which was utilized as the test substrate. The low field R_s at 4.2 K is lower than that of bulk Nb and shows good agreement with BCS calculation which takes into account the effects of mean free path. The temperature dependence of R_s indicates a normalized film gap parameter, Δ(0)/KTc, nearly equivalent to the bulk value for most of the films. At low temperatures, Rsis dominated by residual resistance (R0) which approaches 1 μΩ. The overall characteristics of Nb on Cu (Nb/Cu) indicate that this composite material is potentially useful in applications requiring high rf field as well as high thermal stability

    Pengembangan Metode Pengamanan Berkas Memafaatkan Pewarnaan Graf

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    Penyembunyian data pada citra digital adalah teknologi penyembunyian pesan yang populer, dimana pesan rahasia disembunyikan pada citra digital yang disebut citra cover. Kehadiran pesan rahasia tersebut tidak dapat dilihat. Dengan demikian, penyerang ilegal tidak dapat mendeteksi pesan rahasia, namun penerima yang sah dapat memperoleh pesan rahasia dengan menggunakan algoritma ekstraksi. Salah satu metode yang kerap kali digunakan untuk steganography adalah Difference Expansion (DE). Kelebihan dari metode DE adalah metode ini mampu menyediakan penyisipan yang besar dengan kompleksitas yang rendah. Metode DE membutuhkan sebuah location map untuk menandai pixel yang dapat dilakukan penyisipan. Untuk memperbesar kapasitas penyimpanan pada sebuah media maka location map dapat disimpan pada berkas yang berbeda. Akan tetapi hal tersebut membuat sebuah celah keamanan yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh penyerang. Pada penelitian ini metode untuk mengamankan location map dalam penyembunyian data dilakukan dengan transformasi. Yaitu dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan proses pewarnaan pada graf sehingga transformasi dilakukan dengan menyusuri setiap sisi dari graf. Transformasi yang diusulkan mampu mengubah berkas flocation sebesar 94KB selama 2,83 detik mengungguli protocol yang diusulkan oleh metode sebelumnya

    Proses Inovasi Pelayanan Bus Rapid Transit (Brt) Trans Semarang (Studi Kasus E-ticketing)

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    Innovation is one of the important aspects in improving the quality of public services. As innovations were issued by the government bureau, government expected people would appease with the public services. In order to improve services quality in transportation sectors, the local government of Semarang launched e-ticketing feature in Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Trans Semarang.Aim of this study are to find out the service innovation process in BRT Trans Semarang, discover supporting and opposing factors in service innovation implementation of BRT Trans Semarang.Materials and data were collected through depth interview with informants and observed. Theory of this study are based on Mulgan\u27s innovation process theory, which are generating possibilities, incubating and prototyping, replicating and scaling up, analyzing and learning.Supporting and opposing theory of service innovation in public sectors by Albury and Clark. Results of this study showed service innovation processes (generating possibilities, incubating and prototyping, replicating and scaling up, dan analyzing and learning) have been in progress by General Service Departement of BRT Trans Semarang. Supporting factors in e-ticketing service innovation are political push, pressure for economy and improved efficiency, and pressure for improved service quality. In the other hand, there are opposing factors in service innovation of e-ticketing included over-reliance on high performers, availability of technology, cultural or organizational constraints, no rewards or incentives, short-term planning and budget, and culture ofrisk aversion. Suggestion from the author are included necessity in recruitment of IT expert staffs and reduce operator workload, adjunct technology supporting the implementation of service innovation and e-ticketing machines, establishment of a special team that handles the implementation of the innovation, granting staff an award, cooperationwith external parties in funding e-ticketing machines,and disciplining staffs who are still difficult in learning and using the features of e-ticketing machines


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    Pancasila merupakan landasan Moral kebebasan beragama di Indonesia. Nilai itu dimuat secara implisit dalam sila pertama, yakni Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa dan diperkuat dalam Pembukaan UUD 1945. Karena Pengakuan akan Ketuhanan dimuat dalam dasar negara, maka paham tersebut dijadikan panduan hidup bangsa. Bangsa Indonesia percaya bahwa kebebasan beragama mempunyai dasar pada kodrat manusia dan iman itu sendiri. Implikasi moralnya ialah bahwa setiap orang bebas memilih, mengganti, dan mengamalkan ajaran agamanya sesuai dengan keyakinannya, sejauh tidak mengganggu hak orang lain. Umat beriman juga wajib menghormati agama orang lain dalam toleransi dan tidak diperkenankan memaksakan hak orang lain. Jika dilakukan pemaksaan, maka sama halnya dengan melunturkan cita-cita Pancasila. Dalam hal ini, Departemen agama memiliki tugas khusus untuk menjamin kehidupan beragama sebagaimana diamanatkan Pancasila dan UUD 1945. Akan tetapi diperlukan juga kesadaran berbangsa dan beragama setiap umat beragama dalam menjamin kebebasan beragama. Sehingga, setiap warga tampak dengan saling menghargai, menghormati dan akhirnya tercipta kerukunan hidup setiap warg

    Kraton: Menjaga Perempuan, Menjaga Kebudayaan (Studi Kasus Abdi-dalem Perempuan Kraton Kasunanan Surakarta)

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    The study of women has always attracted the attention of a variety of multi-disciplines. This paper examines women from the discipline of economics which is supported by the study of other sciences, especially gender and culture. This paper describes how the Kraton, as the center of Javanese culture, contributed to keeping women and culture. Thesis writing material adapted from the author himself in 2015, which was then coupled with studies of secondary data as a complement and a reformer. The object of research was the Women Abdi-Dalem Kraton Surakarta, the focus is on the family breeds servants Abdi-Dalem Mbah Dullah , as the only breed longest tradional family servants, namely 5 generations. The object of the research proposed by the Kraton Surakarta appropriate to the purpose of the author, which focus more on parenting and sustainability of the Abdi-Dalem

    Community-based screening for infantile anemia in an Okinawan village, Japan

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    Infancy is a vulnerable age group for anemia throughout the world. However, community-based screening for infantile anemia is seldom reported. This study determined the prevalence of anemia among infants in an Okinawan village from 2003 to 2008, in relation to secondary prevention of the condition. The prevalence among infants aged 3–5, 6–12 and 16–23 months was 12.3%, 15.8%, and 4.2%, respectively, based on cross-sectional surveys (n = 3070 ), and was 11.0%, 17.2%, and 3.9% according to another retrospective cohort study (n = 511 ). The relatively low prevalence of anemia at early childhood suggested that previous detection and treatment through early and late infantile screening had been successful

    c-Src inhibition improves cardiovascular function but not remodeling or fibrosis in Ang II-induced hypertension

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    c-Src plays an important role in angiotensin II (Ang II) signaling. Whether this member of the Src family kinases is involved in the development of Ang II–induced hypertension and associated cardiovascular damage in vivo remains unknown. Here, we studied Ang II–infused (400 ng/kg/min) mice in which c-Src was partially deleted (c-Src+/−) and in wild-type (WT, c-Src+/+) mice treated with a c-Src inhibitor (CGP077675; 25 mg/kg/d). Ang II increased blood pressure and induced endothelial dysfunction in WT mice, responses that were ameliorated in c-Src+/− and CGP077675-treated mice. Vascular wall thickness and cross-sectional area were similarly increased by Ang II in WT and c-Src+/− mice. CGP077675 further increased cross-sectional area in hypertensive mice. Cardiac dysfunction (ejection fraction and fractional shortening) in Ang II–infused WT mice was normalized in c-Src+/− mice. Increased oxidative stress (plasma thiobarbituric acid–reactive substances, hydrogen peroxide, and vascular superoxide generation) in Ang II–infused WT mice was attenuated in c-Src–deficient and CGP077675-treated mice. Hyperactivation of vascular c-Src, ERK1/2 (extracellular signal–regulated kinase 1/2), and JNK (c-Jun N-terminal kinase) in hypertensive mice was normalized in CGP077675-treated and c-Src+/− mice. Vascular fibronectin was increased by Ang II in all groups and further augmented by CGP077675. Cardiac fibrosis and inflammation induced by Ang II were amplified in c-Src+/− and CGP-treated mice. Our data indicate that although c-Src downregulation attenuates development of hypertension, improves endothelial and cardiac function, reduces oxidative stress, and normalizes vascular signaling, it has little beneficial effect on fibrosis. These findings suggest a divergent role for c-Src in Ang II–dependent hypertension, where c-Src may be more important in regulating redox-sensitive cardiac and vascular function than fibrosis and remodeling
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