440 research outputs found

    New Analytical Formula for Supercritical Accretion Flows

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    We examine a new family of global analytic solutions for optically thick accretion disks, which includes the supercritical accretion regime. We found that the ratio of the advection cooling rate, QadvQ_{\rm adv}, to the viscous heating rate, QvisQ_{\rm vis}, i.e., f=Qadv/Qvisf=Q_{\rm adv}/Q_{\rm vis}, can be represented by an analytical form dependent on the radius and the mass accretion rate. The new analytic solutions can be characterized by the photon-trapping radius, \rtrap, inside which the accretion time is less than the photon diffusion time in the vertical direction; the nature of the solutions changes significantly as this radius is crossed. Inside the trapping radius, ff approaches f∝r0f \propto r^0, which corresponds to the advection-dominated limit (f∌1f \sim 1), whereas outside the trapping radius, the radial dependence of ff changes to f∝r−2f \propto r^{-2}, which corresponds to the radiative-cooling-dominated limit. The analytical formula for ff derived here smoothly connects these two regimes. The set of new analytic solutions reproduces well the global disk structure obtained by numerical integration over a wide range of mass accretion rates, including the supercritical accretion regime. In particular, the effective temperature profiles for our new solutions are in good agreement with those obtained from numerical solutions. Therefore, the new solutions will provide a useful tool not only for evaluating the observational properties of accretion flows, but also for investigating the mass evolution of black holes in the presence of supercritical accretion flows.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Accretion Disk Spectra of the Ultra-luminous X-ray Sources in Nearby Spiral Galaxies and Galactic Superluminal Jet Sources

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    Ultra-luminous Compact X-ray Sources (ULXs) in nearby spiral galaxies and Galactic superluminal jet sources share the common spectral characteristic that they have unusually high disk temperatures which cannot be explained in the framework of the standard optically thick accretion disk in the Schwarzschild metric. On the other hand, the standard accretion disk around the Kerr black hole might explain the observed high disk temperature, as the inner radius of the Kerr disk gets smaller and the disk temperature can be consequently higher. However, we point out that the observable Kerr disk spectra becomes significantly harder than Schwarzschild disk spectra only when the disk is highly inclined. This is because the emission from the innermost part of the accretion disk is Doppler-boosted for an edge-on Kerr disk, while hardly seen for a face-on disk. The Galactic superluminal jet sources are known to be highly inclined systems, thus their energy spectra may be explained with the standard Kerr disk with known black hole masses. For ULXs, on the other hand, the standard Kerr disk model seems implausible, since it is highly unlikely that their accretion disks are preferentially inclined, and, if edge-on Kerr disk model is applied, the black hole mass becomes unreasonably large (> 300 M_solar). Instead, the slim disk (advection dominated optically thick disk) model is likely to explain the observed super-Eddington luminosities, hard energy spectra, and spectral variations of ULXs. We suggest that ULXs are accreting black holes with a few tens of solar mass, which is not unexpected from the standard stellar evolution scenario, and that their X-ray emission is from the slim disk shining at super-Eddington luminosities.Comment: ApJ, accepte

    Does the Slim-Disk Model Correctly Consider Photon-Trapping Effects?

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    We investigate the photon-trapping effects in the super-critical black hole accretion flows by solving radiation transfer as well as the energy equations of radiation and gas. It is found that the slim-disk model generally overestimates the luminosity of the disk at around the Eddington luminosity (L_E) and is not accurate in describing the effective temperature profile, since it neglects time delay between energy generation at deeper inside the disk and energy release at the surface. Especially, the photon-trapping effects are appreciable even below L ~ L_E, while they appear above ~ 3L_E according to the slim disk. Through the photon-trapping effects, the luminosity is reduced and the effective temperature profile becomes flatter than r^{-3/4} as in the standard disk. In the case that the viscous heating is effective only around the equatorial plane, the luminosity is kept around the Eddington luminosity even at very large mass accretion rate, Mdot>>L_E/c^2. The effective temperature profile is almost flat, and the maximum temperature decreases in accordance with rise in the mass accretion rate. Thus, the most luminous radius shifts to the outer region when Mdot/(L_E/c^2) >> 10^2. In the case that the energy is dissipated equally at any heights, the resultant luminosity is somewhat larger than in the former case, but the energy-conversion efficiency still decreases with increase of the mass accretion rate, as well. The most luminous radius stays around the inner edge of the disk in the latter case. Hence, the effective temperature profile is sensitive to the vertical distribution of energy production rates, so is the spectral shape. Future observations of high L/L_E objects will be able to test our model.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Super-critical Accretion Flows around Black Holes: Two-dimensional, Radiation-pressure-dominated Disks with Photon-trapping

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    The quasi-steady structure of super-critical accretion flows around a black hole is studied based on the two-dimensional radiation-hydrodynamical (2D-RHD) simulations. The super-critical flow is composed of two parts: the disk region and the outflow regions above and below the disk. Within the disk region the circular motion as well as the patchy density structure are observed, which is caused by Kelvin-Helmholtz instability and probably by convection. The mass-accretion rate decreases inward, roughly in proportion to the radius, and the remaining part of the disk material leaves the disk to form outflow because of strong radiation pressure force. We confirm that photon trapping plays an important role within the disk. Thus, matter can fall onto the black hole at a rate exceeding the Eddington rate. The emission is highly anisotropic and moderately collimated so that the apparent luminosity can exceed the Eddington luminosity by a factor of a few in the face-on view. The mass-accretion rate onto the black hole increases with increase of the absorption opacity (metalicity) of the accreting matter. This implies that the black hole tends to grow up faster in the metal rich regions as in starburst galaxies or star-forming regions.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ (Volume 628, July 20, 2005 issue

    Model for Relaxation Oscillations of Luminous Accretion Disk in GRS1915+105: Variable Inner Edge

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    To understand the bursting behavior of the microquasar GRS 1915+105, we calculate time evolution of a luminous, optically thick accretion disk around a stellar mass black hole undergoing limit-cycle oscillations between the high- and low- luminosity states. We, especially, carefully solve the behavior of the innermost part of the disk, since it produces significant number of photons during the burst, and fit the theoretical spectra with the multi-color disk model. The fitting parameters are \Tin (the maximum disk temperature) and \Rin (the innermost radius of the disk). We find an abrupt, transient increase in \Tin and a temporary decrease in \Rin during a burst, which are actually observed in GRS 1915+105. The precise behavior is subject to the viscosity prescription. We prescribe the radial-azimuthal component of viscosity stress tensor to be Trϕ=−αΠ(pgas/p)ÎŒT_{r \phi}=-\alpha \Pi (p_{\rm gas}/p)^{\mu}, with Π\Pi being the height integrated pressure, α\alpha and ÎŒ\mu being the parameter, and pp and pgasp_{\rm gas} being the total pressure and gas pressure on the equatorial plane, respectively. Model with ÎŒ=0.1\mu=0.1 can produce the overall time changes of \Tin and \Rin, but cannot give an excellent fit to the observed amplitudes. Model with ÎŒ=0.2\mu=0.2, on the other hand, gives the right amplitudes, but the changes of \Tin and \Rin are smaller. Although precise matching is left as future work, we may conclude that the basic properties of the bursts of GRS 1915+105 can be explained by our ``limit-cycle oscillation'' model. It is then required that the spectral hardening factor at high luminosities should be about 3 at around the Eddington luminosity instead of less than 2 as is usually assumed.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Coevolution of Supermassive Black Holes and Circumnuclear Disks

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    We propose a new evolutionary model of a supermassive black hole (SMBH) and a circumnuclear disk (CND), taking into account the mass-supply from a host galaxy and the physical states of CND. In the model, two distinct accretion modes depending on gravitational stability of the CND play a key role on accreting gas to a SMBH. (i) If the CMD is gravitationally unstable, energy feedback from supernovae (SNe) supports a geometrically thick, turbulent gas disk. The accretion in this mode is dominated by turbulent viscosity, and it is significantly larger than that in the mode (ii), i.e., the CMD is supported by gas pressure. Once the gas supply from the host is stopped, the high accretion phase (∌0.01−0.1M⊙yr−1\sim 0.01- 0.1 M_{\odot} {\rm yr}^{-1}) changes to the low one (mode (ii), ∌10−4M⊙yr−1\sim 10^{-4} M_{\odot} {\rm yr}^{-1}), but there is a delay with ∌108\sim 10^{8} yr. Through this evolution, the gas-rich CND turns into the gas poor stellar disk. We found that not all the gas supplied from the host galaxy accrete onto the SMBH even in the high accretion phase (mode (i)), because the part of gas is used to form stars. As a result, the final SMBH mass (MBH,finalM_{\rm BH,final}) is not proportional to the total gas mass supplied from the host galaxy (MsupM_{\rm sup}); MBH,final/MsupM_{\rm BH,final}/M_{\rm sup} decreases with MsupM_{\rm sup}.This would indicate that it is difficult to form a SMBH with ∌109M⊙\sim 10^{9} M_{\odot} observed at high-zz QSOs. The evolution of the SMBH and CND would be related to the evolutionary tracks of different type of AGNs.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Why Is Supercritical Disk Accretion Feasible?

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    Although the occurrence of steady supercritical disk accretion onto a black hole has been speculated about since the 1970s, it has not been accurately verified so far. For the first time, we previously demonstrated it through two-dimensional, long-term radiation-hydrodynamic simulations. To clarify why this accretion is possible, we quantitatively investigate the dynamics of a simulated supercritical accretion flow with a mass accretion rate of ~10^2 L_E/c^2 (with L_E and c being, respectively, the Eddington luminosity and the speed of light). We confirm two important mechanisms underlying supercritical disk accretion flow, as previously claimed, one of which is the radiation anisotropy arising from the anisotropic density distribution of very optically thick material. We qualitatively show that despite a very large radiation energy density, E_0>10^2L_E/(4 pi r^2 c) (with r being the distance from the black hole), the radiative flux F_0 cE_0/tau could be small due to a large optical depth, typically tau 10^3, in the disk. Another mechanism is photon trapping, quantified by vE_0, where v is the flow velocity. With a large |v| and E_0, this term significantly reduces the radiative flux and even makes it negative (inward) at r<70r_S, where r_S is the Schwarzschild radius. Due to the combination of these effects, the radiative force in the direction along the disk plane is largely attenuated so that the gravitational force barely exceeds the sum of the radiative force and the centrifugal force. As a result, matter can slowly fall onto the central black hole mainly along the disk plane with velocity much less than the free-fall velocity, even though the disk luminosity exceeds the Eddington luminosity. Along the disk rotation axis, in contrast, the strong radiative force drives strong gas outflows.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Observations of Rapid Disk-Jet Interaction in the Microquasar GRS 1915+105

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    We present evidence that ~ 30 minute episodes of jet formation in the Galactic microquasar GRS 1915+105 may sometimes entirely be a superposition of smaller, faster phenomena. We base this conclusion on simultaneous X-ray and infrared observations in July 2002, using the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer and the Palomar 5 meter telescope. On two nights, we observed quasi-periodic infrared flares from GRS 1915+105, each accompanied by a set of fast oscillations in the X-ray light curve (indicating an interaction between the jet and accretion disk). In contrast to similar observations in 1997, we find that the duration of each X-ray cycle matches the duration of its accompanying infrared flare, and we observed one instance in which an isolated X-ray oscillation occurred at the same time as a faint infrared "subflare" (of duration ~ 150 seconds) superimposed on one of the main flares. From these data, we are able to conclude that each X-ray oscillation had an associated faint infrared flare and that these flares blend together to form, and entirely comprise, the ~ 30 minute events we observed. Part of the infrared emission in 1997 also appears to be due to superimposed small flares, but it was overshadowed by infrared-bright ejections associated with the appearance of a sharp "trigger" spike in each X-ray cycle that were not present in 2002. We also study the evolution of the X-ray spectrum and find significant differences in the high energy power law component, which was strongly variable in 1997 but not in 2002. Taken together, these observations reveal the diversity of ways in which the accretion disk and jet in black hole systems are capable of interacting and solidify the importance of the trigger spike for large ejections to occur on ~ 30 minute timescales in GRS 1915+105.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures; accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa
