76 research outputs found

    Fractional Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation

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    The dynamics of a magnetic moment or spin are of high interest to applications in technology. Dissipation in these systems is therefore of importance for improvement of efficiency of devices, such as the ones proposed in spintronics. A large spin in a magnetic field is widely assumed to be described by the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation, which includes a phenomenological Gilbert damping. Here, we couple a large spin to a bath and derive a generic (non-)Ohmic damping term for the low-frequency range using a Caldeira-Leggett model. This leads to a fractional LLG equation, where the first-order derivative Gilbert damping is replaced by a fractional derivative of order sϵR≥0. We show that the parameter s can be determined from a ferromagnetic resonance experiment, where the resonance frequency and linewidth no longer scale linearly with the effective field strength

    Detecting Sarcasm in Multimodal Social Platforms

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    Sarcasm is a peculiar form of sentiment expression, where the surface sentiment differs from the implied sentiment. The detection of sarcasm in social media platforms has been applied in the past mainly to textual utterances where lexical indicators (such as interjections and intensifiers), linguistic markers, and contextual information (such as user profiles, or past conversations) were used to detect the sarcastic tone. However, modern social media platforms allow to create multimodal messages where audiovisual content is integrated with the text, making the analysis of a mode in isolation partial. In our work, we first study the relationship between the textual and visual aspects in multimodal posts from three major social media platforms, i.e., Instagram, Tumblr and Twitter, and we run a crowdsourcing task to quantify the extent to which images are perceived as necessary by human annotators. Moreover, we propose two different computational frameworks to detect sarcasm that integrate the textual and visual modalities. The first approach exploits visual semantics trained on an external dataset, and concatenates the semantics features with state-of-the-art textual features. The second method adapts a visual neural network initialized with parameters trained on ImageNet to multimodal sarcastic posts. Results show the positive effect of combining modalities for the detection of sarcasm across platforms and methods.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, final version published in the Proceedings of ACM Multimedia 201

    Saccadic selection and crowding in visual search:stronger lateral masking leads to shorter search times

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    We investigated the role of crowding in saccadic selection during visual search. To guide eye movements, often information from the visual periphery is used. Crowding is known to deteriorate the quality of peripheral information. In four search experiments, we studied the role of crowding, by accompanying individual search elements by flankers. Varying the difference between target and flankers allowed us to manipulate crowding strength throughout the stimulus. We found that eye movements are biased toward areas with little crowding for conditions where a target could be discriminated peripherally. Interestingly, for conditions in which the target could not be discriminated peripherally, this bias reversed to areas with strong crowding. This led to shorter search times for a target presented in areas with stronger crowding, compared to a target presented in areas with less crowding. These findings suggest a dual role for crowding in visual search. The presence of flankers similar to the target deteriorates the quality of the peripheral target signal but can also attract eye movements, as more potential targets are present over the area

    Perceptual benefit of objecthood

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    Object-based attention facilitates the processing of features that form the object. Two hypotheses are conceivable for how object-based attention is deployed to an object's features: first, the object is attended by selecting its features; alternatively, a configuration of features as such is attended by selecting the object representation they form. Only for the latter alternative, the perception of a feature configuration as entity ("objecthood") is a necessary condition for object-based attention. Disentangling the two alternatives requires the comparison of identical feature configurations that induce the perception of an object in one condition ("bound") and do not do so in another condition ("unbound"). We used an ambiguous stimulus, whose percept spontaneously switches between bound and unbound, while the stimulus itself remains unchanged. We tested discrimination on the boundary of the diamond as well as detection of probes inside and outside the diamond. We found discrimination performance to be increased if features were perceptually bound into an object. Furthermore, detection performance was higher within and lower outside the bound object as compared to the unbound configuration. Consequently, the facilitation of processing by object-based attention requires objecthood, that is, a unified internal representation of an "object"-not a mere collection of features

    Onnodige slechtziendheid onder ouderen in zorginstellingen: lessen uit een interventieproject in de regio Den Bosch

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    Introductie Veel ouderen in zorginstellingen in Nederland zijn onnodig blind of slechtziend (visus <0,3). Zij vallen vaker, zijn vaker depressief en hebben meer zorg nodig. In dit interventieproject werden slechtziende bewoners geïdentificeerd en doorverwezen voor adequate oogzorg. Het doel van het onderzoek is evaluatie van de interventie, waaronder validatie van de screening, bepalen van prevalentie en oorzaken van visuele beperkingen en bepalen van resultaten van de behandeling. Daarnaast wordt ook de effectiviteit van de zorgketen geëvalueerd. Materiaal en methode Aan 640 bewoners werd een eenvoudige oogscreening aangeboden en 210 van hen werden verwezen, via hun huisarts, naar de optiek (10), oogarts (98) of revalidatie-instelling (1). Resultaten De uitval in dit onderzoek was fors. De prevalentie van slechtziendheid (24%) was lager dan in vergelijkbare studies. Van de onderzochte bewoners had 51% cataract. Uiteindelijk zijn 17 (8,1%) van de 210 verwezen bewoners behandeld door de oogarts en negen (4,3%) naar een optiekzaak verwezen. Knelpunten in de effectiviteit van de zorgketen werden geïdentificeerd. Discussie Visusscreening in zorginstellingen voor ouderen is goed uitvoerbaar en zinvol. De organisatie van de zorgketen dient korter en eenvoudiger te worden. Daarmee zal de effectiviteit van deze interventie, en daarmee de kwaliteit van leven van veel bewoners, verbeteren

    Speed has an effect on multiple-object tracking independently of the number of close encounters between targets and distractors

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    Multiple-object tracking (MOT) studies have shown that tracking ability declines as object speed increases. However, this might be attributed solely to the increased number of times that target and distractor objects usually pass close to each other (“close encounters”) when speed is increased, resulting in more target–distractor confusions. The present study investigates whether speed itself affects MOT ability by using displays in which the number of close encounters is held constant across speeds. Observers viewed several pairs of disks, and each pair rotated about the pair’s midpoint and, also, about the center of the display at varying speeds. Results showed that even with the number of close encounters held constant across speeds, increased speed impairs tracking performance, and the effect of speed is greater when the number of targets to be tracked is large. Moreover, neither the effect of number of distractors nor the effect of target–distractor distance was dependent on speed, when speed was isolated from the typical concomitant increase in close encounters. These results imply that increased speed does not impair tracking solely by increasing close encounters. Rather, they support the view that speed affects MOT capacity by requiring more attentional resources to track at higher speeds

    Measurement of overall quality of life in nursing homes through self-report: the role of cognitive impairment

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    Measuring quality of life is a necessity for adequate interventions. This paper concerns the usefulness of six self-report measures for overall quality of life for nursing home residents with various levels of cognitive impairment. It was investigated which proportion of residents from four cognition groups could complete a scale, and internal consistency and construct validity of the scales were studied. Data collection took place in ten Dutch nursing homes (N = 227). The proportion of residents that could complete each scale varied. The Depression List could be administered most often to the cognitively most impaired group (43%; Mini Mental State Examination-scores 0–4). In the three cognition groups with MMSE-score >5, internal consistency of the Depression List, Geriatric Depression Scale and Negative Affect Scale was adequate in all three groups (alpha ≥.68). Intercorrelation was highest for the Philadelphia Geriatric Center Morale Scale, the Depression List, and the Geriatric Depression Scale (rho ≥.65). Nonetheless, self-report scales were not strongly correlated with two observational scales for depression, especially in cognitively severely impaired residents (rho ≤.30). In conclusion, it may not be possible to measure overall quality of life through self-report, and possibly also through observation, in many nursing home residents