727 research outputs found

    Thermal entanglement in the nanotubular system Na_2V_3O_7

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    Macroscopic entanglement witnesses have been put forward recently to reveal nonlocal quantum correlations between individual constituents of the solid at nonzero temperatures. Here we apply a recently proposed universal entanglement witness, the magnetic susceptibility [New J. Phys. {\bf 7}, 258 (2005)] for the estimation of the critical temperature TcT_c in the nanotubular system Na2V3O7{\rm Na_2V_3O_7} below which thermal entanglement is present. As a result of an analysis based on the experimental data for dc-magnetic susceptibility, we show that Tc≈365T_c \approx 365 K, which is approximately three times higher than the critical temperature corresponding to the bipartite entanglement.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, REVTeX

    Detecting non-locality in multipartite quantum systems with two-body correlation functions

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    Bell inequalities define experimentally observable quantities to detect non-locality. In general, they involve correlation functions of all the parties. Unfortunately, these measurements are hard to implement for systems consisting of many constituents, where only few-body correlation functions are accessible. Here we demonstrate that higher-order correlation functions are not necessary to certify nonlocality in multipartite quantum states by constructing Bell inequalities from one- and two-body correlation functions for an arbitrary number of parties. The obtained inequalities are violated by some of the Dicke states, which arise naturally in many-body physics as the ground states of the two-body Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick Hamiltonian.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    Translationally invariant multipartite Bell inequalities involving only two-body correlators

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    Bell inequalities are natural tools that allow one to certify the presence of nonlocality in quantum systems. The known constructions of multipartite Bell inequalities contain, however, correlation functions involving all observers, making their experimental implementation difficult. The main purpose of this work is to explore the possibility of witnessing nonlocality in multipartite quantum states from the easiest-to-measure quantities, that is, the two-body correlations. In particular, we determine all three and four-partite Bell inequalities constructed from one and two-body expectation values that obey translational symmetry, and show that they reveal nonlocality in multipartite states. Also, by providing a particular example of a five-partite Bell inequality, we show that nonlocality can be detected from two-body correlators involving only nearest neighbours. Finally, we demonstrate that any translationally invariant Bell inequality can be maximally violated by a translationally invariant state and the same set of observables at all sites. We provide a numerical algorithm allowing one to seek for maximal violation of a translationally invariant Bell inequality.Comment: 21 pages, to be published in the special issue of JPA "50 years of Bell's theorem

    Discrimination between evolution operators

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    Under broad conditions, evolutions due to two different Hamiltonians are shown to lead at some moment to orthogonal states. For two spin-1/2 systems subject to precession by different magnetic fields the achievement of orthogonalization is demonstrated for every scenario but a special one. This discrimination between evolutions is experimentally much simpler than procedures proposed earlier based on either sequential or parallel application of the unknown unitaries. A lower bound for the orthogonalization time is proposed in terms of the properties of the two Hamiltonians.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, REVTe

    Power of unentangled measurements on two antiparallel spins

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    We consider a pair of antiparallel spins polarized in a random direction to encode quantum information. We wish to extract as much information as possible on the polarization direction attainable by an unentangled measurement, i.e., by a measurement, whose outcomes are associated with product states. We develop analytically the upper bound 0.7935 bits to the Shannon mutual information obtainable by an unentangled measurement, which is definitely less than the value 0.8664 bits attained by an entangled measurement. This proves our main result, that not every ensemble of product states can be optimally distinguished by an unentangled measurement, if the measure of distinguishability is defined in the sense of Shannon. We also present results from numerical calculations and discuss briefly the case of parallel spins.Comment: Latex file, 18 pages, 1 figure; published versio

    A two-qubit Bell inequality for which POVM measurements are relevant

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    A bipartite Bell inequality is derived which is maximally violated on the two-qubit state space if measurements describable by positive operator valued measure (POVM) elements are allowed rather than restricting the possible measurements to projective ones. In particular, the presented Bell inequality requires POVMs in order to be maximally violated by a maximally entangled two-qubit state. This answers a question raised by N. Gisin.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Significant in-medium reduction of the mass of eta' mesons in sqrt(s(NN)) = 200 GeV Au+Au collisions

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    PHENIX and STAR data on the intercept parameter of the two-pion Bose-Einstein correlation functions in sNN=200\sqrt{s_{NN}}= 200 GeV Au+Au collisions were analysed in terms of various models of hadronic abundances. To describe these data, an in-medium η′\eta^\prime mass decrease of at least 200 MeV was needed in each case.Comment: Dedicated to 60th birthday of Miklos Gyulassy. 2 pages, 4 figures - To appear in the conference proceedings for Quark Matter 2009, March 30 - April 4, Knoxville, Tennesse

    Lower bound on the communication cost of simulating bipartite quantum correlations

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    Suppose Alice and Bob share a maximally entangled state of any finite dimension and each perform two-outcome measurements on the respective part of the state. It is known, due to the recent result of Regev and Toner, that if a classical model is augmented with two bits of communication then all the quantum correlations arising from these measurements can be reproduced. Here we show that two bits of communication is in fact necessary for the perfect simulation. In particular, we prove that a pair of maximally entangled four-dimensional quantum systems cannot be simulated by a classical model augmented by only one bit of communication.Comment: 5 pages, no figures. v2: filled gap in the proof of Sec. II
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