1,715 research outputs found


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    We discuss the direct measurement of the trilinear vector boson couplings in present and future collider experiments. The major goals of such experiments will be the confirmation of the Standard Model (SM) predictions and the search for signals of new physics. We review our current theoretical understanding of anomalous trilinear gauge boson self-interactions. If the energy scale of the new physics is ∼1\sim 1 TeV, these low energy anomalous couplings are expected to be no larger than O(10−2){\cal O}(10^{-2}). Constraints from high precision measurements at LEP and low energy charged and neutral current processes are critically reviewed.Comment: 53 pages with 17 embedded figures, LaTeX, uses axodraw.sty, figures available on request. The complete paper, is available at ftp://phenom.physics.wisc.edu/pub/preprints/1995/madph-95-871.ps.Z or http://phenom.physics.wisc.edu/pub/preprints/1995/madph-95-871.ps.Z Summary of the DPF Working Subgroup on Anomalous Gauge Boson Interactions of the DPF Long Range Planning Stud

    Organizing Equity Exchanges

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    In the last years equity exchanges have diversified their operations into business areas such as derivatives trading, posttrading services, and software sales. Securities trading and post-trading are subject to economies of scale and scope. The integration of these functions into one institution ensures efficiency by economizing on transactions costs. Using balanced panel data from major equity exchanges over the period 2005-2007, we examine empirically the presence of economies of scale in securities trading. Moreover, we analyze the impact of vertical integration of trading, clearing, and settlement, the impact of the size of an exchange, and the impact of diversification on the profitability of exchanges. The evidence confirms that a large number of transactions leads to low costs per trade. The evidence shows that the profitability of equity exchanges is highest for vertically integrated exchanges and that diversification and size have a negative impact on their profitability

    Constraints on a Massive Dirac Neutrino Model

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    We examine constraints on a simple neutrino model in which there are three massless and three massive Dirac neutrinos and in which the left handed neutrinos are linear combinations of doublet and singlet neutrinos. We examine constraints from direct decays into heavy neutrinos, indirect effects on electroweak parameters, and flavor changing processes. We combine these constraints to examine the allowed mass range for the heavy neutrinos of each of the three generations.Comment: latex, 29 pages, 7 figures (not included), MIT-CTP-221

    A Distinct Layer of the Medulla Integrates Sky Compass Signals in the Brain of an Insect

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    Mass migration of desert locusts is a common phenomenon in North Africa and the Middle East but how these insects navigate is still poorly understood. Laboratory studies suggest that locusts are able to exploit the sky polarization pattern as a navigational cue. Like other insects locusts detect polarized light through a specialized dorsal rim area (DRA) of the eye. Polarization signals are transmitted through the optic lobe to the anterior optic tubercle (AOTu) and, finally, to the central complex in the brain. Whereas neurons of the AOTu integrate sky polarization and chromatic cues in a daytime dependent manner, the central complex holds a topographic representation of azimuthal directions suggesting a role as an internal sky compass. To understand further the integration of sky compass cues we studied polarization-sensitive (POL) neurons in the medulla that may be intercalated between DRA photoreceptors and AOTu neurons. Five types of POL-neuron were characterized and four of these in multiple recordings. All neurons had wide arborizations in medulla layer 4 and most, additionally, in the dorsal rim area of the medulla and in the accessory medulla, the presumed circadian clock. The neurons showed type-specific orientational tuning to zenithal polarized light and azimuth tuning to unpolarized green and UV light spots. In contrast to neurons of the AOTu, we found no evidence for color opponency and daytime dependent adjustment of sky compass signals. Therefore, medulla layer 4 is a distinct stage in the integration of sky compass signals that precedes the time-compensated integration of celestial cues in the AOTu
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