39 research outputs found

    A performance study of anomaly detection using entropy method

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    An experiment to study the entropy method for an anomaly detection system has been performed. The study has been conducted using real data generated from the distributed sensor networks at the Intel Berkeley Research Laboratory. The experimental results were compared with the elliptical method and has been analyzed in two dimensional data sets acquired from temperature and humidity sensors across 52 micro controllers. Using the binary classification to determine the upper and lower boundaries for each series of sensors, it has been shown that the entropy method are able to detect more number of out ranging sensor nodes than the elliptical methods. It can be argued that the better result was mainly due to the lack of elliptical approach which is requiring certain correlation between two sensor series, while in the entropy approach each sensor series is treated independently. This is very important in the current case where both sensor series are not correlated each other.Comment: Proceeding of the International Conference on Computer, Control, Informatics and its Applications (2017) pp. 137-14

    Exhaustive Search-based Model for Hybrid Sensor Network

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    A new model for a cluster of hybrid sensors network with multi sub-clusters is proposed. The model is in particular relevant to the early warning system in a large scale monitoring system in, for example, a nuclear power plant. It mainly addresses to a safety critical system which requires real-time processes with high accuracy. The mathematical model is based on the extended conventional search algorithm with certain interactions among the nearest neighborhood of sensors. It is argued that the model could realize a highly accurate decision support system with less number of parameters. A case of one dimensional interaction function is discussed, and a simple algorithm for the model is also given.Comment: 6 pages, Proceeding of the International Conference on Intelligent & Advanced Systems 2012 pp. 557-56

    Analisa Kinerja Sistem Shutdown Valve Pada Sistem Perpipaan Untuk Proses Loading Dan Unloading Di Pertamina (Persero) Refinery Unit VI Balongan

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    Sistem perpipaan loading dan unloading merupakan salah satu sistem terpenting di PT. PERTAMINA (Persero) RU VI Balongan yang berfungsi sebagai jalur bongkar dan pengisian minyak mentah dari kapal tengker ke tangki penyimpanan (storage tank). Pada jalur perpipaan loading-unloading terdapat suatu sistem keamanan berupa emergency shutdown valve yang berfungsi untuk menutup aliran crude oil dari subsea pipeline menuju ke tangki penyimpanan apabila terdapat bahaya. Sejak pertama dioperasikan hingga sekarang emergency shutdown vavlve tidak pernah digunakan karena tidak pernah terjadi bahaya, akan tetapi pada sistem tersebut akan dilakukan pengembangan/penambahan jalur aliran crude oil ke meterring system dengan kapasitas yang relatif besar. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisa kinerja emergency shutdown valve melalui pengamatan waktu respon yang diperlukan valve untuk menutup aliran terhadap jenis aliran fluidanya (crude oil Duri, Minas, DCO dan Jati Barang), selain itu dilakukan pengamatan terhadap pola aliran fluidamya ketika valve mulai menutup (tutupan 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% dan 85%). Dari pengamatan tersebut diperoleh bahwa Apabila ditinjau dari nilai time respons shutdown valve, kinerja shutdown valve masih tergolong bagus, karena dapat menutup aliran fluida dalam waktu 72 detik dari diameter pipa sebesar 36 inch. Sedangkan apabila ditinjau dari ΔP sistem terhadap jenis aliran crude oil dan jenis prosesnya dapat dikatakan bahwa kinerja shutdown valve paling bagus ketika proses unloading, karena nilai ΔP paling besar yaitu1,4 x 10-4 N/m2. Dari hasil pengamatan pola aliran fluida, tekanan paling besar saat fluida menumbuk valve pada tutupan 85%

    Alat Pengusang Cepat IPB 77-1 MM Untuk Penapisan Vigor Daya Simpan Benih Kedelai

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    Accelerated Aging Machine “IPB 77-1 MM” could be used for soybean seed screening based on the seed storability vigor. The aim of the research was to identify simple, fast and accurate accelerated aging method using accelerated aging machine IPB 77-1 MM. Two methods of accelerated aging test (physical and chemical treatment) were applied to seeds of Anjasmoro soybean variety. The best accelerated aging method was then used to screen seed storability vigor of 23 soybean varieties. Seed storability vigor of 23 soybean varieties were detected using accelerated aging machine IPB 77-1 MM and each was compared with the seed storability vigor of those stored 10 weeks in controlled storage. Results of the experiment showed that using chemical or physical treatment on accelerated aging process were able to decrease seed vigor, but chemical treatment decreased seed vigor faster, more simple and more practical. Accelerated aging machine IPB 77-1 MM could also be used for screening varietal seed storability vigor of soybean using electrical conductivity test

    Customer Satisfaction toward Online Purchasing Services: Evidence from Small & Medium Restaurants

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    This study examines shopper satisfaction toward an online purchasing model in small and medium restaurants (SMRs), including the quality of e-service and food, with perceived value as the determinants. For this research purpose, 392 data gathered from online restaurant shoppers in Bandung, Indonesia. This study adopts the Structural Equation Model (PLS) to evaluate shopper satisfaction relations with its determinants as well as consequences. The results uncover that both the quality of e-service and food on shopper satisfaction is essential, and disclose the partial mediation function of perceived value to assess the relationship between both qualities on shopper satisfaction. This study offers a guide to SMR managers to enhance their business performance by focusing on the quality of food, instead of focusing on both the quality of e-service and food. In terms of online service-based businesses, this research implies that the SMRs need to collaborate with reliable online platform service providers

    Daya Simpan Benih Jabon Putih [Neolamarckia Cadamba (Roxb.) Bosser] Berdasarkan Populasi Dan Karakteristik Benih (Seed Storability of Jabon Putih [Neolamarckia Cadamba (Roxb.) Bosser] Base on Populations and Seed Characteristics)

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    Jabon putih [Neolamarckia cadamba (Roxb.) Bosser] has been cultivated in large scale. However it is constrained by the availability of high quality seeds and seed storability information. This study aimed to identify seed storability of jabon putih based on populations and seed morpho-physiological characteristics. Seeds were collected from eight populations, located in eight provinces. Population was a single factor in a completely randomized design for testing the germination characteristics (germination capacity, germination uniformity, germination speed, mean germination time and germination value) before and after storage. Geo-climate and soil macro elements were used as parameters to examine the correlation between environmental factors and seed characteristics before and after storage. Population was significantly correlated with germination characteristics, before and after storage for 54 months. The results indicated that seeds from Pomalaa population had the best germination characteristics, while those from Ogan Kemiring Ilir had the worst germination characteristics. Based on moisture content and storability, jabon putih seed could be categorized as orthodox that can be stored in long time at low temperatures with low moisture content. Geo-climate and soil macro element were not significantly correlated with germination. This result indicated that genetic factor had high contribution to seed storability of jabon putih

    Modelling passenger loyalty towards app-based motorcycle taxi

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    This study evaluates the effect of both service quality and mobile application quality on passenger loyalty towards application-based motorcycle taxi (AMT) services. The data employed for this study were collected from 319 AMT service users in Bandung, Indonesia. To analyse the data, partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) was used to check the influence of both service quality and application quality on passenger loyalty and their indirect influence through passenger perceived value and passenger satisfaction. The result shows that the passenger perception of mobile app quality is an important driver of passenger loyalty towards AMT services. Further, this study suggests that the effect of both service quality and mobile app quality on passenger loyalty is via strengthening passenger perceived value and satisfaction. Finally, this study’s findings reveal the important role of mobile app quality as the determinant of AMT service quality. This study provides a venue for AMT business managers to improve their business performance by developing both service quality and mobile app quality

    Consumer adoption of online-to-offline food delivery services: A conceptual model

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    There is a dramatic growth in the market of Online-To-Offline food delivery services (O2O-FDS) recently. A need exists for the stakeholders of food and catering industries to better understand the market of O2O-FDS in order to create suitable marketing strategies and promotion policies for this promptly changing e-commerce era. However, there is a lack of understanding of the significant factors influencing the consumer adoption of O2O-FDS. This study develops a conceptual model to help systematically understand those important factors. The model is developed based on a literature review concerning the O2O-FDS topic and other relevant topics in food marketing and consumer behaviour. It shows that the O2O-FDS adoption is significantly influenced by food choice motives, socio-demographics, innovation-adoption characteristics, and APP-service quality

    Driving youngsters to be green: The case of plant-based food consumption in Indonesia

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    Environmental degradation and the rising popularity of healthy, sustainable diets have increased public awareness of the importance of plant-based food (PBF). This creates opportunities for unique business development, and comprehending strategies to strengthen consumers’ favorable green attitude and behavior is crucial. Youngsters embrace this shift in food choice. This study aims to provide a holistic understanding of the formation of attitude and behavioral intention toward PBF by integrating consumption value, environmental concern, and perceived cost as the drivers, as well as assessing the gender moderating role. Data was gathered through online questionnaires from 334 young green customers from Indonesia’s greater Jakarta region. Using partial least squares for data analysis, this study reveals that environmental concern, and the functional, social, and conditional values are significant predictors of attitude and behavioral intention. Further, this research shows that gender does not moderate the association between attitude and behavioral intention, and its drivers. These findings provide guidance for PBF business managers to improve their competitiveness and, at the same time, contribute toward a more sustainable environment