657 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Virtual Private Network Protokol Menggunakan Point To Point Tunnel Protocol dan OpenVPN

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    Dengan semakin ketergantungannya user kepada teknologi internet tentu harus diimbangi dengan ketersediaan internet yang memadai dan handal, berbagai masalah justru muncul ketika internet tidak menjamin keamanan yang maksimal tanpa adanya metode-metode tertentu karena internet sendiri terbuka untuk umum, siapapun dapat mengakses didalamnya, untuk itu maka kerahasiaan serta autentifikasi atas informasi yang dikirim atau yang diterimapun bersifat terbuka. Sebelum mengimplementasikan Virtual Private Network (VPN) perlu dilakukan perbandingan antar protokol terutama protokol PPTP dan OpenVPN. Metode penelitian yang digunakan metode Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC) untuk mengimplementasikan konsep VPN beserta penerapan QoS. Perbandingan dilakukan dengan parameter kecepatan dan keamanan data pada saat dikirim maupun diterima. Hasil penelitian didapat kedua protokol memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing. Pada sisi kecepatan PPTP lebih unggul ketimbang OpenVPN, sedangkan pada sisi keamanan OpenVPN memiliki keamanan yang lebih baik ketimbang PPTP

    Utjecaj različitih površinski aktivnih tvari i njihovih koncentracija na kontrolirano oslobađanje kaptoprila iz polimernih matriksa

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    Various methods are available to formulate water soluble drugs into sustained release dosage forms by retarding the dissolution rate. One of the methods used to control drug release and thereby prolong therapeutic activity is to use hydrophilic and lipophilic polymers. In this study, the effects of various polymers such as hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), ethylcellulose (EC) and sodium carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) and surfactants (sodium lauryl sulphate, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide and Arlacel 60) on the release rate of captopril were investigated. The results showed that an increase in the amount of HPMC K15M resulted in reduction of the release rate of captopril from these matrices. When HPMC was partly replaced by NaCMC (the ratio of HPMC/NaCMC was 5:1), the release rate of the drug significantly decreased. However, there was no significant difference in release rate of captopril from matrices produced with ratios of 5:1 and 2:1 of HPMC/NaCMC. The presence of lactose in matrices containing HPMC and NaCMC increased the release rate of captopril. It was interesting to note that although partial replacement of HPMC by EC reduced the release rate of the drug (ratio of HPMC/EC 2:1), the release rate was increased when the ratio of HPMC/EC was reduced to 1:1. The effects of various surfactants on the release rate of captopril from HPMC/EC 1:1 matrices were also investigated. The results showed that the surfactants did not significantly change the release rate of the drug. Release data were examined kinetically and the ideal kinetic models were estimated for the drug release. The kinetic analysis of drug release data from various formulations showed that incorporation of surfactants in HPMC/EC matrices did not produce a zero-order release pattern.Postoje različite metode formuliranja vodotopljivih lijekova u dozirane ljekovite oblike s polaganim oslobađanjem. Jedan od načina postizanja kontroliranog otpuštanja, a prema tome i produljenog učinka je upotreba hidrofilnih i lipofilnih polimera. U ovom radu proučavan je utjecaj različitih polimera poput hidroksipropil metilceluloze (HPMC), etilceluloze (EC) i natrijeve soli karboksimetilceluloze (NaCMC) i površinski aktivnih tvari (natrijevog lauril-sulfata, cetiltrimetilamonijevog bromida i Arlacela 60) na oslobađanje kaptoprila. Rezultati pokazuju da povećanje količine HPMC K15M ima za posljedicu smanjenje oslobađanja kaptoprila iz matriksa. Ako se HPMC djelomično zamijeni s NaCMC (omjer HPMC/NaCMC 5:1), oslobađanje ljekovite tvari značajno se smanjuje. Međutim, nema značajne razlike u oslobađanju kaptoprila iz matriksa s omjerom HPMC/NaCMC 5:1 i 2:1. Prisutnost laktoze u matriksu koji sadrži HPMC i NaCMC povećalo je oslobađanje kaptoprila. Iako djelomična zamjena HPMC s EC smanjuje oslobađanje ljekovite tvari (omjer HPMC/EC 2:1), oslobađanje se povećava uz omjer HPMC/EC 1:1. Nadalje, ispitivan je utjecaj površinski aktivnih tvari na oslobađanje kaptoprila iz matriksa u kojima je omjer HPMC/EC (1:1). Može se zaključiti da površinski aktivne tvari ne utječu značajno na oslobađanje ljekovite tvari. U sklopu istraživanja određen je i kinetički model oslobađanja kaptoprila. Analiza kinetičkih podataka ukazuje da dodatak površinski aktivnih tvari u HPMC/EC matrikse ne slijedi kinetiku nultog reda

    Finite difference lattice Boltzmann model with flux limiters for liquid-vapor systems

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    In this paper we apply a finite difference lattice Boltzmann model to study the phase separation in a two-dimensional liquid-vapor system. Spurious numerical effects in macroscopic equations are discussed and an appropriate numerical scheme involving flux limiter techniques is proposed to minimize them and guarantee a better numerical stability at very low viscosity. The phase separation kinetics is investigated and we find evidence of two different growth regimes depending on the value of the fluid viscosity as well as on the liquid-vapor ratio.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Oncogenic Virome Benefits from the Different Vaginal Microbiome-Immune Axes.

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    The picture of dynamic interaction between oncogenic viruses and the vaginal bacteria-immune host milieu is incomplete. We evaluated the impact of Polyomaviridae, Papillomaviridae, and Herpesviridae oncoviruses on the vaginal Community State Types (CSTs) and host immune response in reproductive-age women. In our cohort, only Polyomaviridae and Papillomaviridae were detected and were associated with changes in the resident bacteria of CST I and IV (p < 0.05). Lactobacillus crispatus increased in CST I while Prevotella timonensis and Sneathia sanguinegens increased in CST IV. Conversely, CST II and III showed an alteration of the immune response, with the decrease of Eotaxin, MCP-1, IL-7, IL-9, and IL-15 (p < 0.05), leading to reduced antiviral efficacy. An efficient viral clearance was observed only in women from CST I, dominated by Lactobacillus crispatus. Our in vivo study begins to address the knowledge gap with respect to the role of vaginal bacteria and immune response in susceptibility to oncoviral infections