3 research outputs found

    Linking dwarf galaxies to halo building blocks with the most metal-poor star in Sculptor

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    Current cosmological models indicate that the Milky Way's stellar halo was assembled from many smaller systems. Based on the apparent absence of the most metal-poor stars in present-day dwarf galaxies, recent studies claimed that the true Galactic building blocks must have been vastly different from the surviving dwarfs. The discovery of an extremely iron-poor star (S1020549) in the Sculptor dwarf galaxy based on a medium-resolution spectrum cast some doubt on this conclusion. However, verification of the iron-deficiency and measurements of additional elements, such as the alpha-element Mg, are mandatory for demonstrating that the same type of stars produced the metals found in dwarf galaxies and the Galactic halo. Only then can dwarf galaxy stars be conclusively linked to early stellar halo assembly. Here we report high-resolution spectroscopic abundances for 11 elements in S1020549, confirming the iron abundance of less than 1/4000th that of the Sun, and showing that the overall abundance pattern mirrors that seen in low-metallicity halo stars, including the alpha-elements. Such chemical similarity indicates that the systems destroyed to form the halo billions of years ago were not fundamentally different from the progenitors of present-day dwarfs, and suggests that the early chemical enrichment of all galaxies may be nearly identical.Comment: 16 pages, including 2 figures. Accepted for publication in Nature. It is embargoed for discussion in the press until formal publication in Natur

    Stellar archeology: a cosmological view of dwarf galaxies

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    The origin of dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) is investigated in a global cosmological context by simultaneously following the evolution of the Milky Way Galaxy and its dwarf satellites. This approach enable to study the formation of dSphs in their proper birth environment and to reconstruct their own merging histories. The proposed picture simultaneously accounts for several dSph and Milky Way properties, including the Metallicity Distribution Functions of metal-poor stars. The observed features are interpreted in terms of physical processes acting at high redshifts.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures; "Dwarf Galaxies: Keys to Galaxy Formation and Evolution" JENAM 2010 Symposium S

    The stellar content of the Hamburg/ESO survey. V. The metallicity distribution function of the Galactic halo

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    We determine the metallicity distribution function (MDF) of the Galactic halo by means of a sample of 1638 metal-poor stars selected from the Hamburg/ESO objective-prism survey (HES). The sample was corrected for minor biases introduced by the strategy for spectroscopic follow-up observations of the metal-poor candidates, namely "best and brightest stars first". [...] We determined the selection function of the HES, which must be taken into account for a proper comparison between the HES MDF with MDFs of other stellar populations or those predicted by models of Galactic chemical evolution. The latter show a reasonable agreement with the overall shape of the HES MDF for [Fe/H] > -3.6, but only a model of Salvadori et al. (2007) with a critical metallicity for low-mass star formation of Z_cr = 10^{-3.4} * Z_Sun reproduces the sharp drop at [Fe/H] ~-3.6 present in the HES MDF. [...] A comparison of the MDF of Galactic globular clusters and of dSph satellites to the Galaxy shows qualitative agreement with the halo MDF, derived from the HES, once the selection function of the latter is included. However, statistical tests show that the differences between these are still highly significant. [ABSTRACT ABRIDGED]Comment: Accepted for publication in A&