38 research outputs found

    Increased Gene Expression of RUNX2 and SOX9 in Mesenchymal Circulating Progenitors Is Associated with Autophagy during Physical Activity

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    Lack of physical exercise is considered an important risk factor for chronic diseases. On the contrary, physical exercise reduces the morbidity rates of obesity, diabetes, bone disease, and hypertension. In order to gain novel molecular and cellular clues, we analyzed the effects of physical exercise on differentiation of mesenchymal circulating progenitor cells (M-CPCs) obtained from runners. We also investigated autophagy and telomerase-related gene expression to evaluate the involvement of specific cellular functions in the differentiation process. We performed cellular and molecular analyses in M-CPCs, obtained by a depletion method, of 22 subjects before (PRE RUN) and after (POST RUN) a half marathon performance. In order to prove our findings, we performed also in vitro analyses by testing the effects of runners' sera on a human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem (hBM-MSC) cell line. PCR array analyses of PRE RUN versus POST RUN M-CPC total RNAs put in evidence several genes which appeared to be modulated by physical activity. Our results showed that physical exercise promotes differentiation. Osteogenesis-related genes as RUNX2, MSX1, and SPP1 appeared to be upregulated after the run; data showed also increased levels of BMP2 and BMP6 expressions. SOX9, COL2A1, and COMP gene enhanced expression suggested the induction of chondrocytic differentiation as well. The expression of telomerase-associated genes and of two autophagy-related genes, ATG3 and ULK1, was also affected and correlated positively with MSC differentiation. These data highlight an attractive cellular scenario, outlining the role of autophagic response to physical exercise and suggesting new insights into the benefits of physical exercise in counteracting chronic degenerative conditions

    Different specific activities of the monomeric and oligomeric forms of plasmid DNA in transformation of B. subtilis and E. coli

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    (1) The low residual transforming activity in preparations of monomeric, supercoiled, circular (CCC) forms of the plasmids pC194 and pHV14 could be attributed to the presence in such isolates of a small number of contaminating multimeric molecules. (2) E. coli derived preparations of pHV14, as in vitro recombinant plasmid capable of replication in both E. coli and B. subtilis, contain oligomeric forms of plasmid DNA in addition to the prevalent monomeric CCC form. The specific transforming activity of pHV14 DNA for E. coli is independent of the degree of oligomerization, whereas in transformation of B. subtilis the specific activity of the purified monomeric CCC molecules is at least four orders of magnitude less than that of the unfractionated preparation. (3) Oligomerization of linearized pHV14 DNA by T4 ligase results in a substantial increase of specific transforming activity when assayed with B. subtilis and causes a decrease when used to transform E. coli

    Hyperuricemia cosegregating with osteogenesis imperfecta is associated with a mutation in GPATCH8

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    Autosomal dominant osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is caused by mutations in COL1A1 or COL1A2. We identified a dominant missense mutation, c.3235G>A in COL1A1 exon 45 predicting p.G1079S, in a Japanese family with mild OI. As mutations in exon 45 exhibit mild to lethal phenotypes, we tested if disruption of an exonic splicing cis-element determines the clinical phenotype, but detected no such mutations. In the Japanese family, juvenile-onset hyperuricemia cosegregated with OI, but not in the previously reported Italian and Canadian families with c.3235G>A. After confirming lack of a founder haplotype in three families, we analyzed PRPSAP1 and PRPSAP2 as candidate genes for hyperuricemia on chr 17 where COL1A1 is located, but found no mutation. We next resequenced the whole exomes of two siblings in the Japanese family, and identified variable numbers of previously reported hyperuricemia-associated SNPs in ABCG2 and SLC22A12. The same SNPs, however, were also detected in normouricemic individuals in three families. We then identified two missense SNVs in ZPBP2 and GPATCH8 on chromosome 17 that cosegregated with hyperuricemia in the Japanese family. ZPBP2 p.T69I was at the non-conserved region and was predicted to be benign by in silico analysis, whereas GPATCH8 p.A979P was at a highly conserved region and was predicted to be deleterious, which made p.A979P a conceivable candidate for juvenile-onset hyperuricemia. GPATCH8 is only 5.8 Mbp distant from COL1A1 and encodes a protein harboring an RNA-processing domain and a zinc finger domain, but the molecular functions have not been elucidated to date

    Bone histomorphometry in acromegaly patients with fragility vertebral fractures

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    CONTEXT: The high risk of vertebral fractures (VFs) in acromegaly patients despite normal bone mineral density (BMD) is well known. The reasons for this paradoxical finding of skeleton fragility are poorly understood due to the limited data on bone histomorphometry in acromegaly. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to analyze histomorphometric parameters including bone microarchitecture in acromegaly patients with VFs and normal BMD compared to normal subjects, and also to evaluate the differences between active and controlled acromegaly patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Forty-seven acromegaly patients (17 active, 30 controlled), median (range) age 57 years (30-88) were evaluated for bone turnover, morphometric VFs and BMD by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry at lumbar spine and hip; 12 patients with VFs and normal BMD underwent iliac crest bone biopsy; 12 biopsies were taken at the autopsy in healthy sex and age-matched control subjects. RESULTS: The histomorphometric evaluation of acromegaly fractured patients was compared with that of normal controls and showed significantly reduced median (range) levels of bone volume/tissue volume (BV/TV: 15.37% (7.93-26.75) vs. 18.61% (11.75-27.31), p\u2009=\u20090.036), trabecular thickness (TbTh: 77.6 \ub5m (61.7-88.3) vs. 82.7 \ub5m (72.3-92.0) p\u2009=\u20090.045), with increased trabecular separation (TbSp: 536.4 \ub5m (356.2-900.6) vs. 370.3 \ub5m (377.1-546.3) p\u2009=\u20090.038) and increased cortical thickness (1268 \u3bcm (752-2521) vs. 1065 \u3bcm (851-1205) p\u2009=\u20090.025) and porosity (11.9% (10.2-13.3) vs. 4.8% (1.6-8.8) p\u2009=\u20090.0008). While active acromegaly patients showed histomophometric features of increased bone turnover, patients with controlled disease presented normal bone turnover with significantly lower osteoblastic activity, expressed as osteoblast number (p\u2009=\u20090.001), active osteoblasts and vigor (p\u2009=\u20090.014) in the presence of reduced osteocyte number (p\u2009=\u20090.008) compared to active disease. CONCLUSIONS: The apparent paradox of bone fragility in acromegaly patients with a normal BMD can be explained by increased cortical thickness and porosity and reduced trabecular thickness with increased trabecular separation. These structural and microarchitectural abnormalities persist in the controlled phase of acromegaly despite bone turnover normalization. The main determinant of bone disease after hormonal control is severe osteoblastic dysfunction