127 research outputs found

    Shock Metamorphism of the Dhofar 378 Basaltic Shergottite

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    Shock metamorphism is one of the most fundamental processes in the history of Martian meteorites, especially shergottites, which affect their mineralogy and chronology. The formation of "maskelynite" from plagioclase and shock melts is such major mineralogical effects. Dhofar 378 is one of the recently found desert shergottites that is mainly composed of plagioclase and pyroxene. This shergottite is important because of its highly shocked nature and unique plagioclase texture, and thus has a great potential for assessing a "shock" age of shergottites. We have been working on a combined study of mineralogy and chronology of the same rock chip of Dhofar 378. This abstract reports its mineralogical part

    Al, Ti, and Cr: Complex Zoning in Synthetic and Natural Nakhlite Pyroxenes

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    Nakhlites are olivine-bearing clinopyroxene cumulates. The cumulus pyroxenes have cores that are relatively homogeneous in Fe, Mg, and Ca, but show complex zoning of minor elements, especially Al, Ti, and Cr. Zoning patterns contain information about crystallization history parent magma compositions. But it has proven difficult to decipher this information and translate the zoning patterns into petrogenetic processes. This abstract reports results of high-precision Electron Probe MicroAnalysis (EPMA) analysis of synthetic nakhlite pyroxenes run at fO2 from IW to QFM. It compares these with concurrent analyses of natural nakhlite MIL03346 (MIL), and with standardprecision analyses of Y000593 (Y593) collected earlier. Results suggest that (1) different processes are responsible for the zoning of MIL and other more slowly-cooled nakhlites such as Y593, and (2) changes in oxidation conditions during MIL crystallization are not responsible for the unusual Cr zoning patter

    Comparison of Synthetic and Natural Nakhlite Pyroxenes: Complexity of Minor Elements

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    Zoning in pyroxenes in martian meteorites contains a rich record of the petrogenesis of these samples. In the clinopyroxene cumulate nakhlite group, major element zoning is generally limited to the outer rims of the pyroxenes. However, minor element zoning, especially of Al, Ti, and Cr, is extensive, complex, and difficult to interpret [e.g., 1-3]. To help mine the rich information about petrogenetic processes from these samples, we have been comparing minor element zoning in synthetic pyroxenes grown under known conditions with zoning observed in natural nakhlite pyroxenes. We have focused on two nakhlites, MIL03346 (MIL), which is one of the most rapidly cooled nakhlites, and Y000593 (Y593), which cooled at a more moderate rate [e.g., 4]

    Redox States of Geochemically-Enriched Shergottites as Inferred from Fe Micro-XANES Analysis of Maskelynite and Plagioclase.

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    第2回極域科学シンポジウム/第34回南極隕石シンポジウム 11月18日(金) 国立国語研究所 2階講

    Cr, Mn, and Ca distributions for olivine in angritic systems: Constraints on the origins of Cr-rich and Ca-poor core olivine in angrite LEW87051

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    Angrite meteorites are a type of basaltic achondrites that are noted for their very old cyrstallization ages (4.55 b.y.) and unusual chemical and mineralogical properties. In spite of great interest, only four angrites have been found. LEW87051 is the smallest one which weighs 0.6 g. It is a porphyritic rock with coarse subhedral to euhedral olivines set in a fine-grained groundmass which clearly represents a crystallized melt. The largest uncertainty about the petrogenesis of LEW87051 is the relationship between the large olivine crystals and the groundmass. Prinz et al. suggests that olivines are xenocrysts, while McKay et al. proposed a fractional cyrstallization model based on experimental studies. However, the crystals have Cr-rich and Ca-poor cores which do not match experimental olivines. Although Jurewicz and McKay tried to explaine the zoning of the rim by diffusion, some features are not explained. There also exists a definite composition boundary of Fe(2+) and MnO between the core and the rim. To clarify the origin of these olivines, we have performed experiments using LEW87051 analogs to measure the effects of oxygen fugacity on distribution coefficients of various elements in an angritic system

    Evidence for Incipient Alteration in Amoeboid Olivine Aggregates from the Ungrouped Carbonaceous Chondrite NWA 1152.

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    第3回極域科学シンポジウム/第35回南極隕石シンポジウム 11月30日(金) 国立国語研究所 2階講

    Multiple Igneous Bodies for Nakhlites and Chassignites as Inferred from Olivine Cooling Rates using Calcium Zoning

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    Nakhlites and chassignites are ultramafic cumulate rocks of clinopyroxene and olivine, respec-tively, considered to have been formed in a thick lava flow or shallow intrusion near the Martian surface [e.g., 1,2]. Although more than 100 Martian meteorites have been found so far, most of them are shergottites and only nine nakhlites and three chassignites are known (considering paired samples) [3]. In contrast to shergottites which show large variations in both mineralogy and ages, nakhlites and chassignites are suggested to have been petrogenetically related, crystallized at about the same time and been ejected by the same impact event because of their identical crystallization (approximately 1.3 Ga) and cosmic-ray exposure (10-11 My) ages [e.g., 1]. In this study we discuss the possibility of a common igneous body for all samples belonging to these two groups as suggested by previous studies [e.g., 4]. To do this we estimated cooling rates of olivine using Ca zoning profiles, especially by paying attention to the newest samples of each group (NWA 10720 nakhlite and NWA 8694 chassignite)

    Petrology of Chondrule Rims in Yamato-791498 and Asuka-881828, the Least-Altered CR Chondrites in the Japanese NIPR Collection

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    CR chondrites are a group of car-bonaceous chondrites with well-preserved records of formation of their components in the solar nebula. The CR chondrites have undergone a wide range of aqueous alteration from nearly anhydrous (CR2.8 or CR3.0) to extensive recrystallization of primary minerals, including replacement of coarse-grained silicates in chondrules (CR2.0). At the same time, CRs have experienced only minor thermal metamorphism except for rare CR6 samples. Identifying minimally altered CR chondrites is a priority because they preserve (1) relatively pristine records of the solar nebula and (2) minerals and textures at the beginning stages of aqueous alteration. Here we report the petrologic characteristics of Y-791498 and A-881828 as the least aqueously altered CR chondrites in the Japanese NIPR meteorite collection. Previous studies have shown that fine-grained rims on chondrules are indicators of incipient alteration of primitive CR chondrites, there-fore we focus on rims around chondrules in the two meteorites

    Calibration of the EU Oxybarometer for Nakhlites

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    Martian meteorites have various characteristics, which are direct clues to understanding the petrogenesis of Mars rocks. The variation in oxidation state among the Martian meteorites must have important implications for redox conditions of the Martian crust/mantle and overall differentiation on Mars. Wadhwa [1] and Herd et al. [2] reported that Martian basalts were formed under a range of oxidation states, suggesting complex petrogenesis processes. The nakhlites, which have rather different characteristics from basaltic shergottites, may give us additional clues to Martian petrogenesis. The oxidation states of meteorites are usually described by the oxygen fugacity (fO2) under which the meteorites crystallized. One of the methods to estimate the oxygen fugacity is the depth of Eu anomaly. Eu(2+)/Eu(3+) is determined by the oxygen fugacity and partitioning is different for Eu(2+) and Eu(3+). Therefore, the depth of Eu anomaly in a mineral is a function of the oxygen fugacity and the Eu2+/Eu3+ in the melt from which the mineral crystallized. This method has some advantages over another major method, the two-oxide oxybarometer [3], which can more easily be affected by subsolidus processes. The Eu oxybarometer can analyze the cores of the earliest formed crystals in Martian meteorites, which means it can give us a better indication of the oxygen fugacity of the parent melt. The calibration of the Eu oxybarometer has been done with the basaltic shergottites before [4]. However, it has never been applied to nakhlites (Oe et al. [5] measured the depth of Eu anomaly in the synthetic pyroxene only at QFM). Partition coefficients are strongly affected by phase compositions, especially pyroxene Ca content and melt Al content [e.g., 5,6]. The composition of nakhlite pyroxene is rather different from basaltic shergottite pyroxene. Thus, there may be problems in applying the Eu oxybarometer calibration for the basaltic shergottites [7] to nakhlites. Thus, we report in this abstract preliminary results of our experimental calibration of the depth of Eu anomaly in pyroxene vs. oxygen fugacity for nakhlites

    Cooling History and Redox State of NWA 8694 Chassignite: Comparison with Chassigny and NWA 2737

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    NWA 8694 is a new chassignite whose constituent minerals are more Fe-rich than those in the other known chassignites (Chassigny and NWA 2737), and may suggest a petrogenetic relationship to nakhlites. In this abstract we report mineralogy of NWA 8694 to infer its cooling rate and redox state, and discuss its thermal and shock history in comparison with other chassignites. NWA 8694 is a cumulate dunite of approximately 2 mm olivine with interstitial pyroxene and feldspar. Olivine is homogeneous (Fo(sub 55-56)), but Ca decreases at the approximately 50-100 micrometer rim (0.25-0.1 wt% CaO). Because the Ca-depleted rim is narrower than those in other chassignites (approximately 50 micrometer), NWA 8694 may have cooled slightly faster than the others (approximately 30 C/yr), but would be in the same order. Pyroxenes are low- and high-Ca pyroxenes, both exhibiting sub-micron exsolution textures (0.2-0.3 micrometer wide lamellae with the spacing of 0.8-1.8 micrometers). Although the low-Ca pyroxene host has an orthopyroxene composition (Wo approximately 2), the EBSD analysis suggests a pigeonite structure (P2(sub 1)/c), which is also reported from the Chassigny pyroxene. The size of exsolution texture is a bit smaller, but broadly similar to those in other chassignites, implying a similar fast cooling rate (35-43 C/yr). Feldspars are isotropic (plagioclase: clustered around An25Or10, K-feldspar: approximately An19Or78), suggestive of extensive shock metamorphism, consistent with undulatory extinction of olivine. Feldspar compositions are around the equilibrium isotherm of approximately 800 C. The olivine and chromite compositions give an equilibration temperature of 760-810 C and logfO2 of QFM+/-0.3. The inferred fast cooling rate and high fO2 of NWA 8694 are both similar to those of Chassigny and NWA 2737, and suggest a common formation condition (e.g., thick lava flow or shallow intrusion) under oxidizing condition. The Fe-rich mineral compositions of NWA 8694 may be due to crystallization from more fractionated melt than the other chassignites. The shock degree of NWA 8694 would be similar to Chassigny, but distinct from NWA 2737 with darkened olivine showing more extensive shock