868 research outputs found

    Heavy Quark Radiative Energy Loss - Applications to RHIC

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    Heavy quark energy loss in a hot QCD plasma is computed taking into account the competing effects due to suppression of zeroth order gluon radiation bellow the plasma frequency and the enhancement of gluon radiation due to transition energy loss and medium induced Bremsstrahlung. Heavy quark medium induced radiative energy loss is derived to all orders in opacity, (L/λg)n(L/\lambda_g)^n. Numerical evaluation of the energy loss suggest small suppression of high p⊥p_\perp charm quarks, and therefore provide a possible explanation for the null effects observed by PHENIX in the prompt electron spectrum in Au+AuAu+Au as s=130\sqrt{s}=130 and 200 AGeV.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Contributed to 17th International Conference on Ultra Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Quark Matter 2004), Oakland, California, 11-17 Jan 200

    The Auto-Generated Fragment of the Usp1 Deubiquitylase Is a Physiological Substrate of the N-End Rule Pathway

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    Deamidation of N-terminal Gln by the Ntaq1 Nt^Q-amidase is a part of the Arg/N-end rule pathway, a ubiquitin-dependent proteolytic system. Here we identify Gln-Usp1^(Ct), the C-terminal fragment of the autocleaved Usp1 deubiquitylase, as the first physiological Arg/N-end rule substrate that is targeted for degradation through deamidation of N-terminal Gln. Usp1 regulates genomic stability, in part through the deubiquitylation of monoubiquitylated PCNA, a DNA polymerase processivity factor. The autocleaved Usp1 remains a deubiquitylase because its fragments remain associated with Uaf1, an enhancer of Usp1 activity, until the Gln-Usp1^(Ct) fragment is selectively destroyed by the Arg/N-end rule pathway. We also show that metabolic stabilization of Gln-Usp1^(Ct) results in a decreased monoubiquitylation of PCNA and in a hypersensitivity of cells to ultraviolet irradiation. Thus, in addition to its other functions in DNA repair and chromosome segregation, the Arg/N-end rule pathway regulates genomic stability through the degradation-mediated control of the autocleaved Usp1 deubiquitylase

    The White-Box Adversarial Data Stream Model

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    We study streaming algorithms in the white-box adversarial model, where the stream is chosen adaptively by an adversary who observes the entire internal state of the algorithm at each time step. We show that nontrivial algorithms are still possible. We first give a randomized algorithm for the L1L_1-heavy hitters problem that outperforms the optimal deterministic Misra-Gries algorithm on long streams. If the white-box adversary is computationally bounded, we use cryptographic techniques to reduce the memory of our L1L_1-heavy hitters algorithm even further and to design a number of additional algorithms for graph, string, and linear algebra problems. The existence of such algorithms is surprising, as the streaming algorithm does not even have a secret key in this model, i.e., its state is entirely known to the adversary. One algorithm we design is for estimating the number of distinct elements in a stream with insertions and deletions achieving a multiplicative approximation and sublinear space; such an algorithm is impossible for deterministic algorithms. We also give a general technique that translates any two-player deterministic communication lower bound to a lower bound for {\it randomized} algorithms robust to a white-box adversary. In particular, our results show that for all p≥0p\ge 0, there exists a constant Cp>1C_p>1 such that any CpC_p-approximation algorithm for FpF_p moment estimation in insertion-only streams with a white-box adversary requires Ω(n)\Omega(n) space for a universe of size nn. Similarly, there is a constant C>1C>1 such that any CC-approximation algorithm in an insertion-only stream for matrix rank requires Ω(n)\Omega(n) space with a white-box adversary. Our algorithmic results based on cryptography thus show a separation between computationally bounded and unbounded adversaries. (Abstract shortened to meet arXiv limits.)Comment: PODS 202

    Neural Filters for Jet Analysis

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    We study the efficiency of a neural-net filter and deconvolution method for estimating jet energies and spectra in high-background reactions such as nuclear collisions at the relativistic heavy-ion collider and the large hadron collider. The optimal network is shown to be surprisingly close but not identical to a linear high-pass filter. A suitably constrained deconvolution method is shown to uncover accurately the underlying jet distribution in spite of the broad network response. Finally, we show that possible changes of the jet spectrum in nuclear collisions can be analyzed quantitatively, in terms of an effective energy loss with the proposed method. {} {Dong D W and Gyulassy M 1993}{Neural filters for jet analysis} {(LBL-31560) Physical Review E Vol~47(4) pp~2913-2922}Comment: 21 pages of Postscript, (LBL-31560

    Testing the Resolving Power of 2-D K^+ K^+ Interferometry

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    Adopting a procedure previously proposed to quantitatively study two-dimensional pion interferometry, an equivalent 2-D chi^2 analysis was performed to test the resolving power of that method when applied to less favorable conditions, i.e., if no significant contribution from long lived resonances is expected, as in kaon interferometry. For that purpose, use is made of the preliminary E859 K^+ K^+ interferometry data from Si+Au collisions at 14.6 AGeV/c. As expected, less sensitivity is achieved in the present case, although it still is possible to distinguish two distinct decoupling geometries. The present analysis seems to favor scenarios with no resonance formation at the AGS energy range, if the preliminary K^+ K^+ data are confirmed. The possible compatibility of data with zero decoupling proper time interval, conjectured by the 3-D experimental analysis, is also investigated and is ruled out when considering more realistic dynamical models with expanding sources. These results, however, clearly evidence the important influence of the time emission interval on the source effective transverse dimensions. Furthermore, they strongly emphasize that the static Gaussian parameterization, commonly used to fit data, cannot be trusted under more realistic conditions, leading to distorted or even wrong interpretation of the source parameters!Comment: 11 pages, RevTeX, 4 Postscript figures include

    Anti-Hyperon Enhancement through Baryon Junction Loops

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    The baryon junction exchange mechanism recently proposed to explain valence baryon number transport in nuclear collisions is extended to study midrapidity anti-hyperon production. Baryon junction-anti-junction (J anti-J) loops are shown to enhance anti-Lambda, anti-Xi, anti-Omega yields as well as lead to long range rapidity correlations. Results are compared to recent WA97 Pb + Pb -> Y + anti-Y + X data.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    High density LHRF experiments in Alcator C-Mod and implications for reactor scale devices

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    Parametric decay instabilities (PDI) appear to be an ubiquitous feature of lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) experiments at high density. In density ramp experiments in Alcator C-Mod and other machines the onset of PDI activity has been well correlated with a decrease in current drive efficiency and production of fast electron bremsstrahlung. However whether PDI is the primary cause of the 'density limit', and if so by exactly what mechanism (beyond the obvious one of pump depletion) has not been clearly established. In order to further understand the connection, the frequency spectrum of PDI activity occurring during Alcator C-Mod LHCD experiments has been explored in detail by means of a number of RF probes distributed around the periphery of the C-Mod tokamak including a probe imbedded in the inner wall. The results show that (i) the excited spectra consists mainly of a few discrete ion cyclotron (IC) quasi-modes, which have higher growth than the ion sound branch; (ii) PDI activity can begin either at the inner or outer wall, depending on magnetic configuration; (iii) the frequencies of the IC quasi-modes correspond to the magnetic field strength close to the low-field side (LFS) or high-field side separatrix; and (iv) although PDI activity may initiate near the inner separatrix, the loss in fast electron bremsstrahlung is best correlated with the appearance of IC quasi-modes characteristic of the magnetic field strength near the LFS separatrix. These data, supported by growth rate calculations, point to the importance of the LFS scrape-off layer (SOL) density in determining PDI onset and degradation in current drive efficiency. By minimizing the SOL density it is possible to extend the core density regime over which PDI can be avoided, thus potentially maximizing the effectiveness of LHCD at high density. Increased current drive efficiency at high density has been achieved in FTU and EAST through lithium coating and special fuelling methods, and in recent C-Mod experiments by operating at higher plasma current. Another approach would be to locate the launcher in the inner wall with double null operation. This would reduce the SOL density by an order of magnitude or more and greatly mitigate the effects of PDI as well as other parasitic losses.United States. Department of Energy (DE-FC02-99ER54512

    Acute thrombus formation on phosphorilcholine surface modified flow diverters

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    PURPOSE: Thromboembolic complications remain a limitation of flow diverting stents. We hypothesize that phosphorilcholine surface modified flow diverters (Pipeline Flex with Shield Technology, sPED) would have less acute thrombus formation on the device surface compared with the classic Pipeline Embolization device (cPED). METHODS: Elastase-induced aneurysms were created in 40 rabbits and randomly assigned to receive cPED or sPED devices with and without dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) (four groups, n=10/group). Angioplasty was performed to enhance apposition and create intimal injury for a pro-thrombotic environment. Both before and after angioplasty, the flow diverter was imaged with intravascular optical coherence tomography. The outcome measure was the number of predefined segments along the implant relative to the location of the aneurysm with a minimum of 0 (no clot formation) and maximum of 3 (all segments with thrombus). Clot formation over the device at ostia of branch arteries was assessed as either present or absent. RESULTS: Following angioplasty, the number of flow diverter segments with clots was significantly associated with the flow diverter (p \u3c 0.0001), but not with DAPT (p=0.3872) or aneurysm neck size (p=0.8555). The incidence rate for clots with cPED was 1.72 times more than with sPED. The clots on the flow diverter at the location corresponding to side branch ostia was significantly lower with sPED than with cPED (OR 0.180; 95% CI 0.044 to 0.734; p=0.0168), but was not associated with DAPT (p=0.3198). CONCLUSION: In the rabbit model, phosphorilcholine surface modified flow diverters are associated with less thrombus formation on the surface of the device
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