900 research outputs found

    An Enhanced Perturbational Study on Spectral Properties of the Anderson Model

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    The infinite-UU single impurity Anderson model for rare earth alloys is examined with a new set of self-consistent coupled integral equations, which can be embedded in the large NN expansion scheme (NN is the local spin degeneracy). The finite temperature impurity density of states (DOS) and the spin-fluctuation spectra are calculated exactly up to the order O(1/N2)O(1/N^2). The presented conserving approximation goes well beyond the 1/N1/N-approximation ({\em NCA}) and maintains local Fermi-liquid properties down to very low temperatures. The position of the low lying Abrikosov-Suhl resonance (ASR) in the impurity DOS is in accordance with Friedel's sum rule. For N=2N=2 its shift toward the chemical potential, compared to the {\em NCA}, can be traced back to the influence of the vertex corrections. The width and height of the ASR is governed by the universal low temperature energy scale TKT_K. Temperature and degeneracy NN-dependence of the static magnetic susceptibility is found in excellent agreement with the Bethe-Ansatz results. Threshold exponents of the local propagators are discussed. Resonant level regime (N=1N=1) and intermediate valence regime (∣ϵf∣<Δ|\epsilon_f| <\Delta) of the model are thoroughly investigated as a critical test of the quality of the approximation. Some applications to the Anderson lattice model are pointed out.Comment: 19 pages, ReVTeX, no figures. 17 Postscript figures available on the WWW at http://spy.fkp.physik.th-darmstadt.de/~frithjof

    Exact Critical Exponents for Pseudo-Particles in the Kondo Problem

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    Exact critical exponents of the Green functions for pseudo-fermions and slave bosons in the SU(NN) Anderson model with U→∞U\rightarrow\infty are obtained by using the Bethe ansatz solution and boundary conformal field theory. They are evaluated exactly for mixed valence systems and Kondo systems with crystalline fields. The results agree with the prediction of Menge and M\"uller-Hartmann, which coincide with those of the X-ray problem. Some implication of our results in one-dimensional chiral systems is also discussed.Comment: 9 pages, no figure

    Patient Associated Factors that Affect Adherence to Warfarin Therapy in a Tertiary Referral Hospital in Kenya

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    Warfarin is the most widely used oral anticoagulant but non-adherence to its therapy contributes significantly to sub-optimal anticoagulation control. A crosssectional study was carried out among 147 adult outpatients at Kenyatta National Hospital to determine the level of adherence and explore the associated factors. Adherence was associated with age, gender heart valve surgery, alcohol consumption, and cost of treatment. On multivariate analysis, the independent variables associated with adequate adherence were age (OR = 0.429, 95% CI = 0.228-0.808; p = 0.009), gender (OR = 0.299, 95% CI = 0.123-0.728; p = 0.008) and the type of thromboembolic disease (OR = 0.385, 95% CI = 0.214-0.690; p = 0.001). Adherence was better among females, older age groups and patients who had undergone heart valve surgery. Adherence was poorer among males, younger participants and patients with venous thromboembolism. We suggest that medication adherence counseling to warfarin therapy should be emphasized in poor-adherent patient populations.Key words: Warfarin, adherence, patient factors, Keny

    Unified description of Fermi and non-Fermi liquid behavior in a conserving slave boson approximation for strongly correlated impurity models

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    We show that the presence of Fermi or non-Fermi liquid behavior in the SU(N) x SU(M) Anderson impurity models may be read off the infrared threshold exponents governing the spinon and holon dynamics in a slave boson representation of these models. We construct a conserving T-matrix approximation which recovers the exact exponents with good numerical accuracy. Our approximation includes both coherent spin flip scattering and charge fluctuation processes. For the single-channel case the tendency to form bound states drastically modifies the low energy behavior. For the multi-channel case in the Kondo limit the bound state contributions are unimportant.Comment: 4 pages, Latex, 3 postscript figures included Final version with minor changes in wording, to appear in Phys.Rev.Let

    Anderson impurity model at finite Coulomb interaction U: generalized Non-crossing Approximation

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    We present an extension of the non-crossing approximation (NCA), which is widely used to calculate properties of Anderson impurity models in the limit of infinite Coulomb repulsion U→∞U\to\infty, to the case of finite UU. A self-consistent conserving pseudo-particle representation is derived by symmetrizing the usual NCA diagrams with respect to empty and doubly occupied local states. This requires an infinite summation of skeleton diagrams in the generating functional thus defining the ``Symmetrized finite-U NCA'' (SUNCA). We show that within SUNCA the low energy scale TKT_K (Kondo temperature) is correctly obtained, in contrast to other simpler approximations discussed in the literature.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Gas diffusion through columnar laboratory sea ice: implications for mixed-layer ventilation of CO<sub>2</sub> in the seasonal ice zone

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    Gas diffusion through the porous microstructure of sea ice represents a pathway for ocean–atmosphere exchange and for transport of biogenic gases produced within sea ice. We report on the experimental determination of the bulk gas diffusion coefficients, D, for oxygen (O2) and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) through columnar sea ice under constant ice thickness conditions for ice surface temperatures between -4 and -12 °C. Profiles of SF6 through the ice indicate decreasing gas concentration from the ice/water interface to the ice/air interface, with evidence for solubility partitioning between gas-filled and liquid-filled pore spaces. On average, DSF6 inline image was 1.3 × 10-4 cm2 s-1 (±40%) and DO2 was 3.9 × 10-5 cm2 s-1 (±41%). The preferential partitioning of SF6 to the gas phase, which is the dominant diffusion pathway produced the greater rate of SF6 diffusion. Comparing these estimates of D with an existing estimate of the air–sea gas transfer through leads indicates that ventilation of the mixed layer by diffusion through sea ice may be negligible, compared to air–sea gas exchange through fractures in the ice pack, even when the fraction of open water is less than 1%

    Fermi and non-Fermi liquid behavior in quantum impurity systems: Conserving slave boson theory

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    The question of Fermi liquid vs. non-Fermi liquid behavior induced by strong correlations is one of the prominent problems in metallic local moment systems. As standard models for such systems, the SU(N)xSU(M) Anderson impurity models exhibit both Fermi liquid and non-Fermi liquid behavior, depending on their symmetry. Taking the Anderson model as an example, these lectures first give an introduction to the auxiliary boson method to describe correlated systems governed by a strong, short-range electronic repulsion. It is then shown how to include the relevant low-lying excitations (coherent spin flip and charge fluctuation processes), while preserving the local gauge symmetry of the model. This amounts to a conserving T-matrix approximation (CTMA). We prove a cancellation theorem showing that the CTMA incorporates all leading and subleading infrared singularities at any given order in a self-consistent loop expansion of the free energy. As a result, the CTMA recovers the correct infrared behavior of the auxiliary particle propagators, indicating that it correctly describes both the Fermi and the non-Fermi regimes of the Anderson model.Comment: 37 pages, LaTeX, style file included, 10 postscript figures; to appear in Proceedings of the XXXVIII Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, Zakopane, Poland, June 1-10, 199
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