535 research outputs found

    Kritik Atas Pelibatan Publik Dalam Kebijakan Komunikasi Di Indonesia

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    . Kuantitas dan kualitas informasi dari pemerintah makin meningkat dalam beberapawaktu terakhir. Melalui pengemasan informasi yang bisa menghasilkan atau menguatkankompetensi, kegiatan komunikasi pemerintahan dirancang untuk mendorong adopsi persepsitertentu dan keterlibatan publik dalam setiap kebijakan pemerintah. Dalam Perumusan danimplementasi kebijakan publik di Indonesia, pelibatan publik pernah dimaknai denganberagam kategori konsep antara lain penerangan, sosialisasi, penyebaran (diseminasi)informasi, konsultasi publik, dan komunikasi publik. Akan tetapi ada kecenderunganketidakkonsistenan atas pendefinisian dan pelibatan publik dalam kebijakan komunikasi yangada. Istilah publik, misalnya, dipergunakan silih-berganti dengan massa, rakyat, masyarakatumum, atau bahkan kerumunan, sehingga mendorong potensi manipulatif dan keberjarakanantara kebijakan dengan warga negara sebagai publik. Artikel ini berupaya mengkritisikonsepsi dan konteks wacana pelibatan publik dalam kebijakan komunikasi di Indonesiatermasuk interrelasi dengan program komunikasi institusi global atau negara donor. Analisisdiarahkan untuk membedah konsistensi dan inkonsistensi konsep publik dan pelibatan publikdalam ranah publik, privat, dan masyarakat demokratis secara terpadu. Hasil diarahkan untukmenemukenali jalan tengah pelibatan publik yang bisa mengembangkan partisipasi wargabangsa dalam lingkup kontemporer.Abstrak. Kuantitas dan kualitas informasi dari pemerintah makin meningkat dalam beberapawaktu terakhir. Melalui pengemasan informasi yang bisa menghasilkan atau menguatkankompetensi, kegiatan komunikasi pemerintahan dirancang untuk mendorong adopsi persepsitertentu dan keterlibatan publik dalam setiap kebijakan pemerintah. Dalam Perumusan danimplementasi kebijakan publik di Indonesia, pelibatan publik pernah dimaknai denganberagam kategori konsep antara lain penerangan, sosialisasi, penyebaran (diseminasi)informasi, konsultasi publik, dan komunikasi publik. Akan tetapi ada kecenderunganketidakkonsistenan atas pendefinisian dan pelibatan publik dalam kebijakan komunikasi yangada. Istilah publik, misalnya, dipergunakan silih-berganti dengan massa, rakyat, masyarakatumum, atau bahkan kerumunan, sehingga mendorong potensi manipulatif dan keberjarakanantara kebijakan dengan warga negara sebagai publik. Artikel ini berupaya mengkritisikonsepsi dan konteks wacana pelibatan publik dalam kebijakan komunikasi di Indonesiatermasuk interrelasi dengan program komunikasi institusi global atau negara donor. Analisisdiarahkan untuk membedah konsistensi dan inkonsistensi konsep publik dan pelibatan publikdalam ranah publik, privat, dan masyarakat demokratis secara terpadu. Hasil diarahkan untukmenemukenali jalan tengah pelibatan publik yang bisa mengembangkan partisipasi wargabangsa dalam lingkup kontemporer

    Analisis Penerapan Sistem Akuntansi Penggajian Dan Pengupahan Dalam Mendukung Pengendalian Intern (Studi Kasus Pada PT. Cahaya Marta Perkasa, Pamekasan)

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    The purpose from this research is to know the implementation of accounting system of employees payroll and wages on PT. Cahaya Marta Perkasa and also to know the internal control of payroll and wages accounting system used. This research is done on PT. CMP, which have the employees status as permanent employees, work contracted, daily employees that have different process in given salaries and wages. Observational type that is done is observational descriptive with focuses on accounting system of payroll and wages and internal control system on PT. CMP. Data analysis is to describe accounting system of payroll and wages that implemented on and analyze the problem that arise in the application of the accounting system of payroll and wages. The result of observation explain there are a different process in given salary, which salary of permanent employees and work contracted given monthly,where as salary of daily employee given weekly. The application of internal control is good enough though there are some weakness. Financial administration section have double task so that enable for fraud,financial administration section hawve double task as timekeeper absent, payroll maker and provide employee salary, there are no special section that oversees absent process using check clock

    Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Pengguna Jasa Angkutan Udara Dalam Perspektif Peraturan Perundang-undangan Tentang Penerbangan

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    The legal protection granted to the users of air transport services in Indonesia is the main thing that should be the main purpose of the rulesof law on air transport businesses, its among others is the responsibility of the airline and the settlement of compensation to passengers delay on flight schedules. Based on the results of the discussions about the problem of delays in flight schedule, the position of service users is powerless. It is often the airline refuge on the stipulations of Article 28 of the Air Transport Ordinance in the terms of responsibility for delays in flight schedules, as such terms are standard klausula contained in airline tickets. Completion of compensation to the passengers delay on the flight schedule is still obstacle because of weak awareness of service users in their rights and there is no strict sanctions for airlines that do not carry out an obligation to award the compensate for service users delays in flight schedules

    Upaya Pemerintah Daerah Kampar dalam Mewujudkan Prioritas Pembangunan di Bidang Pertanian Tahun 2012-2013

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    The background of the problem in this research is the Kampar seen from the geographical conditions has the potential land for agricultural development, it should Kampar own grand design development of the agricultural sector. Grand design is expected to encourage the development of Kampar regency which has the potential of wetland and upland area is promising, Kampar district has vast potential wetland rice fields where the vast potential in the Kampar area of 10 467 hectares. Potential dry land far greater extent than the existing wetland. Extensive dry land in Kampar regency is 197 346 ha. As an agricultural area that has the potential wetland and upland wide enough, either already or not yet in use, Kampar continually strive to cover the various needs of the community. Which became the focus of the problem in this research is how the Kampar District Government efforts to realize the development priorities in agriculture 2012-2013? and what factors inhibiting realize Kampar District Government development priorities in agriculture 2012-2013?. This type of research is a field research with qualitative approach. Pliers data collection techniques used were interviews primary data, in addition to observation and documentation as secondary data. The territories in which the research is Kampar and Stakeholders Department of Agriculture. The research findings indicate (1) upanya Kampar District Government Delivering On Agriculture Sector Development Priorities 2012-2013 through; Food Resilience improvement program, Program Increased production of agricultural / plantation, Program Improvement production of agricultural / plantation, Farmers Welfare Improvement Program, a program peningkatakn Marketing Results, program¬progam have been realized by the local government through the agriculture office Kampar Kampar, this program has been successfully implemented physical and non-physical, physical has been accomplished 100%, but non-physical claim on average this program has accomplished 75% .. (2). Factors resistor Regency of Kampar implement Priority Development in Agriculture, the natural resources are not a constraint in building in Kampar because each district has resources sufficient to manage menjai agricultural land, but that the limiting factor is the human resources and support facilities to boost agriculture in Kampar, for human resources in the field of agriculture is the generation of tau are not many young people are engaged in agriculture, while it supported agriculture seeds and fertilizer aid and the government sometimes often has been delayed until at the hands of the farmers

    Ubungan Antara Self Efficacy Dengan Perilaku Menyontek Saat Ujian Pada Mahasiswa Universitas Esa Unggul

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    Test was an evaluation of learning process, but inside that process there's student that cheating to pass in an unhonest way. One of the cheating factor of a student is because of the low self efficacy. Low self efficacy pushing student to making a cheat sheet or cooperating in order of cheating. The research is a quantitative non-experimental with total sampel 153 respondents. Sampling technique is proportionate stratified sampling. Reliability test result obtained (α)0.935 for self efficacy and (α)0.928 for cheating variable with measurement tool of self efficacy (22 valid) and cheating (27 valid) in the Form of Likert scale. The result value of sig 0.000 (p<0.05) within correlation in the amount of -0.434, that means there was a negative relation and significant within self efficacy and cheating habit when the UEU students is doing a test. UEU student inclined from cheating habit was classified low as 77 students (50,3%). Analysis result was showing that there was a significant difference of cheating habit based on the gender with value of p=0,017<0.05. The result shows male student has the behavior of cheating is high compared with women

    Penerimaan Suku Anak dalam terhadap Pendidikan

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    IONTITLE :NAMA :NIM :ACCEPTANCE OF EDUCATION AMONG ANAKDALAM TRIBEM. SYAMSUL HIDAYATD2C606031Trough the nine-years compulsory education program, EducationDepartment of Soralangun, Jambi held socialization the importance of educationfor Anak Dalam Tribe. The local government was purpose to prevalent educationfor all Sarolangun citizen, included Anak Dalam Tribe. However, the fact is AnakDalam Tribe have some response about the education ratification by government,some of Anak Dalam Tribe accepting the education, but most of them resist thesocialization by government because they have not been taught by their parents,temenggung, and their ancestor, so they don\u27t have to accept it and attend school.This Research aims to find out the acceptance of education among AnakDalam Tribe, why most of them who have faith that education never been taughtby their ancestor instead accept it and finally attend school. This research wasconducted by using phenomenological approach by relating the governmentexperience of socialization who with theory of persuasion to encourage andchange the thought and assumption of Anak Dalam Tribe so they accept educationand attend school. Also acceptance and experience of Anak Dalam Tribe afterthey accept and attend school, this research attempts to explain the Anak DalamTribe\u27s efforts in order to be accepted by people outside agains the stereotypeabout them in the people\u27s sight and otherwise. The subject of this researchconsists of three people from government dan three Anak Dalam Tribe\u27s peoplewho attend school and settle outside the forest. The data was obtainedbyinterview, observation, and literature.Results of this study indicate that government was done persuasioncommunication by interacting directly with Anak Dalam Tribe, trying to convinceand changing the thought and behavior of Anak Dalam Tribe. In effort to changethe behavior, the governments formerly try to establish the cognitive and affectivecomponent from Anak Dalam Tribe, the expectation is by changing thecomponent, could change their behavior. To establish the cognitive component,government conveying the importance of education and then the teachers andexperts in their field indirectly has set an example for Anak Dalam Tribe. Thegovernment also gives all equipment and school supplies. Moreover, Anak DalamTribe is free of charge for school. It is done in order to establish the affectivecomponent of Anak Dalam Tribe. After cognitive and affective has been establish,it will be directly followed by changes of behavior, that is Anak Dalam Tribe whowant to attend school

    Studi Analisis Sambungan Balok-kolom Dengan Sistem Pracetak Pada Gedung Kampus Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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    Pembangunan tiada henti-hentinya untuk terus dikembangkan. Akan tetapi dengan Banyaknya gedung – gedung yang dibangun membuat lahan yang tersedia semakin lama semakin sempit. Oleh karena itu, banyak daerah yang mulai membangun gedung–gedung bertingkat untuk mengatasi kekurangan lahan yang semakin sempit. Pembangunan gedung bertingkat saat ini sebagian besar masih tetap menggunakan metode beton bertulang konvensional dengan menggunakan bekisting yang dicor di tempat yang akan menelan biaya lebih mahal karena membutuhkan banyak sekali bekisting serta akan memakan waktu yang lebih lama. Akan tetapi sekarang ada trobosan baru untuk mengurangi penggunaan bekisting yang banyak dan mengurasi lamanya durasi pengerjaan, yaitu dengan menggunakan metode pracetak yang dibuat di pabrik atau di lokasi proyek kemudian dirakit. Konsep pembangunan mengacu ke dalam SNI 03-2847-2002 dan SNI 03-1726-2002 sehingga acuan kedua peraturan tersebut akan didapatkan struktur yang tahan gempa, efektif, dan efisien. Dalam studi ini merupakan analisis gedung Kuliah Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya Malang dengan zona gempa 4 yang di rencanakan kembali dengan menggunakan metode pracetak. Dari hasil studi didapatkan bahwa dimensi balok induk berukuran 40 cm x 60 cm dengan tulangan lentur digunakan D22 dan tulangan geser ∅ 10 harus memenuhi syarat aman terhadap kapasitas momen yang ada. Untuk struktur kolom lantai 1 hingga lantai 7 berukuran 80cm x 100 cm dengan menggunakan tulangan lentur D25 dan tulangan geser ∅ 10 harus bisa menahan berat beban yang ada diatasnya
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