79 research outputs found

    Vacuum-Stimulated Raman Scattering based on Adiabatic Passage in a High-Finesse Optical Cavity

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    We report on the first observation of stimulated Raman scattering from a Lambda-type three-level atom, where the stimulation is realized by the vacuum field of a high-finesse optical cavity. The scheme produces one intracavity photon by means of an adiabatic passage technique based on a counter-intuitive interaction sequence between pump laser and cavity field. This photon leaves the cavity through the less-reflecting mirror. The emission rate shows a characteristic dependence on the cavity and pump detuning, and the observed spectra have a sub-natural linewidth. The results are in excellent agreement with numerical simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Entanglement signature in the mode structure of a single photon

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    It is shown that entanglement, which is a quantum correlation property of at least two subsystems, is imprinted in the mode structure of a single photon. The photon, which is emitted by two coupled cavities, carries the information on the concurrence of the two intracavity fields. This can be useful for recording the entanglement dynamics of two cavity fields and for entanglement transfer.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Entanglement and purity of single- and two-photon states

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    Whereas single- and two-photon wave packets are usually treated as pure states, in practice they will be mixed. We study how entanglement created with mixed photon wave packets is degraded. We find in particular that the entanglement of a delocalized single-photon state of the electro-magnetic field is determined simply by its purity. We also discuss entanglement for two-photon mixed states, as well as the influence of a vacuum component.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, 1 debuting autho

    Detecting drift of quantum sources: not the de Finetti theorem

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    We propose and analyze a method to detect and characterize the drift of a nonstationary quantum source. It generalizes a standard measurement for detecting phase diffusion of laser fields to quantum systems of arbitrary Hilbert space dimension, qubits in particular. We distinguish diffusive and systematic drifts, and examine how quickly one can determine that a source is drifting. We show that for single-photon wavepackets our measurement is implemented by the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Demonstration of a Transportable 1 Hz-Linewidth Laser

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    We present the setup and test of a transportable clock laser at 698 nm for a strontium lattice clock. A master-slave diode laser system is stabilized to a rigidly mounted optical reference cavity. The setup was transported by truck over 400 km from Braunschweig to D\"usseldorf, where the cavity-stabilized laser was compared to a stationary clock laser for the interrogation of ytterbium (578 nm). Only minor realignments were necessary after the transport. The lasers were compared by a Ti:Sapphire frequency comb used as a transfer oscillator. The thus generated virtual beat showed a combined linewidth below 1 Hz (at 1156 nm). The transport back to Braunschweig did not degrade the laser performance, as was shown by interrogating the strontium clock transition.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    Time-Resolved Two-Photon Quantum Interference

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    The interference of two independent single-photon pulses impinging on a beam splitter is analysed in a generalised time-resolved manner. Different aspects of the phenomenon are elaborated using different representations of the single-photon wave packets, like the decomposition into single-frequency field modes or spatio-temporal modes matching the photonic wave packets. Both representations lead to equivalent results, and a photon-by-photon analysis reveals that the quantum-mechanical two-photon interference can be interpreted as a classical one-photon interference once a first photon is detected. A novel time-dependent quantum-beat effect is predicted if the interfering photons have different frequencies. The calculation also reveals that full two-photon fringe visibility can be achieved under almost any circumstances by applying a temporal filter to the signal.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum Interference of Tunably Indistinguishable Photons from Remote Organic Molecules

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    We demonstrate two-photon interference using two remote single molecules as bright solid-state sources of indistinguishable photons. By varying the transition frequency and spectral width of one molecule, we tune and explore the effect of photon distinguishability. We discuss future improvements on the brightness of single-photon beams, their integration by large numbers on chips, and the extension of our experimental scheme to coupling and entanglement of distant molecules

    Time-resolved detection and mode-mismatch in a linear optics quantum gate

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    Linear optics is a promising candidate for the implementation of quantum information processing protocols. In such systems single photons are employed to represent qubits. In practice, single photons produced from different sources will not be perfectly temporally and frequency matched. Therefore understanding the effects of temporal and frequency mismatch is important for characterising the dynamics of the system. In this paper we discuss the effects of temporal and frequency mismatch, how they differ, and what their effect is upon a simple linear optics quantum gate. We show that temporal and frequency mismatch exhibit inherently different effects on the operation of the gate. We also consider the spectral effects of the photo-detectors, focusing on time-resolved detection, which we show has a strong impact on the operation of such protocols

    Shaping the Phase of a Single Photon

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    While the phase of a coherent light field can be precisely known, the phase of the individual photons that create this field, considered individually, cannot. Phase changes within single-photon wave packets, however, have observable effects. In fact, actively controlling the phase of individual photons has been identified as a powerful resource for quantum communication protocols. Here we demonstrate the arbitrary phase control of a single photon. The phase modulation is applied without affecting the photon's amplitude profile and is verified via a two-photon quantum interference measurement, which can result in the fermionic spatial behaviour of photon pairs. Combined with previously demonstrated control of a single photon's amplitude, frequency, and polarisation, the fully deterministic phase shaping presented here allows for the complete control of single-photon wave packets.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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