1,600 research outputs found

    Computing labs and Technology Classroom (ClTC) Initiative: A Model for Distributed Support

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    DePauw University is a small, liberal arts institution with 2200 undergraduate residential students and 222 faculty members, located in Greencastle, Indiana The challenges of supporting a campus with multiple and diverse facilities are further amplified by limited staff support resources. One of the strategies for addressing these challenges led to the formation of the Computing Labs and Technology Classrooms (CLTC) initiative. The CLTC recognizes and draws on the strengths of support specialists with a wide variety of professional training and experience, who regularly collaborate in the support and management of campus-wide labs and technology classrooms

    A prova de exercício cárdio-pulmonar e o prognóstico cirúrgico do cancro do pulmão

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    Resumo: Os autores procuram dar mais um contributo para a avaliação pré-operatória dos doentes com carcinoma de não pequenas células que vão ser sujeitos a cirurgia de ressecção pulmonar.Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo onde foi avaliado o resultado da cirurgia em termos de complicações ocorridas nos 30 dias a seguir à operação. Os autores definiram cada uma das complicações (óbito, enfarte do miocárdio, insuficiências respiratória, cardíaca e renal, embolia pulmonar, pneumonia e septicemia) e ainda analisaram 3 dessas complicações em separado (óbito, enfarte do miocárdio e insuficiência respiratória), as quais designaram por âfraco resultadoâ.Antes da cirurgia, foram avaliados 99 doentes (34 pneumectomias, 56 lobectomias, 6 bilobectomias e 3 ressecções atípicas) com espirometria (FEV1 em litros) e consumo de oxigénio no exercício máximo (VO2peak). Só 26 doentes tinham valores funcionais considerados borderline (FEV1 < 1,5 litros para lobectomia e < 2,0 litros para pneumectomia). Nos resultados apresentados observámos os seguintes valores médios: FEV1=2,06 litros; FEV1=80,4% do valor teórico; VO2peak=18,8 ml/kg/min ou 88,3% do valor teórico. Só existiram 4 óbitos (4%) e 21 doentes tiveram uma ou mais das complicações referenciadas.Os autores não encontraram relação significativa entre as complicações pós-operatórias e o FEV1 em litros. Verificaram ainda que o VO2peak em percentagem do valor teórico previa melhor um âfraco resultadoâ do que o mesmo parâmetro em valor absoluto.Em relação aos óbitos, um dos doentes tinha sido submetido a quimioterapia, o que dificultou a avaliação do desfecho. Nos restantes 3 óbitos, todos os doentes tinham um VO2peak < 62% do valor teórico. Dois dos 3 doentes com VO2peak < 50% tiveram um âfraco resultadoâ. Com VO2peak > 75% só 3 em 20 doentes é que tiveram um âfraco resultadoâ.Apesar de reconhecerem a necessidade de mais e maiores estudos, os autores concluem que VO2peak é importante para prever complicações como óbito, enfarte do miocárdio ou insuficiência respiratória, principalmente se é referido em percentagem do valor teórico. O limite âseguroâ situar-se-ia entre 50 e 60% do valor previsto

    Convective Motion in a Vibrated Granular Layer

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    Experimental results are presented for a vertically shaken granular layer. In the range of accelerations explored, the layer develops a convective motion in the form of one or more rolls. The velocity of the grains near the wall has been measured. It grows linearly with the acceleration, then the growing rate slows down. A rescaling with the amplitude of the wall velocity and the height of the granular layer makes all data collapse in a single curve. This can provide insights on the mechanism driving the motion.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Observation of Sommerfeld precursors on a fluid surface

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    We report the observation of two types of Sommerfeld precursors (or forerunners) on the surface of a layer of mercury. When the fluid depth increases, we observe a transition between these two precursor surface waves in good agreement with the predictions of asymptotic analysis. At depths thin enough compared to the capillary length, high frequency precursors propagate ahead of the ''main signal'' and their period and amplitude, measured at a fixed point, increase in time. For larger depths, low frequency ''precursors'' follow the main signal with decreasing period and amplitude. These behaviors are understood in the framework of the analysis first introduced for linear transient electromagnetic waves in a dielectric medium by Sommerfeld and Brillouin [1].Comment: to be published in Physical Review Letter

    Broadband microwave spectroscopy of semiconductor nanowire-based Cooper-pair transistors

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    The Cooper-pair transistor (CPT), a small superconducting island enclosed between two Josephson weak links, is the atomic building block of various superconducting quantum circuits. Utilizing gate-tunable semiconductor channels as weak links, the energy scale associated with the Josephson tunneling can be changed with respect to the charging energy of the island, tuning the extent of its charge fluctuations. Here, we directly demonstrate this control by mapping the energy level structure of a CPT made of an indium arsenide nanowire (NW) with a superconducting aluminum shell. We extract the device parameters based on the exhaustive modeling of the quantum dynamics of the phase-biased nanowire CPT and directly measure the even-odd parity occupation ratio as a function of the device temperature, relevant for superconducting and prospective topological qubits.Comment: Published version. Supplementary Information is available as ancillary file, raw data and calculations can be downloaded from http://doi.org/10.4121/uuid:5d54f11b-6774-4ae4-96cf-25e6a91927e

    Effects of electromagnetic waves on the electrical properties of contacts between grains

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    A DC electrical current is injected through a chain of metallic beads. The electrical resistances of each bead-bead contacts are measured. At low current, the distribution of these resistances is large and log-normal. At high enough current, the resistance distribution becomes sharp and Gaussian due to the creation of microweldings between some beads. The action of nearby electromagnetic waves (sparks) on the electrical conductivity of the chain is also studied. The spark effect is to lower the resistance values of the more resistive contacts, the best conductive ones remaining unaffected by the spark production. The spark is able to induce through the chain a current enough to create microweldings between some beads. This explains why the electrical resistance of a granular medium is so sensitive to the electromagnetic waves produced in its vicinity.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure