712 research outputs found

    Integrality of quantum 3-manifold invariants and a rational surgery formula

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    We prove that the Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev (WRT) SO(3) invariant of an arbitrary 3-manifold M is always an algebraic integer. Moreover, we give a rational surgery formula for the unified invariant dominating WRT SO(3) invariants of rational homology 3-spheres at roots of unity of order co-prime with the torsion. As an application, we compute the unified invariant for Seifert fibered spaces and for Dehn surgeries on twist knots. We show that this invariant separates Seifert fibered integral homology spaces and can be used to detect the unkno

    Integrality of quantum 3-manifold invariants and a rational surgery formula

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    We prove that the Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev (WRT) SO(3) invariant of an arbitrary 3-manifold M is always an algebraic integer. Moreover, we give a rational surgery formula for the unified invariant dominating WRT SO(3) invariants of rational homology 3-spheres at roots of unity of order co-prime with the torsion. As an application, we compute the unified invariant for Seifert fibered spaces and for Dehn surgeries on twist knots. We show that this invariant separates Seifert fibered integral homology spaces and can be used to detect the unkno

    Quantum traces for SLnSL_n-skein algebras

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    We establish the existence of several quantum trace maps. The simplest one is an algebra map between two quantizations of the algebra of regular functions on the SLnSL_n-character variety of a surface S\mathfrak{S} equipped with an ideal triangulation λ\lambda. The first is the (stated) SLnSL_n-skein algebra S(S)\mathscr{S}(\mathfrak{S}). The second X‾(S,λ)\overline{\mathcal{X}}(\mathfrak{S},\lambda) is the Fock and Goncharov's quantization of their XX-moduli space. The quantum trace is an algebra homomorphism trˉX:S‾(S)→X‾(S,λ)\bar{tr}^X:\overline{\mathscr{S}}(\mathfrak{S})\to\overline{\mathcal{X}}(\mathfrak{S},\lambda) where the reduced skein algebra S‾(S)\overline{\mathscr{S}}(\mathfrak{S}) is a quotient of S(S)\mathscr{S}(\mathfrak{S}). When the quantum parameter is 1, the quantum trace trˉX\bar{tr}^X coincides with the classical Fock-Goncharov homomorphism. This is a generalization of the Bonahon-Wong quantum trace map for the case n=2n=2. We then define the extended Fock-Goncharov algebra X(S,λ)\mathcal{X}(\mathfrak{S},\lambda) and show that trˉX\bar{tr}^X can be lifted to trX:S(S)→X(S,λ)tr^X:\mathscr{S}(\mathfrak{S})\to\mathcal{X}(\mathfrak{S},\lambda). We show that both trˉX\bar{tr}^X and trXtr^X are natural with respect to the change of triangulations. When each connected component of S\mathfrak{S} has non-empty boundary and no interior ideal point, we define a quantization of the Fock-Goncharov AA-moduli space A‾(S,λ)\overline{\mathcal{A}}(\mathfrak{S},\lambda) and its extension A(S,λ)\mathcal{A}(\mathfrak{S},\lambda). We then show that there exist quantum traces trˉA:S‾(S)→A‾(S,λ)\bar{tr}^A:\overline{\mathscr{S}}(\mathfrak{S})\to\overline{\mathcal{A}}(\mathfrak{S},\lambda) and trA:S(S)↪A(S,λ)tr^A:\mathscr{S}(\mathfrak{S})\hookrightarrow\mathcal{A}(\mathfrak{S},\lambda), where the second map is injective, while the first is injective at least when S\mathfrak{S} is a polygon. They are equivalent to the XX-versions but have better algebraic properties.Comment: 111 pages, 35 figure

    Asymptotics of the colored Jones function of a knot

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    To a knot in 3-space, one can associate a sequence of Laurent polynomials, whose nnth term is the nnth colored Jones polynomial. The paper is concerned with the asymptotic behavior of the value of the nnth colored Jones polynomial at e^{\a/n}, when \a is a fixed complex number and nn tends to infinity. We analyze this asymptotic behavior to all orders in 1/n1/n when \a is a sufficiently small complex number. In addition, we give upper bounds for the coefficients and degree of the nnth colored Jones polynomial, with applications to upper bounds in the Generalized Volume Conjecture. Work of Agol-Dunfield-Storm-W.Thurston implies that our bounds are asymptotically optimal. Moreover, we give results for the Generalized Volume Conjecture when \a is near 2Ï€i2 \pi i. Our proofs use crucially the cyclotomic expansion of the colored Jones function, due to Habiro.Comment: 31 pages, 13 figure
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