23 research outputs found

    Quantitative analysis of shoreline changes at the mediterranean coast in Turkey

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    PubMedID: 19565343This research is focused on the coastline evolution monitoring and its potential change estimation by remote sensing techniques using multi-temporal Landsat images at the southeast coasts of the Mediterranean Sea in Turkey. The study area includes the coastal zone located in the Cukurova Delta coasts. The Cukurova Delta has accreted toward theMediterranean Sea as a result of sediment discharge and transport from Seyhan and Ceyhan rivers. These processes have caused the morphological changes (accretion or erosion) of coastline along some parts of the southeast coasts of the Mediterranean Sea. In this study, coastline changes were researched by using radiometrically and geometrically corrected multitemporal and multi-spectral data from Landsat Multispectral Scanner dated 1972, Thematic Mapper dated 1987, and Enhanced Thematic Mapper dated 2002. In the image processing steps, mosaicing, subset, Iterative Self-Organizing Data Analysis Technique classification, band ratioing (B5/ B2), edge detection, and overlay techniques were used to carry out coastline extraction and the Digital Shoreline Analysis System was used to calculate rate of coastline changes. As a result of the analysis, in some parts of the research area, remarkable coastline changes (more than 2,900 m withdrawal and -24.50 m/year erosion) were observed for a 30-year period. © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010

    City-based risk assessment of sea level rise using topographic and census data for the Turkish Coastal zone

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    Turkish coastal zone elevation to sea level rise was illustrated using a digital elevation model and methods in a geographical information system. It was intended to determine several parameters such as population, settlements, land use, wetlands, contribution to national agricultural production, and taxes at risk using high-resolution Shuttle Radar Topography Mission topographic, orthorectified Landsat Thematic Mapper Mosaics and census data with geographical information system methods within 0-to 10-m elevation of the national level. All parameters were examined for coastal cities, coastal districts, settlements, and villages' status. It was found that approximately 7,319 km2 of land area lies below the 10-m contour line in Turkey and is, hence, highly vulnerable to sea level rise. Twenty-eight coastal cities, 191 districts, and 181 villages or towns are located below the 10-m contour line in the study area. The findings suggest that the Turkish Ministry of Environment should declare new areas protected and develop special environmental programs at the national level. © The Author(s) 2010.National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationLandsat data were provided through NASA's Earth Science Enterprise Scientific Data Purchase Program Produced, under NASA contract, by Earth Satellite Corporation. The dataset is entitled GeoCover Orthorectified Landsat Thematic Mapper Mosaics and was published by NASA's Stennis Space Center. These data are available without copyright restriction and can be obtained from the Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center at EROS Data Center.district populations were obtained from the National Statistical Institute 2007 census. Village and other small settlement population data were obtained from a local government web portal of Turkey which was developed by the Local Government Research and Training Centre of The Public Administration Institute for Turkey and the Middle East and financially supported by the Turkish State Planning Organization (YerelNET 2007). Population increment rate, population density, income from national budget for each person, income tax rate, and agricultural production rate were obtained from Dincer and Ozaslan (2004)

    Estimation of solar radiation over Turkey using artificial neural network and satellite data

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    This study introduces artificial neural networks (ANNs) for the estimation of solar radiation in Turkey (26-45 E and 36-42 N). Resilient propagation (RP), Scale conjugate gradient (SCG) learning algorithms and logistic sigmoid transfer function were used in the network. In order to train the neural network, meteorological data for the period from August 1997 to December 1997 for 12 cities (Antalya, Artvin, Edirne, Kayseri, Kütahya, Van, Adana, Ankara, İstanbul, Samsun, İzmir, Diyarbaki{dotless}r) spread over Turkey were used as training (nine stations) and testing (three stations) data. Meteorological and geographical data (latitude, longitude, altitude, month, mean diffuse radiation and mean beam radiation) are used in the input layer of the network. Solar radiation is the output. However, solar radiation has been estimated as monthly mean daily sum by using Meteosat-6 satellite C3 D data in the visible range over 12 cities in Turkey. Digital counts of satellite data were converted into radiances and these are used to calculate the albedos. Using the albedo, the cloud cover index of each pixel was constructed. Diffuse and direct component of horizontal irradiation were calculated as a function of optical air mass, turbidity factor and Rayleigh optical thickness for clear-sky. Using the relation between clear-sky index and cloud cover index, the solar irradiance for any pixel is calculated for Physical method. RMS between the estimated and ground values for monthly mean daily sum with ANN and Physical method values have been found as 2.32 MJ m-2 (54 W/m2) and 2.75 MJ m-2 (64 W/m2) (training cities), 3.94 MJ m-2 (91 W/m2) and 5.37 MJ m-2 (125 W/m2) (testing cities), respectively. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    National assessment of sea level rise using topographic and census data for Turkish coastal zone

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    PubMedID: 18720019Turkish coastal zone elevation to sea level rise was illustrated by using digital elevation model and Geographical information systems methods. It was intended to determine several parameters such as population, settlements, land use, wetlands, contribution to national agricultural production and taxes at risk by using high resolution SRTM topographic, orthorectified Landsat Thematic Mapper Mosaics and census data with GIS methods within 0 - 10 m elevation of national level. All parameters were examined for coastal cities, coastal districts, settlements and villages' status. As a result of the analysis of data set, it was found that approximately 7,319 km2 of land area lies below 10 m contour line in Turkey, and is hence highly vulnerable to sea-level rise. 28 coastal cities, 191 districts and 181 villages or towns are located below 10 m contour line in study area. In the short term, for the struggle of negative impact of sea level rise, the findings suggest that the Ministry of Environment should declare new areas as protection areas and develop special environmental programs for national level. © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2008.National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationLandsat data was provided through NASA’s Earth Science Enterprise Scientific Data purchase Program Produced, under NASA contract, by Earth Satellite Corporation. Data set title is Geo-Cover Orthorectified Landsat Thematic Mappe

    Automatic detection of shoreline change on coastal Ramsar wetlands of Turkey

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    This research focuses on the shoreline change rate analysis by automatic image analysis techniques using multi-temporal Landsat images and Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) along the coastal Ramsar wetlands of Turkey. Five wetlands were selected for analysis: Yumurtalik Ramsar, the Goksu Ramsar, Kizilirmak and Yesilirmak wetlands and Gediz wetlands. Accretion or erosion processes were observed on multi-temporal satellite images along the areas of interest. Landsat images were geometrically and radiometrically corrected for the quantitative coastline delineation analysis. DSAS (Digital Shoreline Analysis System) was used as a reliable statistical approach for the rate of coastline change. For the detection of coastal change in Aegean part (Gediz wetland) of the study, zonal change detection method was used. As a result of the analysis, in some parts of research area remarkable shoreline changes (more than 765 m withdrawal and -20.68 m/yr erosion in Yumurtalik, 650 m withdrawal and -25.99 m/yr erosion in Goksu, 660 m withdrawal and -16.10 m/yr erosion in Kizilirmak and 640 m withdrawal and -4.91 m/yr erosion in Yesilirmak) were observed for three periods (1989, 1999 and 2009). Wetland in Gediz delta which is 35.57 km2 was converted to sea or salt pan for the period 1975 and 2009. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Age and growth of the common guitarfish, Rhinobatos rhinobatos, in Iskenderun Bay (north-eastern Mediterranean, Turkey)

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    Age and growth of the common guitarfish (Rhinobatos rhinobatos) were estimated from the north-eastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey. A total of 115 common guitarfish (66 females and 49 males) were sampled. Age determinations were carried out using vertebral sections. Alcian blue dying techniques were used to enhance the visibility of the band on vertebrae. The techniques have been used for the first time on elasmobranchs vertebrae successfully in this study. A total of 97 vertebrae of 115 were visible on the vertebral band in this study. Male and female common guitarfish ranged in age from 1 to 15 and 1 to 24 y respectively. Total length ranged from 42 to 147 cm for females and 39 to 124 cm for males. The relationships between total length (TL) and total weight (TW) were presented as TW = 0.0014*TL3.1672 (R2 = 0.98) for females, TW = 0.0012*TL3.1947 (R2 = 0.98) for males and TW = 0.0012*TL3.1915 (R2 = 0.98) for both sexes. The parameters for von Bertalanffy growth curves were estimated as Linf = 137.70±9.38 cm, K = 0.159±0.047, to = -2.180 ± 0.90 for pooled data. ©2008 Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom

    Seismogenic zones in eastern Turkey

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    An edited version of this paper was published by the American Geophysical Union (AGU). Copyright 2003, AGU. See also: http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2003.../2003GL018023.shtml; http://atlas.geo.cornell.edu/turkey/publications/Turkelli-et-al_2003.htmA 29-station temporary broadband PASSCAL network was operated from late October 1999 to August 2001 in eastern Turkey in order to decipher the geodynamics of one of the youngest continent-continent collision zones in the world. This paper focuses on the hypocentral distribution of local earthquakes located during the operation of the network and provides new insights into the active faulting in the Anatolian plateau. A total of 1165 earthquakes were located and classified into four different categories based on the reliability of the locations as established by the data coverage. The accuracy of the locations ranked in the best two categories is estimated to be less than approximately 5 km. The results show that seismic activity in Eastern Turkey is higher than previously documented and there were no subcrustal earthquakes beneath the Arabian- Eurasian collision zone or beneath the Anatolian plateau during our deployment. This result suggests no or very little underthrusting of the Arabian plate beneath Eurasia. Our results also suggest that the North Anatolian Fault zone extends farther toward the southeast, well beyond the Karliova triple junction, and that a number of unmapped active, seismogenic faults exist in the region. We also observed a possible difference in the seismogenic thickness of the East Anatolian fault zone (EAFZ) and the North Anatolian fault zone (NAFZ)