23 research outputs found

    Feasibility of self-rehabilitation program for upper limb after stroke in Benin

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    IntroductionStroke is major cause of disability and is responsible of a high cost especially in developing countries. The self-rehabilitation program constitutes a new and original treatment for stroke patients, likely to reduce the upper limb impairment and to improve activity and participation of the disabled people. The goal of this study is to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of a self-rehabilitation protocol in Benin.MethodsTwelve stroke chronic patients have carried out self-rehabilitation program of upper limb (3hours/day, 5 days/week for 2 weeks). The performance of these patients were evaluated before and after the self-rehabilitation program, by measuring the exercise number that patients were able to achieve during a three-hour session, and by measuring manual dexterity.ResultsTwelve patients were effectively able to complete the entire program. The number of unimanuals exercises and self-mobilization realized during a three-hour session and the score of the Box and Block Test was improved in the self-rehabilitation program (P<0.05).Discussion/conclusionSelf-rehabilitation program are feasible and are inexpensive as they do not involve a therapist. It is then a promising approach in stroke rehabilitation, particularly in developing countries, where the rehabilitation cost is usually supporting by patients

    Soil suitability evaluation for production of improved Cassava (Manihot esculenta) varieties in Kwara State, Nigeria: A GIS-Based and Multi-Criteria analysis

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    A study was carried out to determine the adaptability of improved cassava varieties in various locations in the eastern part of Kwara State, Nigeria. Four improved cassava varieties and one local variety were investigated in the University of Ilorin (Unilorin) farm and at the Offa area of Kwara State. Physico-chemical properties were used to calculate soil suitability index using Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA). Soil suitability and productivity index were interpolated over the Eastern part of Kwara State using a kriging method in SUFER 8.01, GIS software. The results showed that whereas Unilorin had better physical soil properties, the Offa area, on the other hand, showed better chemical soil properties. Soil suitability for cassava production was better in Offa (57.2%) than in Unilorin (37.6%). The spatial analysis showed increasing soil suitability from the northern to the southern regions with the highest suitability in Oyun, Offa and Irepodun districts. The improved cassava varieties produced an average yield of 19-20 tons/ha compared to 5.3-6.5 tons/ha of the local variety. The spatial analysis showed decreasing cassava productivity from the western to the eastern regions with the highest productivity in the Asa, Oyun, Offa and Ilorin districts. It is recommended that the cultivation of these improved cassava varieties be accompanied with good soil fertility management practices like organic fertilizer application combined with inorganic fertilizer microdosing technology in the Eastern Districts of the Kwara State, especially at Moro, Edu, Ifelodun and Isin districts

    Box and block test in Beninese adults

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    Représentations socioculturelles de la douleur au Bénin

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    L’expression et la reprĂ©sentation de la douleur connaissent des variations Ă  travers les aires gĂ©ographiques et les Ăšres culturelles. Objectif : Analyser le vĂ©cu de l’expĂ©rience de la douleur dans le contexte socioculturel bĂ©ninois. MĂ©thode : Étude prospective de type descriptif et analytique portant sur 290 patients ayant vĂ©cu au moins une expĂ©rience douloureuse ces six derniers mois. RĂ©sultats : Les patients Ă©taient des deux sexes avec un Ăąge moyen de 40,4 ± 14,4 ans. Les ethnies prĂ©dominantes Ă©taient fon: 59,3 % et yoruba: 22,7 %. Les douleurs souvent brutales (73,1 %) Ă©taient d’origine attribuĂ©e Ă  la nature: 68,6 %, Ă  un sort jetĂ©: 9,9 % ou Ă  une punition divine. Leurs modes d’expression influencĂ©s de maniĂšre significative par l’ethnie (p < 0,05) ont Ă©tĂ© le stoĂŻcisme (< 52 %), les plaintes (< 40 %), la diminution d’activitĂ©. Conclusion : Au BĂ©nin, les modes d’expression de la douleur sont essentiellement influencĂ©s par les diffĂ©rentes ethnies, dont le nombre est estimĂ© Ă  plus de 60, ce qui ouvre des perspectives de recherches du vĂ©cu douloureux propre Ă  chacune d’entre elles

    NĂ©crose drĂ©panocytaire de la tĂȘte fĂ©morale chez l’enfant et l’adolescent – RĂ©sultat du traitement fonctionnel

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    Objectif: la prise en charge de l’ostĂ©onĂ©crose aseptique de la tĂȘte fĂ©morale chez l’enfant atteint de drĂ©panocytose est difficile ; elle impose une hospitalisation de longue durĂ©e, avec des rĂ©sultats cliniques peu satisfaisants. Il Ă©tait donc nĂ©cessaire d’envisager une autre approche thĂ©rapeutique. Notre objectif est d’analyser les rĂ©sultats prĂ©liminaires d’une courte sĂ©rie de patients traitĂ©s de façon ambulatoire. Methode : Il s’agit d’une Ă©tude descriptive, prospective et expĂ©rimentale rĂ©alisĂ©e sur 11 jeunes patients atteints de drĂ©panocytose et rĂ©guliĂšrement suivis au centre national de rĂ©fĂ©rence de la drĂ©panocytose et prĂ©sentant une ostĂ©onĂ©crose de la tĂȘte fĂ©morale. AprĂšs un diagnostic collĂ©gial entre chirurgien orthopĂ©diste, radiologue et pĂ©diatre, les enfants ont Ă©tĂ© confiĂ©s au spĂ©cialiste de mĂ©decine physique pour un traitement fonctionnel. Le bilan clinique et radiologique a Ă©tĂ© repris Ă  la fin de la sĂ©rie de rĂ©Ă©ducation fonctionnelle. RĂ©sultats : Onze patients ont Ă©tĂ© enrollĂ©s dans cette Ă©tude. L’atteinte Ă©tait bilatĂ©rale chez 2 d’entre eux ce qui porte l’effectif Ă  13 hanches. Nous n’avons observĂ© aucun enraidissement, la mobilitĂ© articulaire et la force musculaire Ă©taient conservĂ©es. Au plan radiologique, les lĂ©sions sont restĂ©es stables. Par ailleurs il n’y a pas eu d’hospitalisation et tous les enfants ont eu un bon rĂ©sultat scolaire. Discussion : Les rĂ©sultats de cette courte sĂ©rie sont prometteurs. La surveillance clinique doit ĂȘtre poursuivie pour augmenter le recul de la sĂ©rie. DĂ©jĂ , les avantages sociaux de la mĂ©thode ambulatoire mĂ©ritent d’en faire un protocole codifiĂ© qui pourrait faire l’objet d’une Ă©tude multicentrique rĂ©gionale Mots clĂ©s : DrĂ©panocytose, hanche, enfant, traitement ambulatoire.Objective: The taking care of avascular necrosis of femoral head on sickle cell disease young patients is very difficult. It needs a long period of hospitalization with poor results. Therefore we feel it necessary to look for another solution. Our goal is to analyse the preliminary results of a small group of patients treated by ambulatory procedure. Method: This is a prospective, descriptive and experimental trial witch concern 11 young patients affected by sickle cell disease and regularly followed up at the National referential center for the disease. Those patients presented a femoral head osteonecrosis. Following a collegial diagnosis between orthopeadic surgeon, radiologist and pediatrician the children have been referred to a specialist for physical medicine for a functional treatment. The X-ray and clinical results have been redone after the physiotherapy course. Results: Eleven patients have been followed in this study. The impact was bilateral for two of them and that bring us to 13 hip cases. We haven’t observed any case of stiffness, the articular mobility and muscular strength were preserved. On the X-ray point of view, the lesion stayed stable. None of the children have been hospitalized and they obtained good school results. Discussion: The results of this short serial are encouraging. The clinical survey has to be continued to increase the trial’s hindsight. Already, the social advantages of this ambulatory method deserve to make out of it a codified protocol which could lead to a regional multicentric study.Key words: sickle cell disease, hip, children, ambulatory treatment