19 research outputs found

    Topological phase separation in 2D quantum lattice Bose-Hubbard system away from half-filling

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    We suppose that the doping of the 2D hard-core boson system away from half-filling may result in the formation of multi-center topological inhomogeneity (defect) such as charge order (CO) bubble domain(s) with Bose superfluid (BS) and extra bosons both localized in domain wall(s), or a {\it topological} CO+BS {\it phase separation}, rather than an uniform mixed CO+BS supersolid phase. Starting from the classical model we predict the properties of the respective quantum system. The long-wavelength behavior of the system is believed to remind that of granular superconductors, CDW materials, Wigner crystals, and multi-skyrmion system akin in a quantum Hall ferromagnetic state of a 2D electron gas. To elucidate the role played by quantum effects and that of the lattice discreteness we have addressed the simplest nanoscopic counterpart of the bubble domain in a checkerboard CO phase of 2D hc-BH square lattice. It is shown that the relative magnitude and symmetry of multi-component order parameter are mainly determined by the sign of the nnnn and nnnnnn transfer integrals. In general, the topologically inhomogeneous phase of the hc-BH system away from the half-filling can exhibit the signatures both of s,ds,d, and pp symmetry of the off-diagonal order.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Switching between different vortex states in 2-dimensional easy-plane magnets due to an ac magnetic field

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    Using a discrete model of 2-dimensional easy-plane classical ferromagnets, we propose that a rotating magnetic field in the easy plane can switch a vortex from one polarization to the opposite one if the amplitude exceeds a threshold value, but the backward process does not occur. Such switches are indeed observed in computer simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Topological phase separation in 2D hard-core Bose-Hubbard system away from half-filling

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    We suppose that the doping of the 2D hard-core boson system away from half-filling may result in the formation of multi-center topological defect such as charge order (CO) bubble domain(s) with Bose superfluid (BS) and extra bosons both localized in domain wall(s), or a {\it topological} CO+BS {\it phase separation}, rather than an uniform mixed CO+BS supersolid phase. Starting from the classical model we predict the properties of the respective quantum system. The long-wavelength behavior of the system is believed to remind that of granular superconductors, CDW materials, Wigner crystals, and multi-skyrmion system akin in a quantum Hall ferromagnetic state of a 2D electron gas.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Noise-induced switching between vortex states with different polarization in classical two-dimensional easy-plane magnets

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    In the 2-dimensional anisotropic Heisenberg model with XY-symmetry there are non-planar vortices which exhibit a localized structure of the z-components of the spins around the vortex center. We study how thermal noise induces a transition of this structure from one polarization to the opposite one. We describe the vortex core by a discrete Hamiltonian and consider a stationary solution of the Fokker-Planck equation. We find a bimodal distribution function and calculate the transition rate using Langer's instanton theory (1969). The result is compared with Langevin dynamics simulations for the full many-spin model.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, Phys. Rev. B., in pres

    Low Temperature Static and Dynamic Behavior of the Two-Dimensional Easy-Axis Heisenberg Model

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    We apply the self-consistent harmonic approximation (SCHA) to study static and dynamic properties of the two-dimensional classical Heisenberg model with easy-axis anisotropy. The static properties obtained are magnetization and spin wave energy as functions of temperature, and the critical temperature as a function of the easy-axis anisotropy. We also calculate the dynamic correlation functions using the SCHA renormalized spin wave energy. Our analytical results, for both static properties and dynamic correlation functions, are compared to numerical simulation data combining cluster-Monte Carlo algorithms and Spin Dynamics. The comparison allows us to conclude that far below the transition temperature, where the SCHA is valid, spin waves are responsible for all relevant features observed in the numerical simulation data; topological excitations do not seem to contribute appreciably. For temperatures closer to the transition temperature, there are differences between the dynamic correlation functions from SCHA theory and Spin Dynamics; these may be due to the presence of domain walls and solitons.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figure

    Thermal diffusion of supersonic solitons in an anharmonic chain of atoms

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    We study the non-equilibrium diffusion dynamics of supersonic lattice solitons in a classical chain of atoms with nearest-neighbor interactions coupled to a heat bath. As a specific example we choose an interaction with cubic anharmonicity. The coupling between the system and a thermal bath with a given temperature is made by adding noise, delta-correlated in time and space, and damping to the set of discrete equations of motion. Working in the continuum limit and changing to the sound velocity frame we derive a Korteweg-de Vries equation with noise and damping. We apply a collective coordinate approach which yields two stochastic ODEs which are solved approximately by a perturbation analysis. This finally yields analytical expressions for the variances of the soliton position and velocity. We perform Langevin dynamics simulations for the original discrete system which fully confirm the predictions of our analytical calculations, namely noise-induced superdiffusive behavior which scales with the temperature and depends strongly on the initial soliton velocity. A normal diffusion behavior is observed for very low-energy solitons where the noise-induced phonons also make a significant contribution to the soliton diffusion.Comment: Submitted to PRE. Changes made: New simulations with a different method of soliton detection. The results and conclusions are not different from previous version. New appendixes containing information about the system energy and soliton profile

    Topological Excitations on a Classical 2D Easy-Axis Heisenberg Model

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    We study the properties of single solitons (magnon droplets) in the classical, two-dimensional anisotropic Heisenberg model with easy-axis symmetry. We choose a model with anisotropic exchange interactions, in contrast to the well known models with on-site anisotropy. We show that in our model we have formally the same integrals of motion. In the case of a soliton with vorticity q = 1 we numerically solve the equations of motion in the continuum limit, using a shooting method. We find that the radius of the solitons is a free parameter and investigate the dependency of the precession frequency of the spins on the anisotropy of the system and on the radius of the soliton. We compare our results with spin dynamics simulations and find a good agreement in a large range of the anisotropy. Finally, we discuss the limits of the applicability of the continuum theory. 1 Introduction We consider the classical anisotropic Heisenberg ferromagnet in two dimensions H = \GammaJ X nm (S n x S..

    Dynamics of Non-Planar Vortices in the Classical 2D Anisotropic Heisenberg Model at Finite Temperatures

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    . The 2-dimensional anisotropic Heisenberg model with XY - or easy-plane symmetry bears non-planar vortices which exhibit a localized structure of the z-com- ponents of the spins around the vortex center. In order to study the dynamics of these vortices under thermal fluctuations we use the Landau-Lifshitz equation and add white noise and Gilbert damping. Using a collective variable theory we derive an equation of motion with stochastic forces which are shown to represent white noise with an effective diffusion constant. We compare the results with Langevin dynamics simulations for the Landau-Lifshitz equation and find three temperature regimes: For low temperatures the dynamics is described by a 3 rd -order equation of motion, for intermediate temperatures by a 1 st -order equation. For higher temperatures, but still below the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition temperature, the spontaneous appearance of vortex-antivortex pairs does not allow a single-particle description. 1 Introduct..

    Topological and dynamical excitations in a classical 2D easy-axis Heisenberg model

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    The properties of dynamical solitons (magnon droplets) in the classical, two-dimensional anisotropic Heisenberg model with easy-axis exchange anisotropy are studied. The solution of the Landau-Lifshitz equation in the continuum limit for the soliton with topological charge q=1 is obtained numerically using a shooting method. We analized a wide range of the anisotropy parameter and our results are in good agreement with results obtained from spin dynamics simulations. The dependence of an internal precession frequency of the soliton on both the anisotropy parameter and the radius of the soliton is also investigated. Finally, the limits of applicability of the continuum approach are discussed