125 research outputs found

    First-line fadrozole HCI (CGS 16949A) versus tamoxifen in postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer: Prospective randomised trial of the Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research SAKK 20/88

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    Background: In a phase III randomized trial, we compared the effectiveness and tolerability of fadrozole (CGS 16949A), a non-steroidal aromatase inhibitor, to tamoxifen as first-line endocrine therapy in postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer. Patients and methods: Two hundred twelve eligible patients were randomized to receive tamoxifen 20 mg daily, or fadrozole 1 mg twice daily orally until disease progression or the advent of undue toxicity. The treatments were to be discontinued upon disease progression. Results: Prognostic factors were well balanced between the treatment groups, except for sites of metastatic disease. Fadrozole-treated patients had significantly more visceral, especially liver, involvement and less bone-dominant disease. Response rates for fadrozole and tamoxifen were similar, 20% and 27% (95% Confidence Limits (CL): 13%-29% and 21%-35%), respectively. Time to treatment failure was longer in patients randomized to tamoxifen (8.5 months for tamoxifen vs. 6.1 months for fadrozole), but did not reach statistical significance after adjustment for prognostic factors (P=0.09). Fadrozole, for which a significantly lower percentage of clinically relevant toxic effects (WHO toxicity gradeij2) was recorded (27% vs. 13% respectively; P=0.009), was better tolerated than tamoxifen. Severe cardiovascular events including 3 fatalities were seen only in patients treated with tamoxifen. Eighty-two patients crossed over to tamoxifen and 66 patients to fadrozole. Crossover endocrine therapy led to response or stable disease in 64% of the patients. The overall survival times of the two treatment groups were similar. Conclusions: Fadrozole and tamoxifen showed similar efficacy as first-line treatments in postmenopausal patients with advanced breast cancer. Fadrozole was significantly better tolerated and may therefore be an appropriate alternative to tamoxifen, especially for patients predisposed to thromboembolic event

    Optimization of Immunoglobulin Substitution Therapy by a Stochastic Immune Response Model

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    Background: The immune system is a complex adaptive system of cells and molecules that are interwoven in a highly organized communication network. Primary immune deficiencies are disorders in which essential parts of the immune system are absent or do not function according to plan. X-linked agammaglobulinemia is a B-lymphocyte maturation disorder in which the production of immunoglobulin is prohibited by a genetic defect. Patients have to be put on life-long immunoglobulin substitution therapy in order to prevent recurrent and persistent opportunistic infections. Methodology: We formulate an immune response model in terms of stochastic differential equations and perform a systematic analysis of empirical therapy protocols that differ in the treatment frequency. The model accounts for the immunoglobulin reduction by natural degradation and by antigenic consumption, as well as for the periodic immunoglobulin replenishment that gives rise to an inhomogeneous distribution of immunoglobulin specificities in the shape space. Results are obtained from computer simulations and from analytical calculations within the framework of the Fokker-Planck formalism, which enables us to derive closed expressions for undetermined model parameters such as the infection clearance rate. Conclusions: We find that the critical value of the clearance rate, below which a chronic infection develops, is strongly dependent on the strength of fluctuations in the administered immunoglobulin dose per treatment and is an increasing function of the treatment frequency. The comparative analysis of therapy protocols with regard to the treatment frequency yields quantitative predictions of therapeutic relevance, where the choice of the optimal treatment frequency reveals a conflict of competing interests: In order to diminish immunomodulatory effects and to make good economic sense, therapeutic immunoglobulin levels should be kept close to physiological levels, implying high treatment frequencies. However, clearing infections without additional medication is more reliably achieved by substitution therapies with low treatment frequencies. Our immune response model predicts that the compromise solution of immunoglobulin substitution therapy has a treatment frequency in the range from one infusion per week to one infusion per two weeks

    Host hindrance to HIV-1 replication in monocytes and macrophages

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    Monocytes and macrophages are targets of HIV-1 infection and play critical roles in multiple aspects of viral pathogenesis. HIV-1 can replicate in blood monocytes, although only a minor proportion of circulating monocytes harbor viral DNA. Resident macrophages in tissues can be infected and function as viral reservoirs. However, their susceptibility to infection, and their capacity to actively replicate the virus, varies greatly depending on the tissue localization and cytokine environment. The susceptibility of monocytes to HIV-1 infection in vitro depends on their differentiation status. Monocytes are refractory to infection and become permissive upon differentiation into macrophages. In addition, the capacity of monocyte-derived macrophages to sustain viral replication varies between individuals. Host determinants regulate HIV-1 replication in monocytes and macrophages, limiting several steps of the viral life-cycle, from viral entry to virus release. Some host factors responsible for HIV-1 restriction are shared with T lymphocytes, but several anti-viral mechanisms are specific to either monocytes or macrophages. Whilst a number of these mechanisms have been identified in monocytes or in monocyte-derived macrophages in vitro, some of them have also been implicated in the regulation of HIV-1 infection in vivo, in particular in the brain and the lung where macrophages are the main cell type infected by HIV-1. This review focuses on cellular factors that have been reported to interfere with HIV-1 infection in monocytes and macrophages, and examines the evidences supporting their role in vivo, highlighting unique aspects of HIV-1 restriction in these two cell types

    The use of human monocytoid lines as indicators of endotoxin

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    We wish to develop an in vitro test system for pyrogenic substances. A major source of pyrogen activity is endotoxin. Here we describe a highly sensitive endotoxin-monitoring system based on cytokine measurement in human cell lines of myelomonocytoid origin. The following measures were taken to develop an endotoxin monitoring system of high sensitivity. (i) Mono Mac 6 (MM6) and THP-1 cells, which both represent advanced stages of myelomonocytic development, were better suited as endotoxin indicators than the more immature U-937 line. (ii) In order to enhance cell surface expression of CD14, a major lipopolysaccharide (LPS) receptor, cells were pretreated for 2 days with calcitriol. (iii) The use of fetal calf serum (FCS) without detectable endotoxin traces was essential for maintaining a high LPS sensitivity. (iv) Selected subclones of either THP-1 or MM6 were significantly more sensitive LPS indicators than bulk cultures from which the clones originated. (v) Based on stimulation indices, a commercial tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) immunoassay proved to be a more sensitive LPS indicator than other cytokine assays or the expression of procoagulant activity/tissue factor. Thus we were able to eliminate the disadvantage of previous cell line-based systems (i.e., low sensitivity) without loss of reproducibility which is seen when using fresh blood, monocytes or monocyte-derived macrophages. High endotoxin sensitivity is a prerequisite for a test system specifically indicating pyrogen activity, because it permits the testing of substances at higher dilutions, thereby minimizing nonspecific interference