26 research outputs found

    High-techbedrijf: 2500 arbeidsuren in 1999

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    Hoewel het high-techbedrijf nog duidelijk in opbouw is, kan toch een eerste indruk van de maximale arbeidsbehoefte en de arbeidsverdeling worden gekregen. Er bleek ongeveer 2500 uren nodig om het bedrijf te runnen

    Mineralen in balans op High-techbedrijf in 1999

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    Het high-techbedrijf mikt op een melkkostprijs van 75 cent per kg met scherpe randvoorwaarden voor diergezondheid en blijvend binnen de wettelijk toegestane mineralenverliezen. 1999 was een goed jaar wat betreft de mineralenbalans

    Best practices in intercultural health: five case studies in Latin America

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    The practice of integrating western and traditional indigenous medicine is fast becoming an accepted and more widely used approach in health care systems throughout the world. However, debates about intercultural health approaches have raised significant concerns. This paper reports findings of five case studies on intercultural health in Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, and Suriname. It presents summary information on each case study, comparatively analyzes the initiatives following four main analytical themes, and examines the case studies against a series of the best practice criteria

    Een proef met infiltratie van zandgrasland in het verdrogingsgebied langs het Twente-Rijnkanaal tussen Lochem en Markelo

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    In 1948 en 1949 werd een proefinfiltratie met water uit de Bolksbeek ondernomen. Om het effect van deze infiltratie na te gaan werd door het Centraal Instituut voor Landbouwkundig Onderzoek te Wageningen in samenwerking met de Rijkslandbouwconsulenten te Zutphen en Hengele de grasopbrengst van een aantal proefvakken bepaald

    The performance of a white clover-based dairy system in comparison with a grass/fertiliser-N system. II. Animal production, economics and environment

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    The performance of a white clover based dairy system in comparison with a grass/fertiliser-N system was studied during three years. Both systems had 59 cows, plus young stock, on an area of 40.6 ha for grass/clover and 34.4 ha for grass/fertiliser-N. During the grazing season, the cows in both groups were supplemented with 3.5 kg concentrates day-1. The daily Fat and Protein Corrected Milk (FPCM) production was 25.7 and 26.5 kg cow-1 for grass/fertiliser-N and grass/clover, respectively. The difference in milk production occurred from July onwards. Despite preventive measures in the grass/clover system, bloat occurred several times between August and October. During the housing season, cows received ad libitum grass or grass/clover silage with 6 kg concentrates cow-1 day-1. Although the intake of grass/clover silage was consistently higher, there were no differences in milk production. The grass/clover system had a lower N surplus, but this was related to the lower intensity of the system. The overall N utilisation was 25% in both systems. The average nitrate concentration in drain water, measured on a selection of fields, was 26 and 28 mg 1-1 for grass/fertiliser-N and grass/clover, respectively. The nitrate concentrations in drain water from grass/clover fields were positively related with the clover content in the sward. The energy use of the grass/clover system was 15% lower than that of the grass/fertiliser-N system, with the fertiliser use as the main source of difference. Compared to the grass/fertiliser-N system, the gross margin per cow was slightly higher for grass/clover, but the gross margin per ha was 10% lower for grass/clover. Considering agronomic and environmental aspects only, white clover based dairy systems are a viable option for the future, but from a financial viewpoint the use of white clover will be restricted to systems which produce approximately 12 t FPCM ha-1 year-1 or less