34 research outputs found

    Parathyroid tumors: Molecular signatures

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    Parathyroid tumors are rare endocrine neoplasms affecting 0.1–0.3% of the general population, including benign parathyroid adenomas (PAs; about 98% of cases), intermediate atypical parathyroid adenomas (aPAs; 1.2–1.3% of cases) and malignant metastatic parathyroid carcinomas (PCs; less than 1% of cases). These tumors are characterized by a variable spectrum of clinical phenotypes and an elevated cellular, histological and molecular heterogeneity that make it difficult to pre-operatively distinguish PAs, aPAs and PCs. Thorough knowledge of genetic, epigenetic, and molecular signatures, which characterize different parathyroid tumor subtypes and drive different tumorigeneses, is a key step to identify potential diagnostic biomarkers able to distinguish among different parathyroid neoplastic types, as well as provide novel therapeutic targets and strategies for these rare neoplasms, which are still a clinical and therapeutic challenge. Here, we review the current knowledge on gene mutations and epigenetic changes that have been associated with the development of different clinical types of parathyroid tumors, both in familial and sporadic forms of these endocrine neoplasms

    Congenital metabolic bone disorders as a cause of bone fragility

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    Bone fragility is a pathological condition caused by altered homeostasis of the mineralized bone mass with deterioration of the microarchitecture of the bone tissue, which results in a reduction of bone strength and an increased risk of fracture, even in the absence of high-impact trauma. The most common cause of bone fragility is primary osteoporosis in the elderly. However, bone fragility can manifest at any age, within the context of a wide spectrum of congenital rare bone metabolic diseases in which the inherited genetic defect alters correct bone modeling and remodeling at different points and aspects of bone synthesis and/or bone resorption, leading to defective bone tissue highly prone to long bone bowing, stress fractures and pseudofractures, and/or fragility fractures. To date, over 100 different Mendelian-inherited metabolic bone disorders have been identified and included in the OMIM database, associated with germinal heterozygote, compound heterozygote, or homozygote mutations, affecting over 80 different genes involved in the regulation of bone and mineral metabolism. This manuscript reviews clinical bone phenotypes, and the associated bone fragility in rare congenital metabolic bone disorders, following a disease taxonomic classification based on deranged bone metabolic activity

    Oxidative stress in bone remodeling: role of antioxidants

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    Are non-coding rnas useful biomarkers in parathyroid tumorigenesis?

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    Tumors of the parathyroid glands are common endocrine diseases almost always characterized by parathyroid hormone hypersecretion that determines the clinical manifestations of primary hyperparathyroidism, such as fatigue, kidney problems, weakness, brittle bones, and other symptoms. Most parathyroid neoplasia are benign adenomas, although rare malignant forms have been described. They are heterogeneous in terms of clinical presentation and the associated signs and symptoms overlap with those of disease and aging. Furthermore, most patients with hypercalcemia are discovered during routine blood tests for other reasons. Surgical removal is considered the main therapeutic option to cure these endocrine tumors and, therefore, innovative therapeutic approaches are actively required. Recently, a growing number of studies have suggested that alterations to the epigenetic mechanisms could play a pivotal role in parathyroid tumorigenesis. Most of the attention has been focused on non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) (i.e., miRNAs, lncRNAs, and circRNAs) whose expression profile has been found to be deregulated in parathyroid tumors. The aim of the present paper is to give an insight into the ncRNAs involved in parathyroid tumorigenesis, which could be used in the future either as innovative diagnostic biomarkers or as therapeutic targets for the treatment of this endocrine neoplasia

    MicroRNAs as potential biomarkers in pituitary adenomas

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    Pituitary adenomas (PAs) are one of the most common lesions of intracranial neoplasms, occurring in approximately 15% of the general population. They are typically benign, although some adenomas show aggressive behavior, exhibiting rapid growth, drug resistance, and invasion of surrounding tissues. Despite ongoing improvements in diagnostic and therapeutic strategies, late first diagnosis is common, and patients with PAs are prone to relapse. Therefore, earlier diagnosis and prevention of recurrence are of importance to improve patient care. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short non-coding single stranded RNAs that regulate gene expression at the post-transcriptional level. An increasing number of studies indicate that a deregulation of their expression patterns is related with pituitary tumorigenesis, suggesting that these small molecules could play a critical role in contributing to tumorigenesis and the onset of these tumors by acting either as oncosuppressors or as oncogenes, depending on the biological context. This paper provides an overview of miRNAs involved in PA tumorigenesis, which might serve as novel potential diagnostic and prognostic non-invasive biomarkers, and for the future development of miRNA-based therapeutic strategies for PAs

    In Vitro Effects of PTH (1-84) on Human Skeletal Muscle-Derived Satellite Cells

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    Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is a hormone secreted by the parathyroid glands. Despite its well-known characterized anabolic and catabolic actions on the skeleton, the in vitro effects of PTH on skeletal muscle cells are limited and generally performed on animal models. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a short impulse of PTH (1-84) on the proliferation and the differentiation of skeletal muscle satellite cells isolated from human biopsies. The cells were exposed for 30 min to different concentrations of PTH (1-84), from 10−6 mol/L to 10−12 mol/L. ELISA was used to assay cAMP and the myosin heavy-chain (MHC) protein. The proliferation was assayed by BrdU and the differentiation by RealTime-qPCR. A statistical analysis was performed by ANOVA followed by Bonferroni’s test. No significant variations in cAMP and the proliferation were detected in the isolated cells treated with PTH. On the other hand, 10−7 mol/L PTH on differentiated myotubes has shown significant increases in cAMP (p ≤ 0.05), in the expression of myogenic differentiation genes (p ≤ 0.001), and in the MHC protein (p ≤ 0.01) vs. untreated controls. This work demonstrates for the first time the in vitro effects of PTH (1-84) on human skeletal muscle cells and it opens new fields of investigation in muscle pathophysiology

    Hypoparathyroidism: State of the art on cell and tissue therapies

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    Hypoparathyroidism is an endocrine disorder characterized by low serum calcium levels, high serum phosphorus levels, and by inappropriate or absent secretion of the parathyroid hormone (PTH). The most common therapeutic strategy to treat this condition is hormone replacement therapy with calcium and vitamin D but, unfortunately, in the long term this treatment may not be sufficient to compensate for the loss of endocrine function. Glandular autotransplantation is considered the most effective technique in place of replacement therapy. Although it leads to excellent results in most cases, autotransplantation is not always possible. Allograft is a good way to treat patients who have not been able to undergo autograft, but this technique has limited success due to side effects related to tissue rejection. This therapy is supported by systemic immunosuppression, which leads to the onset of serious side effects in patients, with a risk of endocrine toxicity. Today, research on endocrine disorders is focused on discovering alternative graft therapies that can allow optimal results with the fewest possible side effects. In this review, we will make an update on the current state of the art about the cell and tissue therapy as treatment for hypoparathyroidism, to identify which type of therapeutic strategy could be valid for a future clinical use

    Protective role of natural and semi-synthetic tocopherols on TNFα-induced ros production and ICAM-1 and Cl-2 expression in ht29 intestinal epithelial cells

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    Vitamin E, a fat-soluble compound, possesses both antioxidant and non-antioxidant properties. In this study we evaluated, in intestinal HT29 cells, the role of natural tocopherols, α-Toc and δ-Toc, and two semi-synthetic derivatives, namely bis-δ-Toc sulfide (δ-Toc)2S and bis-δ-Toc disulfide (δ-Toc)2S2, on TNFα-induced oxidative stress, and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and claudin-2 (Cl-2) expression. The role of tocopherols was compared to that of N-acetylcysteine (NAC), an antioxidant precursor of glutathione synthesis. The results show that all tocopherol containing derivatives used, prevented TNFα-induced oxidative stress and the increase of ICAM-1 and Cl-2 expression, and that (δ-Toc)2S and (δ-Toc)2S2 are more effective than δ-Toc and α-Toc. The beneficial effects demonstrated were due to tocopherol antioxidant properties, but suppression of TNFα-induced Cl-2 expression seems not only to be related with antioxidant ability. Indeed, while ICAM-1 expression is strongly related to the intracellular redox state, Cl-2 expression is TNFα-up-regulated by both redox and non-redox dependent mechanisms. Since ICAM-1 and Cl-2 increase intestinal bowel diseases, and cause excessive recruitment of immune cells and alteration of the intestinal barrier, natural and, above all, semi-synthetic tocopherols may have a potential role as a therapeutic support against intestinal chronic inflammation, in which TNFα represents an important proinflammatory mediator

    Analysis of a preliminary microRNA expression signature in a human telangiectatic osteogenic sarcoma cancer cell line

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    Telangiectatic osteosarcoma (TOS) is an aggressive variant of osteosarcoma (OS) with distinctive radiographic, gross, microscopic features, and prognostic implications. Despite several studies on OS, we are still far from understanding the molecular mechanisms of TOS. In recent years, many studies have demonstrated not only that microRNAs (miRNAs) are involved in OS tumorigenesis, development, and metastasis, but also that the presence in high-grade types of OS of cancer stem cells (CSCs) plays an important role in tumor progression. Despite these findings, nothing has been described previously about the expression of miRNAs and the presence of CSCs in human TOS. Therefore, we have isolated/characterized a putative CSC cell line from human TOS (TOS-CSCs) and evaluated the expression levels of several miRNAs in TOS-CSCs using real-time quantitative assays. We show, for the first time, the existence of CSCs in human TOS, highlighting the in vitro establishment of this unique stabilized cell line and an identification of a preliminary expression of the miRNA profile, characteristic of TOS-CSCs. These findings represent an important step in the study of the biology of one of the most aggressive variants of OS and the role of miRNAs in TOS-CSC behavior