446 research outputs found

    Spherical Functions Associated With the Three Dimensional Sphere

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    In this paper, we determine all irreducible spherical functions \Phi of any K -type associated to the pair (G,K)=(\SO(4),\SO(3)). This is accomplished by associating to \Phi a vector valued function H=H(u) of a real variable u, which is analytic at u=0 and whose components are solutions of two coupled systems of ordinary differential equations. By an appropriate conjugation involving Hahn polynomials we uncouple one of the systems. Then this is taken to an uncoupled system of hypergeometric equations, leading to a vector valued solution P=P(u) whose entries are Gegenbauer's polynomials. Afterward, we identify those simultaneous solutions and use the representation theory of \SO(4) to characterize all irreducible spherical functions. The functions P=P(u) corresponding to the irreducible spherical functions of a fixed K-type \pi_\ell are appropriately packaged into a sequence of matrix valued polynomials (P_w)_{w\ge0} of size (\ell+1)\times(\ell+1). Finally we proved that \widetilde P_w={P_0}^{-1}P_w is a sequence of matrix orthogonal polynomials with respect to a weight matrix W. Moreover we showed that W admits a second order symmetric hypergeometric operator \widetilde D and a first order symmetric differential operator \widetilde E.Comment: 49 pages, 2 figure

    Determining All Universal Tilers

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    A universal tiler is a convex polyhedron whose every cross-section tiles the plane. In this paper, we introduce a certain slight-rotating operation for cross-sections of pentahedra. Based on a selected initial cross-section and by applying the slight-rotating operation suitably, we prove that a convex polyhedron is a universal tiler if and only if it is a tetrahedron or a triangular prism.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figure

    Strong coupling between single photons in semiconductor microcavities

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    We discuss the observability of strong coupling between single photons in semiconductor microcavities coupled by a chi(2) nonlinearity. We present two schemes and analyze the feasibility of their practical implementation in three systems: photonic crystal defects, micropillars and microdisks, fabricated out of GaAs. We show that if a weak coherent state is used to enhance the chi(2) interaction, the strong coupling regime between two modes at different frequencies occupied by a single photon is within reach of current technology. The unstimulated strong coupling of a single photon and a photon pair is very challenging and will require an improvement in mirocavity quality factors of 2-4 orders of magnitude to be observable.Comment: 4 page

    Birth and death processes and quantum spin chains

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    This papers underscores the intimate connection between the quantum walks generated by certain spin chain Hamiltonians and classical birth and death processes. It is observed that transition amplitudes between single excitation states of the spin chains have an expression in terms of orthogonal polynomials which is analogous to the Karlin-McGregor representation formula of the transition probability functions for classes of birth and death processes. As an application, we present a characterization of spin systems for which the probability to return to the point of origin at some time is 1 or almost 1.Comment: 14 page

    The topological classification of one-dimensional symmetric quantum walks

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    We give a topological classification of quantum walks on an infinite 1D lattice, which obey one of the discrete symmetry groups of the tenfold way, have a gap around some eigenvalues at symmetry protected points, and satisfy a mild locality condition. No translation invariance is assumed. The classification is parameterized by three indices, taking values in a group, which is either trivial, the group of integers, or the group of integers modulo 2, depending on the type of symmetry. The classification is complete in the sense that two walks have the same indices if and only if they can be connected by a norm continuous path along which all the mentioned properties remain valid. Of the three indices, two are related to the asymptotic behaviour far to the right and far to the left, respectively. These are also stable under compact perturbations. The third index is sensitive to those compact perturbations which cannot be contracted to a trivial one. The results apply to the Hamiltonian case as well. In this case all compact perturbations can be contracted, so the third index is not defined. Our classification extends the one known in the translation invariant case, where the asymptotic right and left indices add up to zero, and the third one vanishes, leaving effectively only one independent index. When two translationally invariant bulks with distinct indices are joined, the left and right asymptotic indices of the joined walk are thereby fixed, and there must be eigenvalues at 11 or −1-1 (bulk-boundary correspondence). Their location is governed by the third index. We also discuss how the theory applies to finite lattices, with suitable homogeneity assumptions.Comment: 36 pages, 7 figure

    Quantum Walks: Schur Functions Meet Symmetry Protected Topological Phases

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    This paper uncovers and exploits a link between a central object in harmonic analysis, the so-called Schur functions, and the very hot topic of symmetry protected topological phases of quantum matter. This connection is found in the setting of quantum walks, i.e. quantum analogs of classical random walks. We prove that topological indices classifying symmetry protected topological phases of quantum walks are encoded by matrix Schur functions built out of the walk. This main result of the paper reduces the calculation of these topological indices to a linear algebra problem: calculating symmetry indices of finite-dimensional unitaries obtained by evaluating such matrix Schur functions at the symmetry protected points ± 1. The Schur representation fully covers the complete set of symmetry indices for 1D quantum walks with a group of symmetries realizing any of the symmetry types of the tenfold way. The main advantage of the Schur approach is its validity in the absence of translation invariance, which allows us to go beyond standard Fourier methods, leading to the complete classification of non-translation invariant phases for typical examples. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Dimensions of bodily subjectivity

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    Criterion for polynomial solutions to a class of linear differential equation of second order

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    We consider the differential equations y''=\lambda_0(x)y'+s_0(x)y, where \lambda_0(x), s_0(x) are C^{\infty}-functions. We prove (i) if the differential equation, has a polynomial solution of degree n >0, then \delta_n=\lambda_n s_{n-1}-\lambda_{n-1}s_n=0, where \lambda_{n}= \lambda_{n-1}^\prime+s_{n-1}+\lambda_0\lambda_{n-1}\hbox{and}\quad s_{n}=s_{n-1}^\prime+s_0\lambda_{k-1},\quad n=1,2,.... Conversely (ii) if \lambda_n\lambda_{n-1}\ne 0 and \delta_n=0, then the differential equation has a polynomial solution of degree at most n. We show that the classical differential equations of Laguerre, Hermite, Legendre, Jacobi, Chebyshev (first and second kind), Gegenbauer, and the Hypergeometric type, etc, obey this criterion. Further, we find the polynomial solutions for the generalized Hermite, Laguerre, Legendre and Chebyshev differential equations.Comment: 12 page

    Quantum Walks: Schur Functions Meet Symmetry Protected Topological Phases

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    This paper uncovers and exploits a link between a central object in harmonic analysis, the so-called Schur functions, and the very hot topic of symmetry protected topological phases of quantum matter. This connection is found in the setting of quantum walks, i.e. quantum analogs of classical random walks. We prove that topological indices classifying symmetry protected topological phases of quantum walks are encoded by matrix Schur functions built out of the walk. This main result of the paper reduces the calculation of these topological indices to a linear algebra problem: calculating symmetry indices of finite-dimensional unitaries obtained by evaluating such matrix Schur functions at the symmetry protected points ± 1. The Schur representation fully covers the complete set of symmetry indices for 1D quantum walks with a group of symmetries realizing any of the symmetry types of the tenfold way. The main advantage of the Schur approach is its validity in the absence of translation invariance, which allows us to go beyond standard Fourier methods, leading to the complete classification of non-translation invariant phases for typical examples
