78 research outputs found

    Demonstration of a superconducting diode-with-memory, operational at zero magnetic field with switchable nonreciprocity

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    Diode is one of basic electronic components. It has a nonreciprocal current response, associated with a broken space/time reversal symmetry. Here we demonstrate prototypes of superconducting diodes operational at zero magnetic field. They are based on conventional niobium planar Josephson junctions, in which space/time symmetry is broken by a combination of self-field effect from nonuniform bias and stray fields from a trapped Abrikosov vortex. We demonstrate that nonreciprocity of critical current in such diodes can reach an order of magnitude and rectification efficiency can exceed 70%\%. Furthermore, we can easily change the diode polarity and switch nonreciprocity on/off by changing bias configuration and by trapping/removing a vortex. This facilitates memory functionality. We argue that such diode-with-memory can be used for a future generation of in-memory superconducting computers.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Anticorrelation between temperature and fluctuations in moderately damped Josephson junctions

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    We study the influence of dissipation on the switching current statistics of moderately damped Josephson junctions. Different types of both low- and high- TcT_c junctions with controlled damping are studied. The damping parameter of the junctions is tuned in a wide range by changing temperature, magnetic field, gate voltage, introducing a ferromagnetic layer or in-situ capacitive shunting. A paradoxical collapse of switching current fluctuations occurs with increasing TT in all studied junctions. The phenomenon critically depends on dissipation in the junction and is explained by interplay of two counteracting consequences of thermal fluctuations, which on the one hand assist in premature switching into the resistive state and on the other hand help in retrapping back to the superconducting state. This is one of the rare examples of anticorrelation between temperature and fluctuation amplitude of a physically measurable quantity.Comment: 17 pages, 20 figure

    Anomalous Hall effect in NiPt thin films

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    We study Hall effect in sputtered NixPt1-x thin films with different Ni concentrations. Temperature, magnetic field and angular dependencies are analyzed and the phase diagram of NiPt thin films is obtained. It is found that films with sub-critical Ni concentration exhibit cluster-glass behavior at low temperatures with a perpendicular magnetic anisotropy below the freezing temperature. Films with over-critical Ni concentration are ferromagnetic with parallel anisotropy. At the critical concentration the state of the film is strongly frustrated. Such films demonstrate canted magnetization with the easy axis rotating as a function of temperature. The magnetism appears via consecutive paramagnetic - cluster glass - ferromagnetic transitions, rather than a single second-order phase transition. But most remarkably, the extraordinary Hall effect changes sign at the critical concentration. We suggest that this is associated with a reconstruction of the electronic structure of the alloy at the normal metal - ferromagnet quantum phase transition.Comment: 12 pages, 17 figure

    Nonlocal long-range synchronization of planar Josephson junction arrays

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    We study arrays of planar Nb Josephson junctions with contacts to intermediate electrodes, which allow measurements of individual junctions and, thus, provide an insight into intricate array dynamics. We observe a robust phase-locking of arrays, despite a significant inter-junction separation. Several unusual phenomena are reported, such as a bi-stable critical current with re-entrant superconductivity upon switching of nearby junctions; and incorrect Shapiro steps, occurring at mixing frequencies between the external RF radiation and the internal Josephson frequency in nearby junctions. Our results reveal a surprisingly strong and long-range inter-junction interaction. It is attributed to nonlocality of planar junction electrodynamics, caused by the long-range spreading of stray electromagnetic fields. The nonlocality greatly enhances the high-frequency interjunction coupling and enables large-scale synchronization. Therefore, we conclude that planar geometry is advantageous for realization of coherent Josephson electronics.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Growth and nanofabrication of all-perovskite superconducting/ferromagnetic/superconducting junctions

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    We fabricate and study experimentally all-perovskite-oxide superconductor/ferromagnetic insulator/superconductor (S/FI/S) tunnel junctions made out of the high-temperature cuprate superconductor YBa2Cu3O7−y (YBCO) and the colossal magnetoresistive manganite LaMnO3 (LMO) in the ferromagnetic insulator state. YBCO/LMO/YBCO heterostructures with different LMO thicknesses (5, 10, and 20 nm) are grown epitaxially via pulsed laser deposition. Nanoscale S/FI/S junctions with sizes down to 300 nm are made by three-dimensional nano-sculpturing with focused ion beam. Junctions with a thick (20 nm) LMO barrier exhibit a large negative magnetoresistance below TCurie∼160 K, typical for colossal magnetoresistive manganites, as well as a kink in the current-voltage characteristics at large bias (V∼1–2 Volts), attributed to Zener-type tunneling. However, they do not show a measurable Josephson current. On the contrary, junctions with the thinnest 5- nm LMO barrier exhibit a large supercurrent and no signs of magnetism. The latter may indicate the presence of pinholes due to thickness inhomogeneity and/or a ∼ 2 nm dead magnetic layer at the YBCO / LMO interface caused, e.g., by interdiffusion or strain. The junction with an intermediate 10-nm LMO barrier exhibited a desired S/FI/S junction behavior with significant negative magnetoresistance and signatures of a small Josephson current
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