24 research outputs found

    Doppler method in the diagnostics of patients with ischaemic brain lesions

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    Transkranijski obojeni dopler je neinvazivna metoda za ispitivanje moždane hemodinamike u novorođenčadi i dojenčadi s perinatalnim moždanim udarom. U akutnoj fazi ishemijskog moždanog udara, najprije se primjemjuje ultrazvučna pretraga mozga, kojom se obično registrira pojačana ehogenost na strani ishemije, a moždani protok registriran doplerskom metodom, najčeŔće je odsutan ili ekstremno nizak u zahvaćenoj moždanoj arteriji. Nakon faze rekanalizacije protok se opet registrira, ali je hipoperfuzija na strani oÅ”tećenja najčeŔće prisutna i na ponavljanim snimanjima. Kad je zahvaćena cijela glavna grana srednje moždane arterije, reduciran protok na strani ishemije najčeŔće je trajan nalaz. Kad infarkt nastane u području lentikulostrijatalnih ili kortikalnih ogranaka srednje moždane arterije, doplerski nalaz često je uredan ili se nakon početne granične perfuzije moždna cirkulacija normalizira. Dakle, ultrazvuk i transkranijski dopler na prvom su mjestu u dijagnostičkom algoritmu ishemijskog moždanog udara u perinatalnom razdoblju. Transkranijskim doplerom mogu se dijagnosticirati i pratiti promjene moždane perfuzije i oporavak nakon ishemije, a definitivna dijagnoza postavlja se drugim slikovnim pretragama mozga, prvenstveno tehnikama magnetske rezonancije.Transcranial color Doppler is a noninvasive diagnostic procedure for investigation of cerebral blood flow in newborns and infants with perinatal focal ischaemic lesions. In the acute stage of infarction, brain ultrasonography shows hyperechogenicity of brain parenchyma at the site of the infarction. Transcranial color Doppler shows absent cerebral blood flow in the ischaemic artery. After the recanalisation phase, if the infarction was situated in the main branch of the middle cerebral artery, Doppler shows reduced cerebral blood flow. If infarction was situated in the lenticulostriatal or cortical branches of the middle cerebral artery, Doppler shows normal blood flow or its early normalization. So, brain ultrasonography and transcranial color Doppler are the first steps in the diagnostic algorithm of focal ischaemic brain lesion in newborns and infants, but it has to be confirmed by brain magnetic resonance imaging

    Linguistic Abstractions for Interoperability of IoT Platforms

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) advocates for multi-layered platforms---from edge devices to Cloud nodes---where each layer adopts its own communication standards (media and data formats). While this freedom is optimal for in-layer communication, it puzzles cross-layer integration due to incompatibilities among standards. Also enforcing a unique communication stack within the same IoT platform is not a solution, as it leads to the current phenomenon of ``IoT islands'', where disparate platforms hardly interact with each other. In this paper we tackle the problem of IoT cross-layer and cross-platforIntem integration following a language-based approach. We build on the Jolie programming language, which provides uniform linguistic abstractions to exploit heterogeneous communication stacks, allowing the programmer to specify in a declarative way the desired stack, and to easily change it, even at runtime. Jolie currently supports the main technologies from Service-Oriented Computing, such as TCP/IP, Bluetooth, and RMI at transport level, and HTTP and SOAP at application level. We integrate in Jolie the two most adopted protocols for IoT communication, i.e., CoAP and MQTT. We report our experience on a case study on Cloud-based home automation, and we present high-level concepts valuable both for the general implementation of interoperable systems and for the development of other language-based solutions