10,669 research outputs found

    Toric partial density functions and stability of toric varieties

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    Let (L,h)(X,ω)(L, h)\to (X, \omega) denote a polarized toric K\"ahler manifold. Fix a toric submanifold YY and denote by ρ^tk:XR\hat{\rho}_{tk}:X\to \mathbb{R} the partial density function corresponding to the partial Bergman kernel projecting smooth sections of LkL^k onto holomorphic sections of LkL^k that vanish to order at least tktk along YY, for fixed t>0t>0 such that tkNtk\in \mathbb{N}. We prove the existence of a distributional expansion of ρ^tk\hat{\rho}_{tk} as kk\to \infty, including the identification of the coefficient of kn1k^{n-1} as a distribution on XX. This expansion is used to give a direct proof that if ω\omega has constant scalar curvature, then (X,L)(X, L) must be slope semi-stable with respect to YY. Similar results are also obtained for more general partial density functions. These results have analogous applications to the study of toric K-stability of toric varieties.Comment: Accepted by Mathematische Annalen on 13 September 201

    Measurement of absolute transition frequencies of 87Rb to nS and nD Rydberg states by means of electromagnetically induced transparency

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    We report the measurement of absolute excitation frequencies of 87Rb to nS and nD Rydberg states. The Rydberg transition frequencies are obtained by observing electromagnetically induced transparency on a rubidium vapor cell. The accuracy of the measurement of each state is < 1 MHz, which is achieved by frequency stabilizing the two diode lasers employed for the spectroscopy to a frequency comb and a frequency comb calibrated wavelength meter, respectively. Based on the spectroscopic data we determine the quantum defects of 87Rb, and compare it with previous measurements on 85Rb. We determine the ionization frequency from the 5S1/2(F=1) ground state of 87Rb to 1010.0291646(3) THz, providing the binding energy of the ground state with an accuracy improved by two orders of magnitude

    An observable entanglement measure for unknown mixed quantum states

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    We show how an unknown mixed quantum state's entanglement can be quantified by a suitable, local parity measurement on its two-fold copy.Comment: in press in PR

    Next to leading order evolution of SIDIS processes in the forward region

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    We compute the order αs2\alpha_s^2 quark initiated corrections to semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering extending the approach developed recently for the gluon contributions. With these corrections we complete the order αs2\alpha_s^2 QCD description of these processes, verifying explicitly the factorization of collinear singularities. We also obtain the corresponding NLO evolution kernels, relevant for the scale dependence of fracture functions. We compare the non-homogeneous evolution effects driven by these kernels with those obtained at leading order accuracy and discuss their phenomenological implications.Comment: 18 pages, 4 ps figures, uses revtex4 and feynmf. Accepted for publication in Nuclear Physics

    Transport through a quantum dot with excitonic dot-lead coupling

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    We study the effect of a dot-lead interaction on transport through a quantum dot hybridized to two semi-infinite Luttinger-liquid leads. A bosonization approach is applied to treat the interaction between charge fluctuations on the dot and the dynamically generated image charge in the leads. The nonequilibrium distribution function of the dot and the tunneling current are computed within a master-equation approach. The presence of the excitonic dot-lead coupling is found to enhance transport in the vicinity of the Coulomb-blockade threshold. This behavior is in contrast to the usual power-law suppression of electronic tunneling which is found if this interaction is ignored.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Polarization singularities from unfolding an optical vortex through a birefringent crystal

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    Optical vortices (nodal lines and phase singularities) are the generic singularities of scalar optics but are unstable in vector optics. We investigate experimentally and theoretically the unfolding of a uniformly polarized optical vortex beam on propagation through a birefringent crystal and characterize the output field in terms of polarization singularities (C lines and points of circular polarization; L surfaces and lines of linear polarization). The field is described both in the 2-dimensional transverse plane, and in three dimensions, where the third is abstract, representing an optical path length propagated through the crystal. Many phenomena of singular optics, such as topological charge conservation and singularity reconnections, occur naturally in the description