1,600 research outputs found

    Optimal Tc_c of cuprates: role of screening and reservoir layers

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    We explore the role of charge reservoir layers (CRLs) on the superconducting transition temperature of cuprate superconductors. Specifically, we study the effect of CRLs with efficient short distance dielectric screening coupled capacitively to copper oxide metallic layers. We argue that dielectric screening at short distances and at frequencies of the order of the superconducting gap, but small compared to the Fermi energy can significantly enhance Tc_c, the transition temperature of an unconventional superconductor. We discuss the relevance of our qualitative arguments to a broader class of unconventional superconductors.Comment: 8 Pages, 4 figure

    Canonical representation for electrons and its application to the Hubbard model

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    A new representation for electrons is introduced, in which the electron operators are written in terms of a spinless fermion and the Pauli operators. This representation is canonical, invertible and constraint-free. Importantly, it simplifies the Hubbard interaction. On a bipartite lattice, the Hubbard model is reduced to a form in which the exchange interaction emerges simply by decoupling the Pauli subsystem from the spinless fermion bath. This exchange correctly reproduces the large UU superexchange. Also derived, for U=±∞U=\pm\infty, is the Hamiltonian to study Nagaoka ferromagnetism. In this representation, the infinite-UU Hubbard problem becomes elegant and easier to handle. Interestingly, the ferromagnetism in Hubbard model is found to be related to the gauge invariance of the spinless fermions. Generalization of this representation for the multicomponent fermions, a new representation for bosons, the notion of a `soft-core' fermion, and some interesting unitary transformations are introduced and discussed in the appendices.Comment: 10+ pages, 3 Figure

    AUFX-O: Novel Methods for the Representation of Audio Processing Workflows

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    Magnetism, coherent many-particle dynamics, and relaxation with ultracold bosons in optical superlattices

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    We study how well magnetic models can be implemented with ultracold bosonic atoms of two different hyperfine states in an optical superlattice. The system is captured by a two-species Bose-Hubbard model, but realizes in a certain parameter regime actually the physics of a spin-1/2 Heisenberg magnet, describing the second order hopping processes. Tuning of the superlattice allows for controlling the effect of fast first order processes versus the slower second order ones. Using the density-matrix renormalization-group method, we provide the evolution of typical experimentally available observables. The validity of the description via the Heisenberg model, depending on the parameters of the Hubbard model, is studied numerically and analytically. The analysis is also motivated by recent experiments [S. Foelling et al., Nature 448, 1029 (2007); S. Trotzky et al., Sience 319, 295 (2008)] where coherent two-particle dynamics with ultracold bosonic atoms in isolated double wells were realized. We provide theoretical background for the next step, the observation of coherent many-particle dynamics after coupling the double wells. Contrary to the case of isolated double wells, relaxation of local observables can be observed. The tunability between the Bose-Hubbard model and the Heisenberg model in this setup could be used to study experimentally the differences in equilibration processes for nonintegrable and Bethe ansatz integrable models. We show that the relaxation in the Heisenberg model is connected to a phase averaging effect, which is in contrast to the typical scattering driven thermalization in nonintegrable models. We discuss the preparation of magnetic groundstates by adiabatic tuning of the superlattice parameters.Comment: 20 pages, 24 figures; minor changes, published versio

    Low-energy properties of two-dimensional quantum triangular antiferromagnets: Non-perturbative renormalization group approach

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    We explore low temperature properties of quantum triangular Heisenberg antiferromagnets in two dimension in the vicinity of the quantum phase transition at zero temperature. Using the effective field theory described by the SO(3)×SO(2)/SO(2)SO(3)\times SO(2)/SO(2) matrix Ginzburg-Landau-Wilson model and the non-perturbative renormalization group method, we clarify how quantum and thermal fluctuations affect long-wavelength behaviors in the parameter region where the systems exhibit a fluctuation-driven first order transition to a long-range ordered state. We show that at finite temperatures the crossover from a quantum ϕ6\phi^6 theory to a renormalized two-dimensional classical nonlinear sigma model region appears, and in this crossover region, massless fluctuation modes with linear dispersion a la spin waves govern low-energy physics. Our results are in good agreement with the recent experimental observations for the two-dimensional triangular Heisenberg spin system, NiGa2_2S4_4.Comment: 14 pages,7 figures, version accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Isentropic Curves at Magnetic Phase Transitions

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    Experiments on cold atom systems in which a lattice potential is ramped up on a confined cloud have raised intriguing questions about how the temperature varies along isentropic curves, and how these curves intersect features in the phase diagram. In this paper, we study the isentropic curves of two models of magnetic phase transitions- the classical Blume-Capel Model (BCM) and the Fermi Hubbard Model (FHM). Both Mean Field Theory (MFT) and Monte Carlo (MC) methods are used. The isentropic curves of the BCM generally run parallel to the phase boundary in the Ising regime of low vacancy density, but intersect the phase boundary when the magnetic transition is mainly driven by a proliferation of vacancies. Adiabatic heating occurs in moving away from the phase boundary. The isentropes of the half-filled FHM have a relatively simple structure, running parallel to the temperature axis in the paramagnetic phase, and then curving upwards as the antiferromagnetic transition occurs. However, in the doped case, where two magnetic phase boundaries are crossed, the isentrope topology is considerably more complex

    Electric field response of strongly correlated one-dimensional metals: a Bethe-Ansatz density functional theory study

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    We present a theoretical study on the response properties to an external electric field of strongly correlated one-dimensional metals. Our investigation is based on the recently developed Bethe-Ansatz local density approximation (BALDA) to the density functional theory formulation of the Hubbard model. This is capable of describing both Luttinger liquid and Mott-insulator correlations. The BALDA calculated values for the static linear polarizability are compared with those obtained by numerically accurate methods, such as exact (Lanczos) diagonalization and the density matrix renormalization group, over a broad range of parameters. In general BALDA linear polarizabilities are in good agreement with the exact results. The response of the exact exchange and correlation potential is found to point in the same direction of the perturbing potential. This is well reproduced by the BALDA approach, although the fine details depend on the specific parameterization for the local approximation. Finally we provide a numerical proof for the non-locality of the exact exchange and correlation functional.Comment: 8 pages and 8 figure

    Interaction Effect in the Kondo Energy of the Periodic Anderson-Hubbard Model

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    We extend the periodic Anderson model by switching on a Hubbard UdU_d for the conduction electrons. The nearly integral valent (Kondo) limit of the Anderson--Hubbard model is studied with the Gutzwiller variational method. The new formula for the Kondo energy contains the UdU_d-dependent chemical potential of the Hubbard subsystem in the exponent, and the correlation-induced band narrowing in the prefactor. Both effects tend to suppress the Kondo scale, which can be understood to result from the blocking of hybridization (this behaviour is the opposite of that found for Kondo--Hubbard models). At half-filling, we find a Brinkman--Rice-type transition which leads from a small-gap Kondo insulator to a Mott insulator.Comment: 4 pages (ReVTeX), submitted for publicatio

    Morphologies of three-dimensional shear bands in granular media

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    We present numerical results on spontaneous symmetry breaking strain localization in axisymmetric triaxial shear tests of granular materials. We simulated shear band formation using three-dimensional Distinct Element Method with spherical particles. We demonstrate that the local shear intensity, the angular velocity of the grains, the coordination number, and the local void ratio are correlated and any of them can be used to identify shear bands, however the latter two are less sensitive. The calculated shear band morphologies are in good agreement with those found experimentally. We show that boundary conditions play an important role. We discuss the formation mechanism of shear bands in the light of our observations and compare the results with experiments. At large strains, with enforced symmetry, we found strain hardening.Comment: 6 pages 5 figures, low resolution figures
