9,980 research outputs found

    Systematic Inclusion of High-Order Multi-Spin Correlations for the Spin-121\over2 XXZXXZ Models

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    We apply the microscopic coupled-cluster method (CCM) to the spin-121\over2 XXZXXZ models on both the one-dimensional chain and the two-dimensional square lattice. Based on a systematic approximation scheme of the CCM developed by us previously, we carry out high-order {\it ab initio} calculations using computer-algebraic techniques. The ground-state properties of the models are obtained with high accuracy as functions of the anisotropy parameter. Furthermore, our CCM analysis enables us to study their quantum critical behavior in a systematic and unbiased manner.Comment: (to appear in PRL). 4 pages, ReVTeX, two figures available upon request. UMIST Preprint MA-000-000

    Direct calculation of the spin stiffness on square, triangular and cubic lattices using the coupled cluster method

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    We present a method for the direct calculation of the spin stiffness by means of the coupled cluster method. For the spin-half Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the square, the triangular and the cubic lattices we calculate the stiffness in high orders of approximation. For the square and the cubic lattices our results are in very good agreement with the best results available in the literature. For the triangular lattice our result is more precise than any other result obtained so far by other approximate method.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Oscillating elastic defects: competition and frustration

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    We consider a dynamical generalization of the Eshelby problem: the strain profile due to an inclusion or "defect" in an isotropic elastic medium. We show that the higher the oscillation frequency of the defect, the more localized is the strain field around the defect. We then demonstrate that the qualitative nature of the interaction between two defects is strongly dependent on separation, frequency and direction, changing from "ferromagnetic" to "antiferromagnetic" like behavior. We generalize to a finite density of defects and show that the interactions in assemblies of defects can be mapped to XY spin-like models, and describe implications for frustration and frequency-driven pattern transitions.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    The ac-Driven Motion of Dislocations in a Weakly Damped Frenkel-Kontorova Lattice

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    By means of numerical simulations, we demonstrate that ac field can support stably moving collective nonlinear excitations in the form of dislocations (topological solitons, or kinks) in the Frenkel-Kontorova (FK) lattice with weak friction, which was qualitatively predicted by Bonilla and Malomed [Phys. Rev. B{\bf 43}, 11539 (1991)]. Direct generation of the moving dislocations turns out to be virtually impossible; however, they can be generated initially in the lattice subject to an auxiliary spatial modulation of the on-site potential strength. Gradually relaxing the modulation, we are able to get the stable moving dislocations in the uniform FK lattice with the periodic boundary conditions, provided that the driving frequency is close to the gap frequency of the linear excitations in the uniform lattice. The excitations have a large and noninteger index of commensurability with the lattice (suggesting that its actual value is irrational). The simulations reveal two different types of the moving dislocations: broad ones, that extend, roughly, to half the full length of the periodic lattice (in that sense, they cannot be called solitons), and localized soliton-like dislocations, that can be found in an excited state, demonstrating strong persistent internal vibrations. The minimum (threshold) amplitude of the driving force necessary to support the traveling excitation is found as a function of the friction coefficient. Its extrapolation suggests that the threshold does not vanish at the zero friction, which may be explained by radiation losses. The moving dislocation can be observed experimentally in an array of coupled small Josephson junctions in the form of an {\it inverse Josephson effect}, i.e., a dc-voltage response to the uniformly applied ac bias current.Comment: Plain Latex, 13 pages + 9 PostScript figures. to appear on Journal of Physics: condensed matte

    An extension of the coupled-cluster method: A variational formalism

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    A general quantum many-body theory in configuration space is developed by extending the traditional coupled cluter method (CCM) to a variational formalism. Two independent sets of distribution functions are introduced to evaluate the Hamiltonian expectation. An algebraic technique for calculating these distribution functions via two self-consistent sets of equations is given. By comparing with the traditional CCM and with Arponen's extension, it is shown that the former is equivalent to a linear approximation to one set of distribution functions and the later is equivalent to a random-phase approximation to it. In additional to these two approximations, other higher-order approximation schemes within the new formalism are also discussed. As a demonstration, we apply this technique to a quantum antiferromagnetic spin model.Comment: 15 pages. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Statistical Mechanics of Kinks in (1+1)-Dimensions: Numerical Simulations and Double Gaussian Approximation

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    We investigate the thermal equilibrium properties of kinks in a classical \F^4 field theory in 1+11+1 dimensions. From large scale Langevin simulations we identify the temperature below which a dilute gas description of kinks is valid. The standard dilute gas/WKB description is shown to be remarkably accurate below this temperature. At higher, ``intermediate'' temperatures, where kinks still exist, this description breaks down. By introducing a double Gaussian variational ansatz for the eigenfunctions of the statistical transfer operator for the system, we are able to study this region analytically. In particular, our predictions for the number of kinks and the correlation length are in agreement with the simulations. The double Gaussian prediction for the characteristic temperature at which the kink description ultimately breaks down is also in accord with the simulations. We also analytically calculate the internal energy and demonstrate that the peak in the specific heat near the kink characteristic temperature is indeed due to kinks. In the neighborhood of this temperature there appears to be an intricate energy sharing mechanism operating between nonlinear phonons and kinks.Comment: 28 pages (8 Figures not included, hard-copies available), Latex, LA-UR-93-276

    Statistical Mechanics of Kinks in (1+1)-Dimensions

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    We investigate the thermal equilibrium properties of kinks in a classical Ï•4\phi^4 field theory in 1+11+1 dimensions. The distribution function, kink density, and correlation function are determined from large scale simulations. A dilute gas description of kinks is shown to be valid below a characteristic temperature. A double Gaussian approximation to evaluate the eigenvalues of the transfer operator enables us to extend the theoretical analysis to higher temperatures where the dilute gas approximation fails. This approach accurately predicts the temperature at which the kink description breaks down.Comment: 8 pages, Latex (4 figures available on request), LA-UR-92-399

    Unitarity potentials and neutron matter at the unitary limit

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    We study the equation of state of neutron matter using a family of unitarity potentials all of which are constructed to have infinite 1S0^1S_0 scattering lengths asa_s. For such system, a quantity of much interest is the ratio ξ=E0/E0free\xi=E_0/E_0^{free} where E0E_0 is the true ground-state energy of the system, and E0freeE_0^{free} is that for the non-interacting system. In the limit of as→±∞a_s\to \pm \infty, often referred to as the unitary limit, this ratio is expected to approach a universal constant, namely ξ∼0.44(1)\xi\sim 0.44(1). In the present work we calculate this ratio ξ\xi using a family of hard-core square-well potentials whose asa_s can be exactly obtained, thus enabling us to have many potentials of different ranges and strengths, all with infinite asa_s. We have also calculated ξ\xi using a unitarity CDBonn potential obtained by slightly scaling its meson parameters. The ratios ξ\xi given by these different unitarity potentials are all close to each other and also remarkably close to 0.44, suggesting that the above ratio ξ\xi is indifferent to the details of the underlying interactions as long as they have infinite scattering length. A sum-rule and scaling constraint for the renormalized low-momentum interaction in neutron matter at the unitary limit is discussed.Comment: 7.5 pages, 7 figure

    Dynamic charge correlations near the Peierls transition

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    The quantum phase transition between a repulsive Luttinger liquid and an insulating Peierls state is studied in the framework of the one-dimensional spinless Holstein model. We focus on the adiabatic regime but include the full quantum dynamics of the phonons. Using continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo simulations, we track in particular the dynamic charge structure factor and the single-particle spectrum across the transition. With increasing electron-phonon coupling, the dynamic charge structure factor reveals the emergence of a charge gap, and a clear signature of phonon softening at the zone boundary. The single-particle spectral function evolves continuously across the transition. Hybridization of the charge and phonon modes of the Luttinger liquid description leads to two modes, one of which corresponds to the coherent polaron band. This band acquires a gap upon entering the Peierls phase, whereas the other mode constitutes the incoherent, high-energy spectrum with backfolded shadow bands. Coherent polaronic motion is a direct consequence of quantum lattice fluctuations. In the strong-coupling regime, the spectrum is described by the static, mean-field limit. Importantly, whereas finite electron density in general leads to screening of polaron effects, the latter reappear at half filling due to charge ordering and lattice dimerization.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, final versio
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