425 research outputs found

    A Combinatorial Proof of Vandermonde\u27s Determinant

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    Correlations between resonances in a statistical scattering model

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    The distortion of the regular motion in a quantum system by its coupling to the continuum of decay channels is investigated. The regular motion is described by means of a Poissonian ensemble. We focus on the case of only few channels K<10. The coupling to the continuum induces two main effects, due to which the distorted system differs from a chaotic system (described by a Gaussian ensemble): 1. The width distribution for large coupling becomes broader than the corresponding χK2\chi^2_K distribution in the GOE case. 2. Due to the coupling to the continuum, correlations are induced not only between the positions of the resonances but also between positions and widths. These correlations remain even in the strong coupling limit. In order to explain these results, an asymptotic expression for the width distribution is derived for the one channel case. It relates the width of a trapped resonance state to the distance between its two neighboring levels.Comment: 23 pages, 7 Postscript figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. E, Jan. 9

    Comments on ``A note on first-order formalism and odd-derivative actions'' by S. Deser

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    We argue that the obstacles to having a first-order formalism for odd-derivative actions presented in a pedagogical note by Deser are based on examples which are not first-order forms of the original actions. The general derivation of an equivalent first-order form of the original second-order action is illustrated using the example of topologically massive electrodynamics (TME). The correct first-order formulations of the TME model keep intact the gauge invariance presented in its second-order form demonstrating that the gauge invariance is not lost in the Ostrogradsky process.Comment: 6 pages, references are adde

    Quantum Phase and Quantum Phase Operators: Some Physics and Some History

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    After reviewing the role of phase in quantum mechanics, I discuss, with the aid of a number of unpublished documents, the development of quantum phase operators in the 1960's. Interwoven in the discussion are the critical physics questions of the field: Are there (unique) quantum phase operators and are there quantum systems which can determine their nature? I conclude with a critique of recent proposals which have shed new light on the problem.Comment: 19 pages, 2 Figs. taken from published articles, LaTeX, to be published in Physica Scripta, Los Alamos preprint LA-UR-92-352

    Two Mathematically Equivalent Versions of Maxwell's Equations

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    This paper is a review of the canonical proper-time approach to relativistic mechanics and classical electrodynamics. The purpose is to provide a physically complete classical background for a new approach to relativistic quantum theory. Here, we first show that there are two versions of Maxwell's equations. The new version fixes the clock of the field source for all inertial observers. However now, the (natural definition of the effective) speed of light is no longer an invariant for all observers, but depends on the motion of the source. This approach allows us to account for radiation reaction without the Lorentz-Dirac equation, self-energy (divergence), advanced potentials or any assumptions about the structure of the source. The theory provides a new invariance group which, in general, is a nonlinear and nonlocal representation of the Lorentz group. This approach also provides a natural (and unique) definition of simultaneity for all observers. The corresponding particle theory is independent of particle number, noninvariant under time reversal (arrow of time), compatible with quantum mechanics and has a corresponding positive definite canonical Hamiltonian associated with the clock of the source. We also provide a brief review of our work on the foundational aspects of the corresponding relativistic quantum theory. Here, we show that the standard square-root and the Dirac equations are actually two distinct spin-12\tfrac{1}{2} particle equations.Comment: Appeared: Foundations of Physic

    Brans-Dicke corrections to the gravitational Sagnac effect

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    The {\it exact} formulation for the effect of the Brans-Dicke scalar field on the gravitational corrections to the Sagnac delay in the Jordan and Einstein frames is presented for the first time. The results completely agree with the known PPN factors in the weak field region. The calculations also reveal how the Brans-Dicke coupling parameter (appears in various correction terms for different types of source/observer orbits. A first order correction of roughly 2.83 x 10^{-1} fringe shift for visible light is introduced by the gravity-scalar field combination for Earth bound equatorial orbits. It is also demonstrated that the final predictions in the two frames do not differ. The effect of the scalar field on the geodetic and Lense-Thirring precession of a spherical gyroscope in circular polar orbit around the Earth is also computed with an eye towards the Stanford Gravity Probe-B experiment currently in progress. The feasibility of optical and matter-wave interferometric measurements is discussed briefly.Comment: 35 pages, 2 figures, pdf (from MSWord), accepted Physical Review D, January 2001. (revised from June 25, 2000 version
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