22 research outputs found

    Hierarchical ZSM‐5 catalysts: The effect of different intracrystalline pore dimensions on catalyst deactivation behaviour in the MTO reaction

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    We present the effect of different combinations of intracrystalline pore systems in hierarchical ZSM‐5 zeolites on their performance as MTO catalysts. We prepared ZSM‐5 zeolites with additional intracrystalline mesoporous, intracrystalline macropores and a novel ZSM‐5 type zeolite with intracrystalline meso and macropores. The catalytic results showed that both used catalysts with mesopores and macropores exhibited three times longer catalyst lifetime compared to a conventional catalyst. However, TGA analysis of the deactivated catalysts showed much larger coke content in the mesoporous catalyst than in the macroporous catalyst. Consequently, macropores predominantly led to reduced coke formation rate while additional mesopores predominantly enhanced the resistance against deactivation by coke. Combining both intracrystalline meso and macropores in one catalyst lead to a tenfold increase in catalyst lifetime. Besides the effect on the catalyst lifetime there was also a strong effect of the additional pore systems on the selectivity of the catalysts. The catalysts containing mesopores showed reduced selectivity to short chain olefins and increased selectivity to larger hydrocarbons in comparison to the catalysts without a mesopores system

    Synthesis and Characterisation of Hierarchically Structured Titanium Silicalite‐1 Zeolites with Large Intracrystalline Macropores

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    The successful synthesis of hierarchically structured titanium silicalite‐1 (TS‐1) with large intracrystalline macropores by steam‐assisted crystallisation of mesoporous silica particles is reported. The macropore topology was imaged in 3D by using electron tomography and synchrotron radiation‐based ptychographic X‐ray computed tomography, revealing interconnected macropores within the crystals accounting for about 30 % of the particle volume. The study of the macropore formation mechanism revealed that the mesoporous silica particles act as a sacrificial macropore template during the synthesis. Silicon‐to‐titanium ratio of the macroporous TS‐1 samples was successfully tuned from 100 to 44. The hierarchically structured TS‐1 exhibited high activity in the liquid phase epoxidation of 2‐octene with hydrogen peroxide. The hierarchically structured TS‐1 surpassed a conventional nano‐sized TS‐1 sample in terms of alkene conversion and showed comparable selectivity to the epoxide. The flexible synthesis route described here can be used to prepare hierarchical zeolites with improved mass transport properties for other selective oxidation reactions

    Augmenting the Eye of the Beholder: Exploring the Strategic Potential of Augmented Reality to Enhance Online Service Experiences

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    Driven by the proliferation of augmented reality (AR) technologies, many firms are pursuing a strategy of service augmentation to enhance customers’ online service experiences. Drawing on situated cognition theory, the authors show that AR - based service augmentation enhances customer value perceptions by simultaneously providing simulated physical control and environmental embedding. The resulting authentic situated experience, manifested in a feeling of spatial presence, funct ions as a mediator and also predicts customer decision comfort. Furthermore, the effect of spatial presence on utilitarian value perceptions is greater for customers who are disposed toward verbal rather than visual information processing, and the positive effect on decision comfort is attenuated by customers’ privacy concerns