45 research outputs found

    The Patient’s and the Therapist’s Evaluation of Complete Denture Therapy

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    A total of 222 patients were studied. In a questionnaire patients graded their complete dentures of different age and quality, depending on the level of satisfaction, using the modified analogue-visual scale from 1 to 5. The dentist assessed the same dentures, as well as the denture bearing area. The patients’ assessments were surprisingly high, the grades were bigger than the therapist’s (p < 0.05), but in disappointed patients the grades were smaller than the therapist’s (p < 0.05). It seems that the dentist is more critical in assessments than the patient. No significant difference existed between chewing and denture stability and between stability and the comfort of wearing lower full denture (p > 0.05). Unstable denture aggravates chewing and causes pain and discomfort on the bearing area. It seems that subjective factors in patients, expectations of the denture or the number of previous dentures play a role in satisfaction, not only the quality of denture bearing area and the quality of a denture

    Locomotor system of pigs as a health problem in sows and boars

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    The problems with the musculoskeletal system in all categories of pigs are common at industrial swine farms representing one of the major issues leading to exclusion of sows and boars from the production process. Topographic-anatomic relationships of bone and joint system of pigs make the diagnosis diffi cult in cases of illness affecting the upper parts of the limbs, pelvis and spine. In most cases, the presenting clinical sign is lameness, the cause of which can be determined only by a careful clinical examination. Lameness is a multifactorial problem that includes nutrition, poor horn quality, trauma, infection scale of housing and walking surface. At two industrial swine farms, presence of disease of locomotor systems was monitored in sows and boars. Occurrence of mechanical lesions in distal parts of limbs that are probably incurred as a result of inadequate storage space was established. Occurrence of arthritis in large number of animals was also established. The appearance of aseptic pododermatitis was also represented. Disorders of the locomotion system in the boars imported from the European Union were also followed at the farm. Of the 40 imported boars, annually between 6 and 7 boars develop acropodial problems. Over a year 3-4 boars are excluded from the reproduction due to the above problems. In most of boars problems occur after the fi rst jump as result of weak cartilage ossifi cation of the femoral bone, as a condition resulting from disturbed calcium, phosphorous and vitamin D ratio. Locomotion system diseases in sows and boars cause economic losses at pig farms.Proceeding

    Cryptic species in a well-known habitat: applying taxonomics to the amphipod genus Epimeria (Crustacea, Peracarida)

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    Taxonomy plays a central role in biological sciences. It provides a communication system for scientists as it aims to enable correct identification of the studied organisms. As a consequence, species descriptions should seek to include as much available information as possible at species level to follow an integrative concept of ‘taxonomics’. Here, we describe the cryptic species Epimeria frankei sp. nov. from the North Sea, and also redescribe its sister species, Epimeria cornigera. The morphological information obtained is substantiated by DNA barcodes and complete nuclear 18S rRNA gene sequences. In addition, we provide, for the first time, full mitochondrial genome data as part of a metazoan species description for a holotype, as well as the neotype. This study represents the first successful implementation of the recently proposed concept of taxonomics, using data from highthroughput technologies for integrative taxonomic studies, allowing the highest level of confidence for both biodiversity and ecological research

    A Review of Serbian Parametric Speech Synthesis Based on Deep Neural Networks

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    In this paper the research related to the development of a deep neural network based speech synthesizer for the Serbian language, trained on recorded utterances of a single female voice talent, is described. Two separate networks are used for prediction of acoustic features and phonetic segment durations. Through a set of experiments the optimal values of the hyper-parameters of the neural networks are established, and then the influence of the amount of training data on the quality of synthesized speech is examined. The quality is evaluated through objective measures as well as appropriate listening tests. It has been confirmed that 4-layer deep neural networks with 512 units per hidden layer, trained on 3 hours of data, produce speech of very good quality. The results also suggest that a further increase in the amount of training data may contribute to further improvement in quality

    Effect of lead contamination of maize seed on its biological properties

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    Effect of treatment of seed with various lead concentrations (0, 10-5, 10-4, 10-3, and 10-2 mol/dm3) on accumulation and distribution of lead (Pb) in seedling, seed germination, seedling growth, and mobilization of mineral matter during seed germination was investigated. Content of Pb in the root and the shoot indicates that seeds imbibed in solutions of various Pb concentrations took up Pb intensively. Content of Pb in the root and the shoot increased with increase of Pb concentration and it was much larger in the root than in the shoot. Contrary to this, the accumulation coefficient was greater in the shoot than in the root. Treatment of seed with Pb did not significantly affect its biological properties. Increase of Pb concentration decreased germination ability, germination energy, and percentage of typical seedlings, while increasing the number of atypical seedlings and non-germinated seeds. Contamination of seed by Pb did not affect the dry matter mass and the growth of young plants shoots, while the length of the primary root, the mesocotyl root as well as the root mass at the highest Pb concentration, significantly decreased. Translocation of mobilized mineral matter from the seed during germination and growth of young plants into the root and shoot was specific, depending on elements. Only the implementation of the highest implemented Pb concentration affected mobilization and translocation of some elements. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that maize is characterized by significant tolerance to Pb contamination during seed germination and growth of seedlings

    Publisher: Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade-Zemun UDC 636.082 THE ROLE OF PH VALUES IN PORCINE REPRODUCTIVE TRACTS OF MALE AND FEMALE INDIVIDUALS**

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    **Original scientific paper Abstract: For а long time, in practice, and science, has been known that pH values of sperm and vagina are important for successful fertilization. In this investigation this fact was confirmed, and the goal was to investigate the role of pH values through whole reproductive tract of male and female individuals: testis, rete testis, epididymis, ductus deferens, Cowper’s gland, vesicula seminalis, prostata, corpus cavernosus, corpus spongiosus, epitel tissu

    Speaker Detection Using Phoneme Specific Hidden Markov Models

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    Native Mesorhizobium strains improve yield and nutrient composition of the common bird's-foot trefoil grown in an acid soil

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    10 Pág.Acid soils occupy more than 3.95 billion ha of the world soils, and finding an adequate solution for the limitation of crop production on these soils is indispensable. Using highly effective rhizobia tolerant to low pH enables successful nodulation and quality crop production of legumes in acid soils. In this study, isolation and characterization of native rhizobia associated with root nodules of bird's-foot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) from Serbia were conducted. Their effects on the plant yield and nutrient composition of bird's-foot trefoil grown in an acid soil (pH 5.4), in a pot experiment were evaluated. Out of 72 strains isolated, 40 could nodulate bird's-foot trefoil when reinoculated in the test tubes under gnotobiotic conditions, and 23 isolates showed high nitrogen-fixing efficiency. Overall, all isolates could grow well in medium with a pH between 4.5 and 8. Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) production was detected in all nodulating isolates and 24 could solubilize inorganic phosphates. The identification of selected isolates showed that all belong to Mesorhizobium genus (M. tianshanense, M. erdmanii, M. cantuariense, M. loti, M. jarvisii and M. caraganae). Four acid-tolerant isolates (1M12, 631oz, U1C, and 754) with high nitrogen-fixing efficiency in vitro and particular PGP traits were selected for the pot experiment with acid soil. All applied bacterial treatments (except 1M12) increased the shoot dry weight of bird's-foot trefoil plants (up to 50%), compared to the control. In addition, N uptake and N% were increased up to 20% by inoculation. All applied treatments influenced the concentrations and improved uptake of macro (P, K, Ca, and Mg) and micronutrients (Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Zn, and B) in the plant material. The obtained results indicated that satisfactory yield and mineral composition of L. corniculatus in acid soils could be achieved by inoculation with selected Mesorhizobium strains.This research was supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, under the contract numbers 451-03-9/2021-14/200011 and 451-03-9/2021-14/200178.Peer reviewe